
List Of Marketing Tools That Will Boost Your Business


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No matter how small or large your company is, online marketing can be a major investment. However, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Online marketing tools can take a lot of time to test.

How can you determine if you are investing your time and money on the right marketing tools to increase your revenue, convert leads, and keep your company thriving?

This article will discuss the top 15 online marketing tools to make your start smooth and successful. These tools can help you optimize your marketing and sales efforts, increase website engagement through interactive content, and more.

Let’s get into the details!

1. Trello

Trello is a new social network that appears to have just emerged for content marketing.

It’s actually an excellent organization tool that can help you and your online marketing.

Trello allows you to share and brainstorm ideas with your team members on one page.

Trello allows you to share blog posts before they are published. This allows your entire team to see the posts and weigh in on their comments before the piece goes live.

This tool can be used as a content planner, not a content scheduler. You can create notecards for articles, topics, marketing strategies, and other subjects that your team might focus on. Users can make notes, create guides, update project statuses, assign cards to individuals, and record them all on each card.

Trello is a powerful tool for content strategists looking to create their editorial calendar.

Trello is free to use and has tier pricing that can reach $42+ per monthly for businesses.

2. Hootsuite

Social media is an integral part of the success of any brand regardless of size, industry, or age. This means that social media marketing must be a key component to digital success.

Hootsuite allows you to schedule social media posts ahead of time, which can save you lots of time.

Hootsuite offers many features that can help you start your business. These include those that support engagement. For instance, you can:

  • Find influencers and prospects to your sales team.
  • You can reply to the comments or mention it via the dashboard. There is no reason to visit each platform.
  • Leverage pre-written responses

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you rely on tools such as Hootsuite.

Hootsuite starts at $29 per Month and can go up as high as $599+ per Month depending on the pricing tiers.

3. Optimizely

Optimizely can help you optimize conversion rates.

Optimizely allows you to continually implement A/B tests and multivariate test on your online store to increase conversion rates and increase revenue. They improve their feature sets and are run under the slogan “experiment everywhere”. This supports server-side product experiments as well as deep personalization capabilities.

Their Experiment Engine would provide a solid workflow and knowledge management solution that will enable insight sharing and documentation.

This is a costly solution so it’s best suited to enterprise programs or people who are extremely concerned about conversion optimization. However, it’s the right one if you have the finances.

Price: Custom pricing

4. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo connects influential people with companies looking for partners. This tool is great for companies that aren’t sure how to reach their target audience. It allows users to search for top influencers in their area of expertise, and then to create affiliations.

BuzzSumo allows you to view past trends and mentions. Analytics can help you see what you should track and areas that you can improve.

You can also use the tool to determine which content is most frequently shared and referenced. It allows you to see who is interacting with it, what their followers are, and how you find their information. BuzzSumo can help you find the answers.

BuzzSumo prices start at $79 per Month

5. Moosend

Moosend offers a wide range of features, including landing pages, subscription forms, and marketing automation. Moosend’s main features include:

  • Pre-made email templates are available and an easy drag-and drop editor is available.
  • Advanced monitoring and automation options
  • Analytics and reporting are available to help you make more data-driven decisions

There are more than 80 integrations available with CRM, CMS, e-commerce and list validation. Salesforce, Facebook and Zapier are the most popular integrations.

Moosend allows users to create email newsletters, subscription forms or landing pages, while providing data that will help them make the right decision.

Prices: Moosend is free to use and can go up to $8+ per monthly depending on how many subscribers you have.

6. AVADA Marketing Automation

AVADA email marketing provides a full-stack solution for automating the process of converting leads into customers. This tool allows you to send automation emails of various types, including welcomes, cross-sell/up-sell emails and order/shipping confirmations/status emails.

Customers who abandon their cart during checkout will be impacted by this marketing tool. Customers who abandon their cart at the checkout step will receive an email reminding them to come back and complete their order. The number and time of emails that are sent can be adjusted by store owners based on customer behavior.

The app also includes pre-designed templates that can be used immediately. Users can create automated emails with the drag-and-drop editor without having to hire designers or developers.

Price: AVADA Email marketing starts at $9 per month, the Pro version costs $9 per month, and Enterprise pricing is available.

7. Canva

Canva subscription is for people who want web design to be easy and don’t have the budget for a full-time designer. Canva’s attractive drag-and drop features make it simple to use on mobile devices.

Canva’s design tools allow you to create logos, shapes and graphs. You can also customize fonts for your presentations. Employers can check the status of their employees’ projects by setting a deadline.

You can find tons of images in the library and access them at any time.

Canva is free for individuals, and $12.95 per calendar month for teams. Enterprise pricing can be negotiated.

8. SocialPilot

SocialPilot can be used by agencies and social media professionals to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. It allows you to manage social media accounts and schedule posts. You can also increase engagement and analyze the results.

SocialPilot also offers a separate platform that allows you to monitor all of your social media channels. It allows you to send up to 500 posts and link them with 100 social profiles using the same account. You can share your work with others, schedule updates and receive content recommendations.

This tool also guarantees smooth approval workflows for your teams and provides detailed analytics reports.

Price: SocialPilot provides a 14-day free trial and a variety of packages such as Agency, Small Team and Professional, starting at $25.50 per Month (billed annually). Enterprise pricing is also available.

9. Slack

Slack can be used as a collaborative messaging tool by your team. It can run “#channels”, which can also be divided by topic to ensure that important conversations about business topics are not interrupted by day-to-day discussions.

You can network and share your new content with powerful, relevant competitors in your industry through the use of themed slack groups.

Slack is an online marketing tool that’s easy to use and has many advanced features. Slack’s strong developer network means that you can likely find a Slack application for any goal you have.

