
The Real Effects Of Duplicates On Your Marketing Automation Platform


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A successful sales strategy works by gaining as many leads as possible and then converting them into customers.

The process is not easy. It can encounter all kinds of problems, with duplicates being the most difficult.

According to SiriusDecisions, it costs only $10 to clean up and dedupe records, but $100 if duplicate data is left in your database.

The total financial expense becomes overwhelming at $100 per record.

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What Are Duplicates?

Multiple entries for the same person in a CRM system or marketing automation software are called duplicates. Most marketers are unaware of the problem until it exceeds the database limit.

Deduping the data and going behind the limit lines is a good way to avoid duplicates. This can be complicated if you have duplicates in sales, CRM history, and people filling out different information.

Let’s talk about the possible consequences of duplicates in your CRM or automation platform.

Brand reputation damaged

Communication is key to ensuring that your lead data is organized and up-to-date. Contact data from customers is the main source of new and existing business. Duplicate data can lead to prospects being bombarded with numerous phone calls and emails. This can lead to a decrease in engagement strategies and can damage your brand reputation.

Inaccurate new names reporting

This is a common problem when adding new people to your database. However, it is not the same person. Inaccurate reporting of new names can lead to inefficient planning and business conclusions.

Inability to make informed decisions

Data-driven business decisions are always based on new, accurate, and current data. Duplicate data, on the other hand, can overstate your marketing efforts and lead to inaccurate conclusions.

Ineffective sales efforts

Marketing automation platforms are expensive because duplicates can build up and take up space in your database. Untargeted messaging and low click-through rates will lead to wasted financial resources when you run campaigns for duplicate leads.

Duplicates are a real cost in your CRM/Marketing Automation Platform

Duplicates can create unwanted scenarios for an organization. This is why duplicates can cause problems for an organization and a certain amount of effort must be spent to eliminate them.

Many sales reps are trained in finding duplicates before harnessing leads.

Your database will grow as your business expands. It’s impossible to make manual efforts. Marketing automation allows you to automate the removal of duplicates, which has become a major problem.

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About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.