
Tips On Strategic Framework For AI-Based Marketing Strategy’s


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Artificial intelligence will be a major digital marketing trend in 2022. It has already become a mainstream concept across many industries. It is also known as artificial intelligence and has already had a significant impact on how brands interact with their customers.

Artificial intelligence is a technology that has been around for a while, but it is rapidly growing in importance.

These are some of the interesting statistics from Tech Jury.

  • AI-powered voice assistants will reach 8 billion people by 2023
  • The US has the highest availability of Alexa’s inventory skills – approximately 66.000.
  • AI will help increase the global GDP by $15.7 trillion in 2021.
  • Already 77% feature some form of AI in their devices.

A 2018 analysis by McKinsey of more than 400 advanced use cases revealed that marketing would be the best area to benefit from AI. According to Salesforce 84% of marketers used AI in 2020.

How can you incorporate Artificial Intelligence in your marketing strategy for your business?

This guide is by Bold x Collective’s digital specialists and covers everything you need to get started.

Let’s get to the point.

Before Bold x Collective can begin to recognize the importance of AI for your business and how you can use it, it is important to first understand what AI is.

Simply put, artificial intelligence is the ability of computers and robots to do tasks normally performed by humans. It requires intelligence and judgment.

It combines computer science with large data sets to create smart machines that understand, act, and respond to problem-solving tasks such as Bold x Collective. However, it has the goal to be more efficient than human beings.

Let’s now discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Marketing Industry, as Bold x Collective has defined it.

What is Artificial Intelligence in Marketing?

AI in Marketing (also known as AI Marketing) is an AI-enabled method that uses AI technology to gather data and consumer insights. This helps to improve customer journeys by anticipating customers’ next moves.

AI for Marketing allows marketers and businesses to further understand consumer behavior, which in turn will help them target the right consumers with the best strategy.

This information can be used to improve your return on investment (ROI), by targeting your customers better.

Virtually everyone has experienced AI Marketing without even realizing it. This is especially true in recent years, as AI technology has advanced.

Chatbots can be found on customer support websites or targeted ads showcasing products similar. This is a common form of AI that Bold x Collective has seen without realizing it.

AI is Important for Your Business:

Customers want businesses that can understand their needs and meet their expectations. Your business can use AI marketing to filter through a lot of marketing data and analytics across all your platforms (social media sites, websites, e-commerce sites, emails, etc.). It works at speeds that are faster than a human being.

AI technology gives businesses the ability to sort through billions upon billions of data points to find useful information that can be used to provide deeper insights to their customers. 

These are just a few ways that you can incorporate AI into your business.

1. Chatbots

Chatbots are one of the earliest forms of AI that businesses use. Chatbots, or chatterbots, are a type of software that allows consumers/shoppers to speak and ask questions online via text on a company website/application and then receive automated responses for any basic circumstance/interaction rather than having to call a customer service helpline.

According to Drift’s latest State Of Conversational Marketing Report, chatbot usage increased by 92% between 2019 and 2020. This is the fastest growth rate compared to any other channel of communication.

Chatbots that allow customers to ask questions, or direct them to the right information, can save time and help businesses respond quickly to customer questions.

2. Email Automation

You might have already set up email automation or integrated AI into your marketing, if so, you are likely business. Bold x Collective agency recommends that you start this process.

Email automation is essential as it not only saves you time but also ensures that every milestone is reached with an email.

Ever received an email with educational information from a company? – Or a coupon code for your favorite online store. This is an example of email automation.

You can send many types of automation, such as a welcome email or abandoned carts, reminders about low-stock products, and other messages.

Bold x Collective loves Mailchimp and Klaviyo for this.

3. Personalized Suggestions

Personalized product suggestions are essential for e-commerce businesses. Consumers expect brands to know what they like and to help them search for the right items.

It is important to use AI technology to track the shopping habits of each consumer. This will allow your brand and AI to offer personalized product suggestions for each customer.

This means that if a customer has been browsing your website and clicked on every blue cup or ripped pair of skinny jeans they see, your AI software will suggest other blue mugs or skinny jeans they haven’t seen yet.

This is evident on many well-known websites that sell e-commerce products from various industries.

In a 2017 Evergage survey, 61% of respondents acknowledged improved customer experiences and 63% cited increased conversion rates.

Your business will reap the benefits of AI technology in making recommendations to customers.

4. Get In-depth Customer Information – Increased and In-depth

It takes humans a long time to discern consumer shopping habits. AI technology can help you do this quickly, particularly when it comes to individual consumption patterns.

An AI algorithm software can use billions of data to group and distinguish like-minded customers. This software can be used to target the right customers and even predict future behavior based on previous actions.

Bold x Collective is a big fan of Google Analytics as a tool for customer insight. It is a free tool.

It’s very useful when you want to monitor website data. You can see which websites your website traffic comes primarily from, your website bounce rate, how many unique visitors your site has received, your most visited pages, and much more.

Bold x Collective recommends that you install Google Analytics on your website.


Artificial intelligence has endless possibilities for marketing and business strategy. AI can save you and your employees a lot of time, but it is also more efficient.

This will eventually lead to deeper insights and better results than we could have done.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.