Social media marketing should be part of your digital marketing strategy. It is now easier than ever to connect via Facebook ads with quality leads. To help your business achieve the best ROI, you must keep your cost per lead (CPL) low when running a Facebook advertisement.
This page will cover the basics of Facebook lead ads as well as four tips to lower your CPL. Contact us today to talk with a strategist about creating Facebook ads that are effective.

What is the purpose of Facebook lead ads?
Paid advertisements can be run on Facebook to reach potential leads. These lead ads allow you to capture leads and guide them through the sales funnel.
Lead ads are about capturing user information to allow you to contact leads later. These ads typically promote newsletters, and ebooks and sign up for email offers. Your goal is to get the audience to complete the contact form.
Facebook lead ads are unique because the information is already prefilled in the forms for your audience. These ads use information that users already share on Facebook and enter it into the form. It makes it simple for your audience members to complete the form.
This form can be filled out by your audience without leaving Facebook.
Ads would have taken your audience from their feeds in the past, which was annoying. These Facebook ads now trigger pop-ups that allow your audience to fill in the required information and submit it to return to their feeds.
Your audience can fill out these ads in just a few clicks. It’s even easier if they share the majority of the information on your form via Facebook. These forms can be used on mobile devices.
Facebook lead ads can be a great way of capturing leads and getting them to convert. These ads will require you to spend money, but they can bring a huge return on your investment if done correctly.
What is CPL?
Your CPL must stay low when running your Facebook ads campaign. It is important to save money while still capturing leads and maximizing your return.
Your CPL is the sum of the campaign’s total spend and the number of leads that you get from the campaign. Your CPL is 20 if you spend $1,000 on a campaign and get 50 leads.
Your business can use Facebook ads to generate new leads. However, if you want to maximize your return on investment, it is important to lower your CPL. How can you do this?
Here are four tips to lower your CPL
If your CPL is low, your Facebook advertising campaign will be more successful for your business. These are some tips to lower the cost of your leads.

1. You should target a specific audience
You must create a target audience when you use Facebook ads. These are people who are most likely to be interested in your products and services. To help your business reach the best-qualified leads, you need to define your target audience.
There may be multiple audiences for your business. You might consider setting a broad target audience if your products or services appeal to many people.
This is where the problem lies: there is too much competition. You will have more competition if you target a larger audience. Advertisers for the same target audience will be run by your competitors.
High levels of competition can make it difficult to reach your target audience. You can avoid high competition by focusing on a particular group of people within your target audience.
You can narrow your focus and there will be less competition to reach the targeted audience. This will ensure that your ad is seen by more people and lowers your costs. This will reduce your CPL.
You have many options to target your audience. Facebook allows you to target people based on their demographic information. This includes age, gender, and education. These are just some of the many demographic options you have to target your audience.
Facebook allows you to target people based on their interests, behavior, and connections. You can choose how to target your audience. These categories can be used to target specific users.
2. Test your ads with A/B testing
You need the most effective ad copy to reach your audience when you post a Facebook advertisement. A/B Testing will help determine which ad works best for your audience.
Split testing is also known as A/B testing. To do this, visit the Ads Manager. Split testing can be used to determine which ad is the most effective for your campaign.
You can make small adjustments to your ad to test how they impact your ad’s performance. This is a great way for you to create a more interesting ad and get more clicks. You can create an ad that captures the attention of your audience and encourages them to click on your ad.
Your ad will be more engaging to your audience if it is well-written. This will result in more people clicking on your ads. This will increase your CPL by capturing more leads. This will allow you to invest in ads that are more effective at attracting your audience.
3. Avoid ad fatigue
There is a possibility that your audience will view your ad multiple times if you have an advertising campaign. They will eventually tire of your ad if they see it too often. Ad fatigue can lead to Facebook ad fatigue.
If your audience sees it too often, they will become bored with your ad. Your ad will be seen more often, which means less interest. Your click-through rate (CTR) drops with increasing frequency.
How can you avoid ad fatigue?
You can prevent ad fatigue by limiting the number of times your audience sees your ads. Your click-through rate (CTR) drops will indicate that your ad has become ineffective and should be replaced. To replace your current ad, you must have an alternative version of your ad.
Rotating variables will make your ad stand out from the rest. This will allow you to communicate the same message to your audience and prevent them from getting ad fatigue.
You can engage more leads by avoiding ad fatigue and keeping them interested in your ads. You will reduce your CPL if you set a fixed amount for your ads. This will allow you to earn more leads.
4. Use videos in your Facebook ads
Videos can be a great way of creating a Facebook ad that piques the interest of your audience. People love watching videos and are drawn to them when they see one on their timelines.
You can keep your audience’s interest by creating a video advertisement. Your video will be watched by them and they will learn more about you. This is a great way to demonstrate your message and convince your audience to take action.
Video ads are a great way to take your campaign beyond photo ads. Video can increase conversions by 86%. Simply include a video in your advertisement.
A video ad is more cost-effective than a photo ad in many cases. A video is more engaging than a photograph for your audience.
Your click-through rate (CTR) determines the cost per click (CPC). A high CTR means you will pay less per click. However, a low CTR can lead to a higher cost per individual lead. Video will help you capture more leads and increase CTR. This will result in a lower CPL.
You might need to run more ads if you only ran a photo ad. This can lead to higher costs for your company. You can avoid having to run multiple campaigns for your target audience. This will also help you reduce your CPL.
Kobe Digital can help create a Facebook advertising campaign that is effective
Facebook allows you to create ads and connect with leads. More leads can lead to conversions. Kobe Digital’s team knows how to create campaigns that generate leads while keeping your CPL low.

We are a digital marketing agency that offers full services and specializes in social media marketing. Our team is skilled in creating ads that generate leads and grow your business.
It is important to choose a partner who drives results when you partner with social media marketing companies in Phoenix. Kobe Digital’s team has generated over $100M in sales to date and more than 1M in leads for clients.
Facebook: Reduce your CPL today
Kobe Digital’s team can help you lower your CPL and generate revenue from Facebook ads. Contact us online if you are ready to see these results.
We are looking forward to helping you take your business to new heights.