
How Double Opt in Email Marketing Works?


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Email marketing should be a core component of every business. It allows you to stay in touch with customers and leads and can drive sales and build your brand.

No matter how your campaigns are structured, lifecycle marketing, or drip email campaigns are set up, it is important to begin by gathering the names and email addresses of everyone you’re interested in.

To get started with double opt-in email marketing campaigns, contact us online. Call us today to speak with one of our experts.

What’s single-opt email marketing?

Understanding double opt-in email marketing is the best way to understand it. 

  1. Request email addresses from people.
  2. They receive marketing emails.

It sounds so easy, right?

If you continue to send spam emails to people who don’t want to hear about your content, you could be considered a spammer.

Double opt-in email marketing is the best choice.

What’s double opt-in email marketing?

This is the third step in double opt-in email marketing.

  1. Send an e-mail to this email address. Most people just need to click on the link to take them to a landing site.

While this is an easy process, it can make your email marketing strategy even more effective.

Email marketing with double opt-in has many benefits

Now let’s get to the best of double opt-in email marketing: the benefits.

You can be sure that you’re speaking to the right people

Most likely, you have received emails from companies promising products you don’t want to buy. Double opt-in is a way to prevent yourself from becoming an annoying company for others.

Servers won’t blacklist you.

It is not unusual for email lists to become spammed by people who change their minds about receiving information. These flags should not be common.

If you use only one opt-in to your email marketing, bad email addresses could result. Your company may be blacklisted by the email server if they get too many.

It can be hard to reach people after you are blacklisted.

You can rest assured that you’re not spinning your wheels.

You can’t waste time or energy on business. Double opt-in email marketing ensures only qualified leads are reached and potential customers.

This allows you to personalize your content and improve your overall effectiveness.

It’s possible to create a strong support network

A community that supports your brand is invaluable. You want your email marketing to include the right calls to action so your subscribers can be ambassadors for your company.

You will likely get fewer unsubscribes

A system that only allows people to subscribe to your emails will result in fewer unsubscribes. This means that if there are many unsubscribers because of a particular email, it’s likely that it’s because they’re interested in what you have to say and not because too many people didn’t want them.

Your analytics will be reliable.

Email marketing analytics can help you improve your online marketing strategy over time. 

It is possible to make poor decisions if you have flawed data

Double opt-in email marketing has many benefits. However, you may experience a decrease in subscriber rates after you set it up for the first time.

Your only subscribers are the ones who aren’t interested in hearing from you. They probably wouldn’t be customers if they didn’t.

Ready to start double opt-in email marketing?

Double opt-in email is growing in popularity. Businesses are becoming more accustomed to offering such customer service. Get your double opt-in email campaign underway now!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.