
Email Marketing: Is it Worth The Investment?


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You are the owner of a business and you want it to grow. You might have thought of email marketing as part of your growth strategy, but you aren’t sure whether it’s worthwhile. Is email marketing worth your effort and time? Or, will it mean that you lose revenue from other avenues of income?

Email marketing in a nutshell is worth it.

This page will tell you why and provide 7 best practices to help you launch your strategy. 

What’s email marketing?

Let’s start by discussing different types of email marketing. Email marketing refers to any message sent via email to potential or existing customers.

It involves:

Newsletters via email

The emails often contain links to landing pages or pages on your site. To inform people who sign up for updates and information from your company, the newsletter serves two functions.

Coupons by email

Everyone loves a good deal. This is why many companies include coupons in email marketing campaigns. These coupons can be tracked with email marketing software.

Email announcements, letters

Businesses sometimes want to share information with their entire database

Why is email marketing important

Most consumers have at most one email address. The majority of consumers check their email every day if that.

Email marketing does not interrupt listeners or viewers as much as traditional marketing like TV or radio ads. Emails are more friendly than traditional marketing which interrupts the listener or viewer.

Email marketing is a great way to build brand awareness and awareness. Perhaps you were looking for shoes online and received an email with a coupon.

Marketing automation combined with your email strategy can help you reach potential customers at the right time. This will increase the chances of making a sale.

Email marketing: Should You?

It doesn’t matter how many employees you have. Email marketing can be used by all businesses.

Email marketing can help you reach all your potential customers quickly. 

Email marketing best practices

These best practice guidelines will help you when you are creating your email marketing strategy

1. Discuss with your subscribers in advance when you will email them.

Subscribers may not consent to receive emails from you every other day. Let site visitors know what to expect when you sign them up for your email marketing list.

For example, you might say that you will send an e-newsletter every month with special coupons or offers.

2. Brand your email marketing.

It is important to establish a brand for your email marketing. A web designer can help you create templates that reflect your brand.

3. Make your content easy to understand 

It is not typical for people to spend too much time reading emails. Use bullet points and different sections to make sure your content is easy to read.

4. Emails should be welcoming 

You owe your subscribers the greatest respect. Welcoming them to your email marketing list is a great way to show our appreciation.

They need content that is relevant and does not focus on yours. Don’t be too focused on the features. Instead, talk about the advantages of products and services.

5. Notify your email subscribers

You must include a call to action in every email you send. You will lose the opportunity to build relationships and cull data.

6. For your email marketing, create a calendar.

Your other marketing strategies should also be used to integrate email marketing. You should create a calendar outlining the topics that you will be covering.

7. Test different types of email.

Split testing is an essential part of marketing. Send an email to one group, then another, and see what happens.

Email marketing can be a rewarding activity. 

Learn more about email marketing

If you are interested in email marketing, contact us. We have years of experience creating successful email marketing campaigns for clients. We will do the same for you.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.