
Pros And Cons For The Four Day Work Week


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Let’s start with what we’ll say at the end. A 4-day workweek is possible. Both for employees and companies.

This was once a dream for those who worked five or more days per week. It is possible to have a three-day weekend. It is the future of work.

There were several four-day workweek trials in various countries, including the UK, Iceland, New Zealand, New Zealand, and New Zealand.

Four-day work weeks increase employee satisfaction, teamwork, commitment, and company loyalty. They also decrease stress levels which can lead to better mental health. These companies also contributed to reducing their carbon footprints.

It’s even better that employees aren’t less productive or have a shorter work week.

How does the dream process work? What are the advantages of a four-day workweek in your agency? Continue reading to learn how.

What is a 4-Day Work Week?

Let’s begin with the basics. What is a 4-day workweek? You work four days a week and get a weekend off. Your salary remains the same. It does happen.

This is not a short work week. It is possible to complete all of the work that you have done in five days in just four days. The work hours are not reduced, but they are not compressed. An employee can earn one additional weekend day. This could be any day of the week, but it is most commonly Friday.

It is crucial to implement a 4-day work week to remain ahead of digital agencies in Los Angeles that demand talent. This allows you to attract more skilled employees, has a better work-life balance, and creates a happier, more equal work environment.

According to surveys, 63% found it easier for businesses to retain and attract talent by having a 4-day workweek. This model also makes employees happier and less stressed. There are some benefits to reducing work hours and increasing the number of weekends. These are just a few of the benefits.

Productivity Increase

Stanford University examined the relationship between productivity and work hours and found a direct correlation. Employees who work more than the average week may be less productive.

A four-day workweek in New Zealand allows employees to retain their productivity and shows improvements in teamwork, job satisfaction, work/life balance, and company loyalty. Employee stress levels dropped from 45% down to 38%.

Trials have shown success with the four-day workweek. For example, Iceland’s experiment with shorter working hours was a “remarkable success.” The country then decided to implement a permanent plan in 2021 for its public sector employees.

As the numbers show, productivity increases when there are fewer hours in the week. The average work hour in the most productive countries, such as Norway, Denmark, and Germany, is around 27 hours per week, which is similar to the 4-day work week for the UK.

Improved Employee Engagement

You can have happier, more contented, and more committed employees by having a 4-day work week. Employees will feel less stressed and can improve their mental health by taking a break and relaxing. They will feel refreshed and ready for new ideas when they return to work.

Sweden carried out a study about a shorter workweek from 2015 to 2017. The nurses worked just 6 hours per day, which is 30 hours per week. A shorter work week resulted in improved mental and physical well-being. They also arranged 85% more activities to be offered to patients under their care.

Employee turnover can be a major problem for businesses. You don’t want your dedicated and talented employees to go. They may be happier and more attached to their work if they work for four days a week. It will also be a competitive advantage for your business.

A smaller carbon footprint

A four-day workweek for nature and ecology can have a significant positive impact. It is a vital benefit in times of climate crisis.

A report published in May 2021 showed that a four-day workweek can dramatically reduce the UK’s annual carbon footprint.

The significant environmental impact of reducing work hours from five to four days per week was demonstrated in a trial in Utah.The project resulted in significant energy savings and a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Equal Workplace

Work-life is still gendered and women are still marginalized by many factors. The gender gap is being narrowed by the four-day workweek and shorter work hours.

According to the research, around 2 million people in the UK don’t work due to childcare responsibilities. 89% of these are women. Employees can have a 4-day work week to promote equality. They will be able to spend more time with their families, and their family responsibilities more effectively.

Another survey found that two-thirds agreed that work-life balance was the most important factor in overall satisfaction. A shorter workweek allows parents to manage work and family responsibilities.

Agencies with 4-Day Work Week

Numerous agencies have implemented, and continue to implement, a 4-day work week. They saw positive effects on their businesses. Their managers and employees often comment that their employees are happier and more productive. Let’s get to know some of them.

Punch Creative

To improve the work-life balance of their employees, the brand communications agency created a four-day workweek.

They believe an extended weekend encourages team members to pursue their creative pursuits.

Reducing work hours and days can increase company well-being, pleasure, and productivity without compromising profits. Three-day weekends are a great way to make employees happier and more productive. They also get to rest and recover.


It is a marketing agency in Miami that implements a 4-day work week without any salary cuts.

According to them, reducing the work hours at their agency has a huge positive effect. Mitchel White, Managing Director, says that there are no negatives to the agency’s four-day work week.

Mitchel White has written an article on how Rewards applied the model to their agency.


Bolt, a San Francisco-based company, launched a pilot program for 2021. They decided to make the shorter week model permanent. The company was the first to experiment with a four-day workweek.

CEO Ryan Breslow stated that the trial has shown that this model improves employee productivity and engagement.

Fifth Tribe

The other digital agency that has a 4-day work week is this one.

Khuram Ziman is the CEO. He says, “I’ve been amazed at how it has improved productivity.” The team is happier, more relaxed, and more focused when they arrive at work.

Brandware Group

Brandware Group is a market communications agency. It’s currently testing a 4-day workweek to see the positive effects of this model.

Jim Taylor is the VP for comms. He says that it has been a success so far. Our associates have shown a marked difference in their energy levels, which I believe is due to better work-life balance.


Reboot, an SEO agency located in the UK, prefers a 4-day work week.

They offer a weekend of three days with Fridays. This ensures that the rights and salaries of the team are not reduced and the work hours do not get cut.


After their successful trial in the UK, the award-winning creative content agency Tribera implemented a 4-day work week.

Employees work Monday through Thursday without any change in their pay or benefits. This arrangement allows them to have a great work-life balance and still deliver the agency’s amazing work.

You should also consider adopting a 4-day work week to your advantage. You will be surprised at the results. Give it a shot.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.