
Definitive List To Sell Digital Products Online In 2022


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It might seem simple to sell products online. Every day, billions of people access the World Wide Web. They browse websites, visit e-commerce shops, and watch videos. It is difficult to convert these consumers into customers.

This guide will help you to connect with your audience, and sell digital products online. Before we get into the strategies, let me quickly go over the basics. Let’s get started!

What are digital products and what can you sell?

Digital products are intangible assets. You could use it to create a photo, a WordPress theme or plugin, an ebook, MP3, video, a download product, or another intangible asset. Digital products are great because you can create them once and then sell them multiple times.

Selling digital products online has many benefits. These include:

  • Shipping is completely free and you don’t need to keep any inventory.
  • After you have recouped initial production costs, they offer high profit margins.
  • Automate delivery.
  • Digital products can be sold at any price point.

Digital products can be sold in any niche. Digital products are an enormous industry. The e-learning market is expected to reach $374 million by 2026.

Selling Digital Products: eCommerce Vs. Blogging

If you are interested in selling digital products, the first thing you need to do is decide on your market route. There are two different ways to go about it. The digital product marketplaces are at one end of this spectrum. These websites sell digital products made by companies and individuals.

Sites like:

  • Themeforest: They sell premium WordPress themes and plugins.
  • Shutterstock: They sell digital assets such as videos and photos with copyright for creative purposes.
  • Udemy: They sell online courses that are created by people who cover almost any topic

These sites are market leaders in their respective industries.

On the opposite end, there are people who create and market their content. There are many famous people I could mention. Smart Passive Income’s Pat Flynn has created a series that covers different aspects in digital marketing.

This approach has been used by many other bloggers and businesspeople. Mark Brunson, founder of Clickfunnels, offers a variety of courses for as low as $1,000.

Your approach to selling digital products can impact the way you go to market. If you manage a marketplace, for example, you cannot promote all the digital products that you list simultaneously. This is absurd. However, you can still create marketing campaigns for your digital products if you have just one or two.

It is clear why you need to choose the right approach before you consider how to promote your products. Your approach can be changed over time. You could start out with a blog but end up creating a marketplace. That’s fine.

How to promote your digital products

Now we’re going to talk about what a digital product looks like and how you can get it to market. This section of the guide will discuss some strategies that you can use to increase sales of your digital products. You can find some great examples to inspire your campaigns by following my example.

Make a marketing funnel

You need a strategy in place to guide your customers to the right places to list your digital products. You will earn revenue if you get warm leads to your sales pages.

A marketing channel has four stages: awareness, interest and decision. Then, there’s action. A few marketing funnels include a fifth stage: retention or advocacy.

People who are familiar with your business should be converted into customers by explaining how your product will solve their problem. It is important to take some time to think about how you will achieve this goal.

Your strengths should be the focus of your marketing strategy.

You might find that Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) is your main channel for customer acquisition. If you are a master at Search Engine Optimization (SEO), getting your content to rank high in search results will be the best way to get people into your funnel.

Once you have people entering your sales funnel, it’s time to attempt to make a sale. This can be done slowly by sharing information about the company or quickly by selling. Below, I will briefly discuss each one.

Email Marketing and Retargeting

Many businesses that sell digital goods online place a lot of emphasis on developing a relationship with customers. It is crucial to establish a relationship with your customers in order to make that first sale and keep them coming back.

Your email list is one of the best ways you can build a relationship with your audience. You can send them regular updates once they have joined your email list.

It is easy to grow an email list.

  • Place an optin form on your website.
  • Incentivize people to convert by defining your USP for your email lists. You can encourage people to sign up for your email list by offering content upgrades.
  • Send emails to your mailing list.

The fundamentals of building an email list is easy. But the hard part is execution. Email marketing mistakes are easy to avoid.

Effective email marketing requires that you have a clear purpose for sending emails. Your subscribers should be able to find and enjoy the content you send them.

Flippa is a great example of a website that sells digital products and has a strong USP. Flippa is a marketplace that allows you to sell and buy websites.

These emails are very interesting to me. It’s great to see which niches are the most lucrative for SEO and digital advertising. I frequently look at site listings and go through their backlink profiles.

Flippa is a great USP for me. Find a good angle for your business so that you can send out regular updates to your subscribers, without making them mad.

Run a Product Launch

You’re probably reading this article because you are looking for practical tips to help you sell digital products and earn an income. If this is you, then I suggest that you launch a product or a variant of a launch.

Jeff Walker created the product launch strategy. Jeff Walker created a sequence that you can use to promote your digital products to your audience.

It looks something like the image below.

A product launch is designed to get your audience excited about what you are selling. This is done by sending out a series of emails in which you share information about your product. The goal is to achieve two things:

  • Create anticipation for the digital product
  • Show your audience the value of this product/how it can benefit them

The Product Launch Formula is extremely effective. Matthew Woodward provides a great case study on how he used the Product Launch Formula in order to generate $134 171 in just seven days. Read more.

Secondary Factors to Be Considered

I have already discussed strategies and methods that you can use when selling digital products in the previous section. Before I wrap up the guide, I want you to be aware of some additional things that are important when selling digital products.

How to manage online payments & delivery

You will need to create a payment system if you plan to sell digital products online. There are many payment options available.

If you are a blogger, Paypal is an easier option. However, they charge a lot.

Invoicing and delivery systems will also be required. Online platforms can help you manage everything from payment to delivery.

Affiliate marketing platforms might be worth looking into. JVZoo, for example, will take care of payment and delivery. The platform allows you to list your digital products, and allow affiliates to promote them.

If you intend to sell digital products online, you must establish the terms of service. It is a legal requirement. It is a legal requirement.

Input the following information:

  • The registered address and name of the company or individual who is selling the product.
  • Link to your policies, such as your privacy policy
  • A clause that covers intellectual property
  • A description of illegal behavior

Online tools are available that can automatically generate terms of service for your digital products or business.

CRM Software & Customer Tracking

The Customer Retention Management platform (CRM) will assist you in managing the customer. Your CRM software can be used to track the actions of people on your email list and their spending habits. This is especially helpful if you manage a direct to consumer (DTC) company.

You have many CRM software options that you can use to monitor your audience’s actions and behavior. You will have a clear view of your sales process with a good solution.

To analyze customer behavior, I recommend Google Analytics. Google Analytics, a tool that tracks user activity on your website and provides conversion data, can be used to analyze customer behavior.

Wrapping up

No matter what your business model is, it is important to think about how to convert cold leads into hot prospects. This is best done by building a relationship with your audience. This is how I explained the importance of creating a marketing funnel that works for your business. The funnel begins with attracting new leads to the top.

There are many ways to establish that first connection and get leads into your funnel. You must continue to build that connection once you have established that connection. This can be done over time via email marketing or by launching a product or running other sequences to increase sales.

These tips should provide you with some ideas to help you start your research. Although selling digital products online can seem difficult, it is possible to make a lot of money if you have the right approach.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.