
What’s The Difference Between Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts?


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Facebook is a great advertising platform for any industry. Facebook has over 1 billion users, and precise demographic data and you can easily build your brand with the right strategy.

It is difficult to figure out Facebook advertising or promoted posts without guidance.

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Facebook ads

Facebook ads can have many purposes. They can generate website traffic or increase leads for your company.

These ads are created in Facebook Advertising Manager and appear in the Facebook News Feed and the Facebook Audience Network. They can also be used to place ads on other apps. These ads don’t have to be on your Facebook page.

To determine who should see your advertisement, you can use a lot of demographic information, such as a user’s location and income.

To ensure you don’t overspend on Facebook ads, you must set and stick to your budget. You pay a set amount for each impression, video view or link click depending on your bidding strategy and objective. After you have set up your ads and paid them for their services, Facebook charges you a monthly fee.

Facebook has analytics software that you can use within Ads Manager to show you all information about your campaigns. These reports show you how many times your ads were clicked, the number of people who saw your ad, and the cost per click.

All of this information will allow you to determine if your ads are performing and if you would like to spend more.

Promotional posts

Promoted posts or boosted posts are not Facebook ads. They are posts you’ve written and published on your company’s Facebook page.

You can “boost” any post on your Facebook page. You can adjust the budget and demographic settings by clicking on “boost”.

This budget covers the lifetime of your promoted posts. You’ll only be charged for up to that amount. You can target your audience with the demographics just like Facebook ads demographics. Facebook also offers options for targeting your friends and fans.

Facebook promoted posts and ads: What are the pros and cons?

It is easy to see the pros and cons of Facebook Ads and promoted posts.

Both are very easy to maintain within your budget. However, there are key differences.

  • Facebook ads are a great way to reach large audiences. You can increase brand awareness and reach new audiences with Facebook ads.
  • Promoted posts are a better way to promote a special event. Your current followers will be the first ones to learn about your event (and share it).
  • You can increase the number of people who like your Facebook page by using Facebook ads. You can reach a wider audience and increase your chances of getting more people to follow your business.
  • Promoted posts and targeting your followers are great ways to ensure that your post doesn’t get lost in their News Feeds. This will ensure that your post is seen by more people than it would if it was delivered organically.

Let’s now look at the best advertising methods.

Tips and tricks for Facebook ads and promoted posts

These are the top ways to use Facebook ads and promoted posts.

  1. Analyze your results. While this takes some time, it provides information about how promoted posts and ads work. You can easily see what isn’t working and fix it to get better results.
  2. To see which works best, you can use both images and videos. Facebook advertising offers many options. You must test various ad formats to see which one works best for your needs.
  3. You can only have one goal for every ad and post that you create. This keeps your focus focused and narrow. You risk losing one or more of your objectives.
  4. Keep your text short and simple. Make it easy for people to read what you post on Facebook.
  5. Compare your competitors’ activities. Do they use Facebook ads? Promoted posts? Both? You can maximize your return on each ad or post by learning as much as possible.

This knowledge will enable you to create effective ads which drive results.

Kobe Digital understands how to market on Facebook

Kobe Digital employs a team of Facebook professionals who are experts in gaining new followers, engaging new users, and popularizing your brand.

They are constantly in the industry so they can ensure they’re following the latest best practices to help you grow your business. Facebook has helped many businesses grow, and we can do the same for your company!

Contact us today for a Facebook Advertising Campaign to promote your company’s products and services!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.