
Facebook Analytics Guide


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Companies today rely on social platforms like Facebook. An analysis of your Facebook profile is essential to enhance your social media presence.

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Did you know that 74% use social media for helping them make buying decisions?

These tools help people find your brand and learn more about it. They also make your business stand out from the rest. To maximize these benefits, you should use Facebook Analytics to understand your audience better and create better campaigns.

This page will explain what Facebook Analytics is and its features. We’ll also discuss five key analytics that you can monitor using this program. 

Kobe Digital is an expert in Facebook analytics. Find out more about your profile’s performance today.

What is Facebook Analytics?

Facebook Analytics is a free analytics tool that allows you to understand how people interact and react to your content. This tool is an omnichannel one, meaning it can provide you with a deeper understanding of how people interact with your content across all channels, including Facebook, apps, pages, and other websites.

It is possible to learn about their interactions and how you can move between them.

These insights are based on Facebook’s 2.3 Billion users.

These insights will allow you to see the channels and devices your audience uses to find your company. This analysis reveals the entire interaction pathway that leads to conversion.

Facebook Analytics is an analytics platform that focuses on people.

This tool gives you a complete picture of your audience. This tool allows you to identify who is most interested in your business and how they interact with it. It also lets you know where you can improve to make them convert.

Facebook Analytics is an excellent tool that helps you better understand your audience so you can create more successful social media campaigns. This will give you a better understanding of your audience so that you can create more effective campaigns.

Facebook Analytics Features

Facebook Analytics gives you access to many features that will help you better understand your audience.

Let’s look at some of these features.


You will be able to access demographic information, just like other analytics tools. You can view information such as age, gender, location, and many other details. These data categories provide valuable information that can reveal who is in your audience.

Although the demographic feature is not required by most analytics tools, it is a standard feature.

Effective campaigns are only possible if you know your audience. You can make campaigns that appeal to your audience, their interests, and their current needs if you get to know them better.

Report Journeys

Facebook Analytics’ most unique and important feature is the report of the journey.

This report will explain your Facebook insights. You can use the journeys report feature to get a complete view of how people interact on your business’ website, apps, Facebook pages, chatbots, and other platforms.

It is important to understand your audience’s path of interaction to determine how they interact with you.

It is important to determine if your audience begins the buying journey on mobile and ends it on desktop. Or if they only use your Facebook page and app. This report shows you how each person interacts online with your business.

This report will provide valuable insights for your business as it helps you understand the process of conversion. This report will help you create a more compelling campaign that helps you win more conversions.


If you have ever run a Facebook Ad you will know that Facebook offers some of the best targeting options.

Targeting people allows you to target them precisely. This makes it possible for you to reach the right people by using the appropriate advertisement. Segments allow you to group your audience using the same powerful filters.

Segments can be used to group your audience by demographics, channels, and traffic sources. Segments are a great tool that will help you understand how different groups interact with your business.

Facebook Analytics could be used to analyze which channels are getting the most activity and drive the most conversions. This allows you to design better campaigns that are more relevant to your audience and converts them.


Events are a great tool to understand how your audience uses your app, website, or other channels. Individual events are a way to measure what people do.

Facebook lets you create over 1000 custom events with as many as 25 parameters. You can be more specific about your activities so you can see if your audience takes the desired actions.

Facebook Analytics lets you set up different events to determine if your audience has completed the steps that are most important to your business.

You can create an event and watch your audience complete it, regardless of whether they download your app or sign up for your email list. Events give you an insight into your audience’s interactions with your business and brand.


The sales funnel is an essential tool for any business.

The sales funnel describes the process of people going from discovering your brand to becoming customers.

There are many potential leads at the top, which is the widest section of the funnel. It then trickles down the funnel until it reaches the bottom (the narrowest), where it converts a few people.

Facebook Analytics lets you set up a funnel to track how people move through a series of steps leading to conversion. It allows you to see the progression of people from discovering your brand, to adding items to their cart, and finally completing a purchase.

You can see how well your funnel is driving conversions for your business. It also allows you to see which areas of your funnel are slowing down people. This allows you to refine and define your strategy to increase leads and convert more people at the bottom of the funnel.


You can see how many people take two actions by creating a cohort. It is common to combine two actions to achieve a single goal.

