
How To Perform an Ecommerce SEO Audit


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Are you happy with your ecommerce SEO strategy (SEO)?

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If you don’t know the answer, don’t despair. This will allow you to determine the areas where your strategy could be improved to achieve desired results.

Get the ecommerce search engine optimization checklist and SEO audit video. To instantly test your SEO, use our free SEO checker.

Ecommerce SEO Audit: The On-page SEO Side

First, analyze your on-page SEO efforts. This is the area you should focus on to ensure you get the most out of your ecommerce SEO campaign.

Assess your keyword usage

Evaluate keyword usage This is the first step to conducting an ecommerce SEO audit. 

To get the best ecommerce search engine optimization, audit your pages for key keywords. This will ensure they are used in the correct places, such as your meta tag.

You can use tools such as Google Search Console to identify pages that aren’t ranking well in search results. After you have identified the pages, you can look at the keyword usage for each page to determine if it is used enough.

What do you do if your keyword isn’t appearing on the page? It is important to include your keyword wherever it isn’t often appearing.

What can you do if your keyword is not integrated well on the page? You might notice that the keyword is being used frequently on your page. Google Search Console can help you find other keywords. This is a great way to find new keywords.    

Analyze the title tags and meta descriptions 

Next, review your title tags and meta descriptions.

These are the meta tags users see first in search results. You should evaluate these tags to ensure you are writing a compelling title and meta descriptions that encourage people to click your listing.

Google Search Console will allow you to assess clicks for your listing. Search results position can affect your CTR.

As an example, if your page 2 ranking is high, you’ll likely see a lower CTR because fewer people visit page 2. Listings on the first page have a higher CTR.

How you can increase your CTR if yours is low. Your keyword should appear in both tags to ensure that users find your listing relevant. Meta descriptions and titles should be clear so people can find the information they need on your site.

How to handle a high CTR. How to deal with high CTR. Users may click but not buy if this happens.

Evaluate your on-page content strategy

Next, analyze your on-page content. Create content that is useful for your audience. 

You can identify areas that need improvement and gaps in your content strategy. This will allow you to compare yours with your competitors. This will help you identify the areas you are missing.

You can add this checklist to your ecommerce SEO checklist to make sure that you are creating a content strategy that drives more traffic to the business.

How to fix a poor content strategy.

What can you do if you don’t have a content strategy? More visitors will come to your website if you create more content.

SEO Audit: The Off-Page SEO Side

Next on the ecommerce website SEO audit checklist is Off-page optimization. This component includes factors that have an indirect impact on your site’s ranking but don’t directly affect your page. These factors can’t be changed directly. Therefore, you should include two elements in your Ecommerce SEO audit.

These backlinks are crucial in ranking your site in search engine results. They are links to your website that are trusted.

You can see who links to your content by using a tool like Ahrefs backlink checker. Note that links to your website may come from trustworthy, authoritative sites, as opposed to spammy links.

How to handle bad backlinks You may need to review your backlink profile to identify less trustworthy companies linking to your pages. This could impact your domain score. This option is not often needed.

How do I get more backlinks? Contact companies with relevant content to invite them to link to your pages. 

Analyze your social profiles

Social media does not directly affect search engine rankings but marketers believe it can have an indirect effect. This can improve your rank.

As part of your ecommerce SEO audit, you will need to examine your social profiles. This will help you ensure that your product pages and content are linked.

What can you do if your pages have not been shared? Share your links whenever you create new content or have a sale.

What to do if you are sharing links to pages. How to proceed if you share links to pages?

Ecommerce SEO Audit – The technical SEO side

How to conduct an ecommerce SEO audit. You must also consider the technical aspects of your site.

Technical SEO has an impact on how your website functions and how search engines find pages. This can cause technical problems.

This ecommerce website audit checklist will help to evaluate the technical aspects of your site and make sure that they work properly.

Analyze and map your website to identify robots.txt and XML sitemaps

Search engines will understand your site if there is an XML sitemap.

  • Robots.txt: Your robots.txt files tell search engines which pages they are allowed to crawl. This allows you to avoid your site becoming too full.
  • XML Sitemap This file tells Google what pages to evaluate and guides Google in indexing the most important pages.

Google will crawl and index your website if you have either one or both of the following elements

There are no robots.txt or XML sitemaps. You can also use Google Search Console for setting up your XML sitemap.

Use robots.txt or XML sitemaps to guide Google. Check that Google is directed to the right pages. 

Analyze crawl ability and indexability

The next step is to verify your indexability. Google won’t index or crawl your website. You must evaluate this information to make sure you appear in search results before other leads.

Google Search Console can be used to check if Google can crawl and index your site.

How to get Google to crawl your pages… To check if Google cannot crawl your site, you can check your robots.txt. You can link internal pages to pages that are related to your site to help Google crawl it.

What to do if Google can crawl your website and index it. You don’t need to do anything if Google is properly crawling and indexing the site.

Assess your page loading time

Your site’s speed can make a big difference in how high your rank is in search results. It can have a significant impact on how high you rank in search results.

Your website should load in less than two seconds. This speed is what users expect, so ensure your website loads quickly.

Use Google Pagespeed Intelligences to assess your site’s load time and pinpoint areas that need improvement.

You can speed up your website’s loading time by compressing large images and reducing the number of redirects.

A site that loads quickly should be checked to ensure there aren’t any additional optimizations you can do to make your site load faster. 

Check for mobile-friendliness

Mobile-friendliness should also be part of your ecommerce SEO audit checklist. 

If users don’t have a great mobile experience, they will leave your website. They may leave your site, which can lead to a bounce rate and lower rankings.

Google also uses Mobile First Indexing, which considers mobile-friendliness in ranking sites. 

You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to verify that your website loads properly on mobile.

What can you do if your website doesn’t work on mobile devices? Responsive Web Design allows your website to adapt to all types of devices. 

How to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Secure your website

Make sure your site is secure. This is the final item on your ecommerce SEO audit checklist.

To be an ecommerce site, you must have a secure website.

Customers provide personal information to you to buy products from your company. Google prefers secure sites because they are easier to browse.

Enter your URL and check if it is secure. If “https”, instead of “HTTP”, appears at the end of your URL, your site is considered secure.

What should you do if your website is not secure? Secure SSL Layer (SSL) certificates can be purchased. These certificates will protect your credit card numbers as well as your personal information.

How do you make sure your website is secure To verify the expiration date on your SSL certificate, you can simply check it to see if it has expired.

Start your ecommerce SEO audit now

An ecommerce audit will enable you to evaluate the state of your website and make recommendations to improve it. 

Our clients have given us over 500 glowing reviews and we have a client recommendation score that is 488% higher than the national norm. We are committed to providing a memorable experience.

Are you ready to dive into ecommerce SEO auditing? Contact us or call us to speak to a strategist today!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.