You can also create your own Slack Apps – If you need to notify your teams about abnormal detections, transactions, or results of online experiments, creating a Slack App might be an option.

Price: Slack offers tiered pricing plans, starting at free and ending at $12.50/month.

10. Google Analytics

Analytics is a well-known tool that Google offers for free, and should be part of your online marketing strategy right from the start.

The Analytics code is easy to add to your website. This will allow you to track every visitor’s action.

Many people consider Google Analytics a traffic tool. But it can have an impact on your marketing campaign if they understand what you are doing.

Perhaps you discover that one particular social media campaign is driving a lot of traffic to your site. This information will allow you to adjust your strategy to achieve similar results. 

Maybe you are aware that certain keywords are doing well for your organic traffic. These keywords can be more important, so make sure to pay attention when writing content.

Google Analytics Standard Version is Free. Google Analytics 360 requires $150,000.

11. SendX

SendX allows you to reach your email subscribers and grow your audience.

SendX allows you to create email lists with email popups, landing pages and inline forms. Your forms can be tailored with pre-made themes or integrated with any other site.

The WYSIWYG editor allows you to create emails without having to know HTML. It uses pre-made templates, personalization and a countdown clock.

This will ensure that you are delivering the right message at the right time to the right people. Email drop sequences and audience segmentation will make it easy to automate your email marketing. The email campaigns can also be optimized according to more than 30 parameters such as domain name, time zone and pass open rates.

A heatmap report can also be used to provide an overview of which CTAs work and which links are being clicked on.

Each SendX paid plan allows you to send countless emails. There are no hidden charges or limitations.

Price: SendX costs $7.49 a month (billed annually for up to 1000 subscribers).

12. Autopilot

It is crucial to understand the customer’s conversion journey. Every customer is different and so are their buying habits. Autopilot’s dominant features allow you to group customers and create automated journeys that will help them. This makes it easy for customers to convert into leads.

Autopilot lets you plot your entire customer journey with drag-and-drop canvas. You can create a customized customer journey by setting conditions and actions for each trigger. This tool is a powerful way to understand and control your customer’s decision making process.

ShipMonk, for example, used Autopilot Insights to analyze customer journeys in detail and identify areas that could be improved. They also connected their sales team to Autopilot’s nurture journeys.

Pricing: The price for Autopilot starts at $49.00 per Month, and includes a free trial to beginners.

13. Clearbit

Data is everywhere today. But, marketers who are good at marketing understand the importance of quality data.

Clearbit understands what is important to you and updates your sales records with accurate and verified contact information. Segmented data will give you greater insight into potential customers and increase conversions.

The platform allows you to create segmented lists and smart lead scoring, which will ensure that you send the right message at the right time to the right people. This tool also allows you to send alerts when key contacts visit your website. 

Clearbit supports the conversion of new users and signups into complete user profiles.

Price: Contact Clearbit for pricing details.

14. Outgrow

Users seek quick answers to their problems or questions before they spend their money or time on products or services. What’s better than calculators and quizzes?

It’s fun and useful for users to take personality tests, use calculators that calculate their EMI, or participate in contest giveaways to see if they have won a freebie. Outgrow offers a variety of interactive elements you can easily integrate into your website.

Outgrow was used by MyBalto, a French ecommerce site for pets. Outgrow generated an activity calculator for dogs. This calculator allows users to calculate how many calories their dog requires by asking questions about the dog’s weight, height, breed, and age. The calculator also suggests products that may be suitable for their dog.

Price: Outgrow pricing starts from $14 per month (Freelancer plan) and can go up to $600 per mois (Business plan).

15. Pepipost

Pepipost allows businesses to send important emails like updates, notifications, or newsletters via a cloud-based service. Pepipost allows you to send millions of emails per an hour using their scalable servers. You can also access the most inboxes with their AI-optimized emailing.

There are many great features on the platform, including:

  • You can ensure quick email delivery and inboxing. This integration is possible with custom applications as well as open-source email marketing platforms like Mailtrain and Mautic.
  • To manage billing and quotas of different domains, you can create sub accounts.
  • Multi-user rights management is available to allow you to share the dashboard with no data protection
  • Provide an AI-optimized backend to help identify users most likely to engage, the ideal time to send and the optimal throughput to reach mailboxes without loading receiver server servers.

The APIs can be used to replace your current email delivery service. Their attentive support team can assist you with onboarding.

Pepipost’s pricing is tiered, based on email volume. Prices start at $25 per month for 150,000 messages.

16. Take a Survey at Any Place

Survey Anyplace optimizes the survey creation process by allowing you to create your surveys and customize them to fit your brand’s needs.

They are far more than a traditional survey creator. Instead, they optimized the survey experience for mobile so it is fast and easy. If desired, there’s a strong visual emphasis.

You can get more accurate data from your users. Surveys are a part of your strategy to increase conversion.

Price: Survey Anyplace is free and offers tiered pricing for up to $42+ per monthly for businesses.

17. WebinarJam

Webinars and videos are the most popular types of content right now. They are also the only content that can keep customers engaged for longer than 50 minutes. Webinars are also able to convert 19% viewers into customers .

WebinarJam has amazing features and training videos that will help you get the most out of . Users can also use the live chat option to quickly get answers to their questions.

WebinarJam also supports recording webinars and sending them out to those who missed them.

WebinarJam pricing starts from $499 per annum, including a free trial version.

The bottom line

Marketing is constantly changing. You will need to be looking for new trends and tools. But, are you able to keep up with them all? You probably can’t!

The best way to market your business is to use the most effective marketing tools that are appropriate for your company and have proven successful in similar businesses.

Are you familiar with these online marketing tools? If so, please comment below. Perhaps your experience can be helpful to other marketers.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.