
Website Conversion: How To Increase Conversions


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You must track vital metrics when you want to grow your online business. These conversions will help you determine if your digital marketing campaigns are proving successful.

What is website conversion?

How do you increase your website conversion rate?

Continue reading to learn about website conversions. Get five tips to increase your conversion rate

What’s a website conversion?

Website conversion is when someone takes a predetermined action on your site, such as signing up for your newsletter, sharing a post to social media, or purchasing a product. 

Some examples of website conversions

Some examples of website conversions are:

  • Filling in a form
  • Register for email or other information
  • Share content on social media
  • Clicking on a particular button
  • Making a sale
  • And more

Website conversions may be any of the above actions.

This will help you decide which action is most appropriate for your campaign goals.

Different conversion types exist among businesses. Ecommerce websites are more likely to concentrate on making sales. Service providers, such as a plumber or electrician may focus on generating leads.

There are no two businesses alike. You may need to make different website conversions. 

How can I calculate my website’s conversion rates?

The question, “What is website conversion?” was answered. The next question is: “How can I calculate my website conversion rate?” “

It’s easy and quick to calculate your conversion rate.

This is the formula: 

(Total visitors who convert/total users on your site) x100 = Conversion Rate

Let’s suppose that you have 5000 visitors to your website.

500 of those 5000 buy products from your site. This formula looks like the following:

[500/5000] x100 = 10%

In this case, your website’s conversion rate is 10%.

What’s a good conversion rate?

Now you understand what a website conversion looks like and how to calculate it, you’ll want to find out the ideal conversion rate for your business. 

There is no magic number.

The conversion rate will depend on many factors.

  • Your industry
  • Your sales cycle
  • Your products/services
  • Your costs
  • And more

Many factors influence your conversion rate. It’s not easy to determine what a good conversion ratio is for your industry.

How does a sales funnel impact website conversion rates?

If you ask “What is the conversion rate?” You’ll hear many people answer the question, “What is the conversion rate?”

How does the sales funnel impact your website’s conversion rate?

A sales funnel is a key part of turning prospects into customers for your business.

There are four stages to the sales funnel:

  • Awareness: People are still learning about you and your brand. 
  • Interest. When people reach this stage of the funnel, they begin to think about your business. 
  • Desire – At the desired stage people know what they want and are ready to make a decision. You can then make a pitch to them that shows why you are the best choice.
  • Action: Leads reach the action stage when they complete the desired action. 

You can see that different parts of the sales process lead to different actions. How people reach the final step of the sales cycle will also impact their success.

Your website’s conversion rate is dependent on the success of your sales cycle. It guides people to conversion. 

How can you increase your conversion rate?

You now know the answer to the question “What is the conversion ratio?” You may want to check your website conversion rate to find out if it is lower than average.

There’s no need to feel defeated at this moment.

Low conversion rates? These five tips will help you improve your conversion rate.

1. See how your audience interacts with your site

You must create websites that convert.

Your site’s design may be causing a low conversion rate.

The user experience (UX) plays a crucial role in determining whether someone stays on your site or leaves. 

Analyzing how your audience interacts with your website will help you identify where your website is failing.

Your page’s layout may cause people to leave.

Analyzing how people interact with your website will help you make improvements to improve your user experience. This will increase conversions and keep people on your site longer.

2. Put the Call to Action (CTAs) buttons on your site.

Having the right call-to-action (CTA) buttons will improve website conversions. These buttons tell users how to proceed and what to expect.

Check your CTA buttons if you are having trouble with conversion rates.

This is a good CTA button that pops up on the page.

Your audience shouldn’t have any trouble finding a button on your webpage.

The CTA “Get It Now” tells users what happens when they click the button. 

3. Simplify your navigation

To increase website conversions, simplify your navigation. People who can’t find the information they need quickly will leave your site.

At minimum 89% of users will shop with another competitor after a poor user experience.

Focus on creating a simple, organized navigation system to increase conversion rates.

Samsung’s website shows great simplicity and clean navigation.

Samsung arranges its web page according to the types of products it offers. Samsung has a user-friendly navigation system that helps improve its ecommerce conversion rates.

Clear and organized navigation will make it easier for people to find what they are looking for and keep them on your website longer.

4. Make your site mobile-friendly

To increase your conversion rate, create a mobile-friendly site. 

Sixty-seven percent of users are more likely than others to purchase from a mobile-friendly company. You can see how important a mobile-friendly website is for converting customers.

Your site is not mobile-friendly? These are some ways to make your site mobile-friendly:

  • Make your website thumb-friendly. Mobile users use their thumbs to navigate the web and find pages. 
  • Large fonts are recommended: People reading information on your site from a mobile device must be able to see the font. Use large fonts. Your audience won’t be able to read your information if it is too small. To find the best font size, you can try different sizes.

These best practices will make your website mobile-friendly.

Make your website mobile-friendly to keep your leads and increase conversion rates.

5. Convert easily

Make it easy for people to convert to your website To increase conversions to your website, make it as simple as possible. 

Does your conversion rate not exceed stellar levels?

Do you think so? The steps that your audience takes to achieve your conversion goal

Let’s assume your conversion goal is to get people to sign up for email. You find that many people reach the sign-up page but do not complete it

Make it simple to convert This will improve your conversion rate. 

Start improving your website conversion rate today

You now know the answer to “What is a website convert?” You can now analyze your website conversion rate and strengthen your business’s performance.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.