
Email Follow-Up Responses: Ultimate Guide


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It is not fun to be forgotten or ignored. You never hear back.

You should never send another email, let alone reply.

This is something that I have seen many times. How to send a follow-up email after you receive no response?

1. Get Attention With Your Opening Line

Even though follow-up emails are an important part of any sales process, they can be misused. The reason why you didn’t get a response might be that the subject line wasn’t interesting enough.

If your email starts with a generic and boring subject line, your chances of getting a reply to your email are lower.

Do not use opening lines like

  • I just wanted to make sure it was working.
  • Touching base
  • Please check out
  • I would like to follow up

Your target may have a lot of follow-up emails. Instead, ask questions, make connections, or solve the prospect’s problem.

2. Be Passive-Aggressive!

It is important to not sound passive-aggressive in follow-up emails.

Take a look at the following email. 

While it is tempting to get aggressive when prospects don’t respond after a few calls or messages, making them feel guilty or offending won’t solve any problems. 

Instead, remind them politely about your offer and acknowledge that they might be busy.

3. Customize it to the Top-Level

It may seem obvious to send a second email. Perhaps you sent an email asking for feedback.

Personalization may be the solution to your no-response emails. Follow-up emails should include

  • Name the recipient. Personalize your greetings to make them feel special.
  • Ask questions or make statements that are related to the original message. This will prove that you have read and understood the original email.

4. Keep the follow-up emails short and sweet

Keep it brief – Follow-up emails should not be long. 

Make your follow-up emails Hemingway-like. Remove redundant or wordy sentences.

  • Please remind your recipient about the previous email.
  • Add CTA offers.
  • Ask for the contact information of the person you need to reach.

5. Ask Yourself if your first attempt had a clear CTA or purpose

An incorrect call to action may also cause you to not receive a reply to your initial email. If you don’t get a response, you could use the same CTA twice or three times, or four times more.

You can instead elaborate on your offer, suggest an alternate, or ask for further information. Humanized messages are more effective.

6. Find the Open-Me Subject line

You should track your email campaigns. This is a good rule of thumb in world marketing.

Be creative and unique when choosing a catchy topic. If you do, it could lead to lost trust.

Our Funny Subject Line Examples may be of interest to you.

7. Always follow up with

While it might seem simple to copy-paste follow-up emails from your inbox, this can increase your risk of your email being filtered or blocked as spam.

Modify the subject line for your follow-up email. Modify your opening line. Call to Action: Create new emails instead of continuing with the same thread.

8. Don’t try to trick yourself into the Open

Sending emails with subject lines like “Following up on a phone call” or “Regarding our last meeting” is not a good idea. 

It is not a good idea for recipients to open their emails. They will be confused and more likely to block your emails.

9. Forget about the last breakup email

Some people are passive-aggressive and send desperate business outreach emails. If you have tried to contact your prospect four times, you will have a lower chance of reaching them again.

Send a follow-up email if you don’t receive a reply.

It can be frustrating to spend hours creating an email that doesn’t get responded to. Marketers should continue trying with follow-up emails in case they don’t receive a response.

If you don’t receive a reply, these are the top reasons to send a second email.

1. You Did Your Homework

You became interested in the person whom you were emailing because of something they did. Keep in touch with them.

2. They Attracted Your Interest

It is important to show that you care when someone opens your email. This can help you grab their attention and possibly lead to sales.

3. It’s not personal

People are sometimes too busy or distracted by other things in life to respond. Send a follow-up email to let them know that you are still available.

Cold Outreach: Follow-up Email Examples

1. Recap of Previous Email

Hey, [Name],

We wish you a happy week.

I wanted to get back to you and hear your thoughts.


What are you thinking?

2. Find out if the person is the one to contact.

Hello [Name],

I am following up on an email that I received. I haven’t heard back from anyone.

Let me know the contact information for someone who is not in charge.


[Your Name]

3. Once you have sent the resources, follow up 

Hello [Name],

I hope everything is going well. Did you get a chance to look at the articles/resources/links I sent in my previous email?

I had a long list, so I decided to compile the best for you.

  • [Link 1) (Explain why this resource is important to the recipient.
  • [Link2] (Explain why this resource is important to the recipient.

Let’s talk about how we can make your business succeed. 


[Your Name]

The Most Commonly Asked Questions

What are you supposed to do before you take action?

Wait two to three days before following up on an email. Don’t send two follow-up emails in one day.

How many follow-up emails should you send?

Five follow-up emails are the best, according to a study. If you wait, you should send a second follow-up email.

What should you write in a follow-up email?

  • Call for action.
  • Clearly and concisely explain why you are emailing.
  • Call for action.


These are just some tips to make sure you send a follow-up email when you need it. 

These tips can help you reach people who haven’t responded.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.