You could, for example, create a cohort to track page views and registrations by email. This feature is fantastic because you can track how it changes over time and make adjustments. 

Let’s suppose you are setting up a cohort to receive email registrations and page views. You have noticed that your email subscriptions are low and you want more. You decide to change your email sign-up button’s color. You can see the effect of more page views on email registration when you look at your cohort. This cohort can help you understand how these changes impact a set of actions.


The revenue feature allows you to keep track of purchase activity and measure purchase behavior.

This feature allows you to see your income over time. This is a fantastic tool from Facebook Analytics. It allows you to track how your revenue changes when you make improvements to your funnel.

Your customer experience can impact your revenue.

Customers who don’t feel comfortable on your website are less likely to purchase from you. You can improve your funnel and increase conversions and revenue.

Facebook Analytics offers 4 metrics for monitoring

You must know the metrics to be followed if you want to learn how to use Facebook Analytics. Let’s look at four crucial metrics that can help you create better campaigns.

1. Active users

The total number of people who interact with your business each day or month is called active users. You can track active users and see the changes in your active users over time.

This feature allows you to track how active users change as products are improved or new marketing strategies are implemented. This activity can be measured across multiple channels.

Facebook Analytics has one of the most impressive features: it counts people and tracks them across different platforms. It uses Facebook Pixel for tracking people and their engagements.

Facebook Analytics considers a person who visits your website on both a mobile and desktop device as one person. Traditional marketing tools count this as two people because they use two different devices.

Facebook Analytics provides a better view of how many people visit different sites.

It’s an Omnichannel platform that allows you to view everything through the person and not the device. This platform can be extremely beneficial to your business as it allows you to understand the customer’s journey.

You can gain insight into your customers by monitoring active users. This will allow you to see which individuals are using your different properties.

2. Engagement

Another important metric to monitor is engagement.

Your users must engage with your business and get to know you.

You can use your engagement analytics to track how often people perform a particular action. You can track how people interact with your business’ various components, such as your app or website, regardless of whether they make a purchase or view a webpage.

Engagement can impact your ability to motivate people to take specific actions.

Facebook Analytics allows you to see how each person interacts and interacts with your company.

It is difficult to determine if a person has viewed the same thing multiple times using traditional analytics tools.

Facebook Analytics allows you to track individual users and monitor how they interact with your brand. This helps you to understand your customer’s journey and plan your campaigns to increase conversions.

3. Conversions

When you invest in digital marketing you are focused on getting your audience to convert.

You must create a clear way for your audience to buy from your business. Facebook Analytics allows you to create and track funnels that can be used to measure how people move through the purchase process.

Facebook Analytics has a unique feature that allows you to create ad-hoc channels that cross devices and channels. This feature can help your company understand how people use different channels.

You might find, for example, that the best way to convert is:

  1. Browsing a company’s desktop site
  2. Mobile browsers allow you to visit a company’s website
  3. Check out your Facebook Page
  4. Purchase your App

This requires the use of multiple devices and channels.

Facebook Analytics lets you see where people go to convert. Most analytics tools focus on the number of channels visited, but not how many.

It boils down to this: You can see how many people took actions on one channel, and then take a second action on another channel. Cross-device monitoring is possible.

This method of tracking is more thorough for your business. It also helps you understand your audience better and the path they are on to conversion.

4. Retention

You want to retain the customers that you have gained. People want to return to your business and buy more of your products or services. Retaining customers is better than acquiring new ones.

It costs 10x more to win a new customer than to keep an existing customer. Your business will be more successful if you keep customers coming back to your products than trying to find new customers.

To keep people coming back to your business, you want to make sure that your marketing and advertising budget is being spent wisely. Facebook Analytics lets you monitor conversions to see if people are returning to your business.

This metric can be tracked to track the long-term health and performance of your company.

Facebook Analytics lets you see how many people return to your business or product after a set amount of time.

This will allow you to determine if your company is a value-adder. You can also see which segments of your customers stick around and make multiple purchase decisions using this analytics tool.

Analyzing retention will help you identify areas where you need to improve your marketing campaign to keep people coming back to your site and purchasing your products. 

Use Facebook Analytics to create better marketing campaigns for your audience

Facebook Analytics is one way to better understand and analyze your audience.

Integrating Facebook Analytics into your marketing campaigns will allow you to learn more about the journey of your audience toward conversion.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.