
Some Of The Best Product Marketing Books You Should Read


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Are you a product marketing professional looking to excel in the ever-evolving field, or a business owner looking to launch a new product?

If so, you’ll love this article.

We compiled this list based on expert recommendations, reviews and ratings from the public, segmentation and a selection of new-releases.

Enjoy reading books and you can harness the power and knowledge of knowledge to launch your product marketing campaigns right and big.

1. Hooked: How To Build Habit-Forming Products By Nir Eyal & Ryan Hoover

Hooked: 4.6/5

This book will help you create your own habit-forming products that are inspired by human psychology. In a world filled with competition, you will learn the psychology behind people’s reactions to a particular product.

This information is invaluable for product development because it will help you understand how psychological mechanisms can be used in order to create habits and keep prospects interested in your products.

2. Jonah Berger: Contagious: Why Things Catch on by Jonah Berger 

Contagious – Why Things Catch On: 4.7/5

This book may be of interest to you if you want to understand why your products don’t attract customers’ attention like your competitors. This book explains why some things go viral and others don’t.

Jonah Berger blends groundbreaking research with compelling stories to give readers a set specific and useful techniques for spreading information online. You’ll know how to market your product and make it viral.

3. Al Ries and Jack Trout, Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind

Positioning: 4.4/5

AI Ries and Jack Trout can teach you how to position yourself in the minds of your audience, which is crucial for marketing or launching a product or service. In a media-fast world, you will be able to communicate with skeptical audiences. The essence of positioning, according to the authors, is to make your brand stand for something generic.

4. Steve Blank: The Four Steps to the Epiphany – Successful Strategies for Startups that Win

Four Steps to the Epiphany: 4.6/5 

This book is for anyone who is starting a business or creating new products. It will teach you some fundamental principles about product marketing that will change how you think about it. Steve Blank discusses the importance of engaging with prospects before you design and develop the product.

5. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing High-Tech Products to Mainstream Clients by Geoffrey A. Moore and Regis McKenna

Crossing The Chasm 4.6/5

Crossing The Chasm is a highly effective guide for selling high-tech products on one of the most exciting markets. This book presents a clear model of high-tech marketing that includes concrete steps and instructions for how you can use it for your business and products.

The book includes examples from real products that illustrate how the model can be applied. It is easier for readers to understand the product’s life cycle and then to know how to market the products.

6. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert Cialdini

Influence: Psychology of Persuasion:

Are you marketing or launching a new product in your area?

Consider your ultimate hidden desire: to sell products. It’s the act of convincing people to purchase your product.

Robert Cialdini shares six principles of persuasion you can use to be a persuasive persuader. Learn how to attract customers to your campaigns and move prospects to change their behavior, ultimately convincing them to purchase your products happily and voluntarily.

7. To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others by Daniel H. Pink

To sell is human: 4.4/5

The best advice for becoming a bestseller is from To Sell Is Human. This book will teach you how to persuade others to buy without pushing them. The author will explain the five frames that can help you make your messages clearer and more persuasive.

8. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive, While Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Sticky: 4.6/5

Made to Stick teaches readers the key principles of winning ideas. They are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and stories that spell success. These rules will help you to make your messages stick.

9. Marty Cagan inspired: How to create tech products customers love by Marty Cagan

Inspired: 4.6/5

The book Inspired is a comprehensive and practical guide for Product Managers who work on technology-powered products. Marty Cagan discusses the product management strategies of some of the most successful companies in the sector, including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Twitter.

In a clear and concise manner, the author clarifies what product marketing is and what product management is. This book will help you to understand the role of product managers and how to effectively work with them.

10. Product Marketing Debunk: The Essential Guide to Go-to-Market by Yasmeen Turayhi & Cali Schmidt

Product Marketing Debunked: 4.3/5

This book provides a high-level, concise guide to product marketing. This book is for anyone who is interested in product marketing, or about to launch a product. It will teach you how to capture the essence of product marketing and how you can get your product into the market.

11. Clearly Awesome: How to Position Your Product so Customers Buy It, Love it by April Dunford

Clearly Awesome: 4.7/5

This book may help you to understand product positioning if you’re not sure. April Dunford, a former consultant and startup executive, shares her years of experience to help you find the best position for your products using practical, effective techniques. She also includes compelling case studies and humorous anecdotes.

12. Donald Miller: Building a StoryBrand: Clarify your message so customers will listen by Donald Miller

Building StoryBrands: 4.7/5

Before you launch a product, it is crucial to build a relationship with your customers. This book will help you connect with customers and make your brand message clear. It also helps customers understand the benefits to using your products. This book will teach you how to use storytelling to engage your customers and sell your products.

13. Srini Sekaran: Product Marketing Simplified: A Customer-Centric Approach for Taking a Product to Market

Product Marketing, Simplified: 5/5

This book provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide to product marketing. This book outlines the steps you must take to get your product to market in the correct way. This book provides practical and helpful advice on many aspects of marketing, including understanding customer journeys, creating customer personas, compelling messaging, and influencing product roadmaps.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.