
What are Title Tags in SEO?


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What is a title tag?

A title tag is an HTML tag — written <title>, under the <head> section — that labels your page for both real people and search engines. In SERPs, titles appear as blue text that people click to navigate to your page.

 SEO (search engine optimization) can make a huge difference to your website’s ranking. The smallest details of your website pages can make a big impact on your site’s ranking.

Meta title tags are similar to the titles in books. It encourages people to click on your page in search engine results pages (SERPs span>

What’s a title tag? A title tag is an HTML tag that identifies the title of a web page.

Title tags can be more than just a title tag. Continue reading to find out more about title tags and how they can help you in your SEO strategy.

Did you know? The SEO Checker allows you to quickly and easily check your title tags and get suggestions to improve them for SEO. 

What is the purpose of a title?

The title tag or meta is a summary of your page’s content. If it’s informative and visually appealing, it will be able to stand out among other SERP titles. 

It doesn’t matter whether they have multiple tabs open, or if you are browsing their search history. It is helpful to view the titles so they can return to your website.

Title tags should be at least 5 characters long

Title tags should not exceed 60 characters. However, this all depends on the search engine and the width of the combination of letters. Any title that exceeds the display area will be removed by the search engine so that users don’t see the whole title.

SEO title tag: Why is this important?

Title tags play an important role in page SEO.

Google’s algorithm recognizes the title as a sign page’s purpose and relevance.

The page title is located at the top of this hierarchy. It communicates your main idea better than subheadings.

 Primarily, the title carries the desired keywords for rankings, and if the <title> tag isn’t tailored for queries, it’s a lost opportunity to reel in traffic and drive conversions. To climb higher in search results, your HTML title tag has to remain clear for search engine algorithms and enhance the user experience.   Your goal is to attract real people to your website. This boils down to creating a line that highlights your brand’s unique advantages in a welcoming manner.

You can increase your CTR by dressing up your title tags with catchy phrases, effective calls-to-actions (CTAs), and other attractive words. This will result in more qualified traffic.

Title tag vs. H1 tag

For on-page SEO, headers are crucial. Some people confuse title tags with them, and others think they are one element of HTML.

H1 and HTML title tags are different. H1 tags are the first headings you will see on a well-structured website. They are used to help users prepare for what’s coming.

These are the 4 steps you need to make a title label that is SEO-friendly

Google and other search engines consider many factors when determining the quality and topic of a page. Optimized title tags can help you rank higher in search engines.

These steps will help you create an SEO-friendly title tag.

1. Make a unique title

Search engines look for unique, detailed title tags for each page on your website. Having duplicate titles can hurt your SEO.

Search engines and potential customers may have difficulty understanding titles on multiple pages of your website if they’re titled with the tag “Most Affordable Product – Buy Now”. 

Search engines won’t be able to distinguish them so it will be difficult to rank one. Google doesn’t like “boilerplate titles” which repeat elements and shift words between pages.

Consider the keywords you are targeting as well as the unique characteristics of the business. These attributes can be used to guide your SEO title tag.

Make a title that is both creative and simple but accurately represents your products and services.

Title tag templates can be used even if there are many pages to list.

2. Enter the keywords

Include your foundational keywords in your SEO title tag. Because easily identifiable terms will draw more people to your website and conform to search engine standards, it is important to include your keywords in your title tag.

Using a keyword reference, in the beginning, can help people choose which page to click on in the SERP.

To identify customers, long-tail keywords can be included in your title tag. To identify a particular customer group, long-tail keywords can be used in your title tag.

Don’t keyword stuff that’s not eye-catching.

3. Add a hook

To grab people’s attention, a title tag must have a catchy message and attractive features.

This short sentence should address customer issues. This can be used to create a hook. This hook is great for users. You don’t have to list a blog under “Yard Maintenance Tips”. Instead, you can call it “Incredible Garden Maintenance Tips to Create Beautiful Lawns”.

Keeping your key keywords can help make your title memorable.

A second strategy is to include numbers within the title tag. This allows users to know they can easily navigate through a list. Roundups or numbered guides can be great ways to get traffic.

The addition of the year to a quantitative description is a way to show that the information is current.

It’s a good idea to add “2019” in your title for industries that depend on trends. These tags perform better because they contain new data.

To increase CTR and generate revenue, you need to first understand the needs and wants of your target audience.

4. Promote your brand in an appropriate manner

The title tag of your brand is a great way to increase awareness and promote it.

You need to be careful about where and how you refer to your brand. 

Crate and Barrel have put their names at the end of the title tag in the following example.

If your business name is well-respected and easily recognizable by users, it’s a smart idea to highlight it.

Balance your brand name in the title tags to optimize SEO.

Kobe Digital offers homepage optimization.

Google is changing my title.

Google might rewrite the page title tag and display its title in the SERP. 

Google could rewrite your title if it believes:

  • This does not accurately reflect the content of your webpage.
  • It’s not unique
  • It contains keywords that aren’t helpful for users.
  • Your search query didn’t match 

While there’s no way to stop Google from rewriting your title tags, you can try these tips. 

Google might use your original title or a rewritten one depending on how high your page ranks for multiple terms. This is done to make sure that your site’s intent matches the user’s intent. You can investigate why this might happen and use these tips to improve your title tags.

Kobe Digital optimizes title tags, SEO, and all other elements using Kobe Digital

Optimizing title tags can help create an SEO-friendly website that ranks high in search engine results. The description of your page can help users locate your products and services.

SEO Agency Essential for optimizing your site.

Kobe Digital is a company with 7+ years of experience in developing and implementing SEO strategies. 

Contact us by phone or email to speak with an expert.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.