
The Top Marketing Goals To Focus On


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Digital marketing is vital for your business. 80% of consumers do product research online before buying. 

What are the goals, goals, and key results? This article will cover the top 10 marketing goals.

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Marketing goals

These 10 goals should be set for your online marketing.

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Search results: Rank higher
  • Increase website traffic
  • Your industry is the authority
  • Increase brand engagement
  • Generate qualified leads
  • Convert users
  • Revenue growth
  • Improve customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Marketing data can help you make better business decisions

These are broad, long-term goals. These are long-term, broad goals. You will need to break them into Smart objectives.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • It’s possible
  • Relevant
  • It is important to do this quickly

Let’s look at some examples of marketing goals. Let’s also consider SMART goals to help you reach your overall goals.

1. Increase brand recognition

Building brand recognition is our primary marketing goal.

This campaign has one goal: to make people aware of your business. If they don’t know you, they won’t be in a position to make a purchase or contact you. (Read more ).

SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) are two digital marketing techniques that can increase your visibility in search results. This will allow more people to find your products or services.

Building brand awareness using SMART goals
  • For 100 keywords that were added in the quarter, rank on page 1.
  • You can get 20 new Facebook fans this month.

2. Search results: Rank higher

We are working hard to achieve higher search engine results.

Higher search rankings can increase brand awareness which can help you achieve your revenue goals and lead goals. When setting your search ranking goals, focus on keywords that are relevant and related to your business.

This will make sure that your content is seen and acted upon by qualified leads who are more likely to buy your products or services. 

For ranking higher in search results, use SMART objectives
  • You have three featured snippets to choose from this month.
  • Increase your rank for 50 keywords this quarter

3. Increase website traffic

Ranking higher on search results can help more people locate your company and send them more traffic to your website. Your site can be accessed by visitors to get answers to their questions as well as information about the company, products, or services.

Help your visitors navigate your website and take the next step by including links along with calls for action (CTAs)

Increase your website traffic by setting SMART goals
  • Increase website traffic by 25% this year
  • Increase the click-through rates for PPC by 5% this quarter

4. Your industry is your authority

It is great to have people recognize your company. But, what do you think? If you want them to buy, you must make them trust you.

How do you establish authority online?

Provide useful and informative content that answers searchers’ questions and positions you as a trusted source. Share SEO-optimized content with search engines to improve your search engine rankings and increase website traffic.

Establish authority within your industry using SMART goals
  • Get 10 blog post shares this month
  • Earn 20 backlinks this month

5. Increase brand engagement

People should be engaged on your website. If they don’t like it, they will leave quickly. This can result in high bounce rates. 

A high bounce rate can send negative messages to Google and hamper your ability to rank highly in search results. Have realistic goals to increase brand interaction.

SMART goals for increasing brand engagement
  • Response to 90% of all comments made on social media in the month.
  • Increase the time you spend on your website by 3 minutes per year.

6. Generate qualified leads

Leads are what you want. You want to create leads.

For qualified leads, use SMART goals
  • 50 New Subscribers will Be Added This Month
  • Earn 100 guide downloads this quarter

7. Convert users

Now it’s time to convince your leads to buy from us.

SEO and PPC, both online marketing strategies, are focused more on attracting people. Once they are there, you must convert them into customers. Customers should be able to easily move on to the next stage.

Convert users to SMART goals
  • Get 100 new quotes this quarter.
  • Increase the monthly number of customers who are first-time by 3%

8. Revenue growth

Next, let’s look at generating income.

All marketing efforts should focus on generating revenue. Having revenue goals will help you better evaluate your marketing efforts and identify the channels that are most effective for your business.

For increasing revenue, use SMART goals 
  • Increase your PPC ROI by 5%
  • Increase total revenue by 25%

9. Improve customer lifetime value (CLV)

Many businesses have set marketing goals to increase customer life values (CLV). This is a way to make new customers 10x cheaper than keeping an existing customer. 

Customer loyalty is an important goal. Loyal customers can provide great word-of-mouth recommendations and increase awareness about your company.

Customer service quality is key to achieving this goal.

Show respect to your customers and you’ll have other people who treat you well. High-quality site design and the content that you provide are important in building customer loyalty.

SMART goals for increasing customer lifetime value
  • Get 15 testimonials from your customers in just six months.
  • Responds to 10 Google reviews per month.

10. Marketing data can help you make better business decisions

This last example of a goal in marketing focuses on how you can evaluate and use data to improve your campaigns. Learn from each stage of your marketing journey.

Use tools like Google Analytics to track which things are working and which ones aren’t. Be more efficient in everything you do.

Market data can be used for better business decisions.
  • Optimize your SEO campaign to increase SEO conversions by 25%.
  • This quarter identifies and fixes five flaws in your conversion funnel.

Kobe Digital can help you achieve your online marketing goals

Setting clear digital marketing goals is one step toward success. However, it is only the beginning. Kobe Digital offers services in SEO, PPC, Web Design, Social Media, and other areas to help your business achieve its goals.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.