
Ecommerce SEO: The Ultimate Guide To Ecom SEO


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Did you know? 80% of shoppers do product research online? A don’t require a Search engine optimization (SEO), plan These shoppers won’t find your business if they search for products and services similar to what you offer. For shoppers to find your business, it is vital to invest in ecommerce SEO.

It is possible to improve your business’s ranking in search results. This will increase traffic and sales.

What’s ecommerce SEO? Where do you begin with SEO for Ecommerce?

This page will provide all the information you need about SEO for ecommerce. We’ll answer your questions such as:

  •  How to ecommerce SEO?
  •  Why is ecommerce SEO important?
  • Where do I begin with ecommerce SEO?

Kobe Digital has a team of marketing professionals available to assist you in launching your ecommerce SEO campaign. To speak with a strategist about our ecommerce optimization services,

What’s ecommerce search engine optimization?

Ecommerce SEO refers to optimizing your website for search results. This will increase traffic and lead generation.

Why should ecommerce SEO be a priority?

There are four main reasons you should have an ecommerce strategy.

1. You help more people discover your products

SEO can be a powerful tool to help people find your products. SEO strategies will optimize product listings for better search results.

You will be able to rank your products higher in search results, which will mean that more people will find you. These pages make it easier for people to find your products and visit your pages.

2. You will gain the trust of your audience and establish authority

People trust Google to deliver results that are relevant to their needs. 

Google search users will trust companies with strong SEO plans and high Google rankings. They will interact more with your products and learn more about them.

3. There’s always promotion

SEO allows you to promote your business 24/7. 

Websites that are optimized for search engines can rank high. Searches for your name on Google will be successful.

Your business will be discovered by people regardless of your time commitments, whether you’re working, homeschooling, or simply relaxing. 

4. More sales = more profits

Ecommerce SEO is a great way to increase sales. It will help you drive more customers to your website if your product pages rank highly in search results. You’ll be able to drive more revenue for the company.

9 best practices for ecommerce SEO

It’s crucial to create an ecommerce strategy to grow your business online. These are the nine best SEO practices to help you start an ecommerce strategy.

1. Use relevant keywords to optimize your product pages

Start with identifying the relevant keywords for your product pages to optimize your ecommerce search engine optimization strategy. Keywords Help rank your pages in search results so you can reach more people.

Long-tail keywords are best for ecommerce websites. 

Let’s say you have a page on brown cardigans. Since the search term “cardigan” isn’t specific enough, it’s impossible to know if someone is looking for brown cardigans.

Searchers can identify what they are looking for by using long-tail keywords such as “long brown sweaters”. These words indicate that your product listing has relevance and that you are driving qualified traffic to your site.

Once you have identified your long-tail keywords, you can incorporate them into your product pages. This includes the product title and description.

2. Optimize your meta description and title tag

The title tag and description will be the first elements people see when searching Google. These elements tell your audience if your listing is relevant.

Your title provides information to your audience about your page. This tag gives context to your page and encourages prospects to click.

These best practices will allow you to get the most from your title and meta description.

  • Keep your title tags at 60 characters and meta descriptions at 155 characters.
  • Use your core keyword in both tags to rank highly in relevant searches
  • Use power words to get prospects clicking (e.g. “Free”, “Fantastic”).
3. Speed up your website

Next up on our list is improving the website’s load time. Searchers will abandon your site if your website does not load quickly enough.

Slow-loading web pages can cause $ 2.6 million in revenue loss. Websites that load slowly can hurt your business’s bottom line.

To keep your leads, you can improve your page speed. Simply plug your website into Google Pagespeed Insights. You will be able to see your site’s current load speed on desktop and mobile.

Google provides suggestions for improving your page loading speeds. These are common ways to speed page loads:

  • Reducing redirects
  • Optimizing image file sizes
  • Allow browser cache
  • Upload videos to an external platform
4. A mobile-friendly design is essential for your website.

Did you know that 76% of consumers shop online via their smartphones? It is vital to ensure these shoppers are engaged by your website through a mobile-friendly design. It is the next best practice in ecommerce SEO.

SEO is required by both shoppers and search engines. Google uses a mobile index to determine rank. Therefore, a mobile-friendly website is vital if you wish to achieve higher search rankings.

You can use responsive design to make your website mobile-friendly.

5. Make it user-friendly

A great user experience is key to your ecommerce SEO strategy. 

Google ranks sites that offer a positive user experience higher on search results. 

How do you make your users’ experience easy? 

  • It should be simple to navigate. It shouldn’t take users too long to find what they are looking for.
  • Clear product descriptions are crucial for customers to ensure they get the correct products. Use bulleted lists to break down important information. 
  • Images of high quality are essential. Many people shop online for products but don’t have the chance to see them in person. Customers rely on photos to help them see the products in person.
6. Optimize your URLs

SEO for eCommerce is not complete without optimizing your URLs. Clear URLs provide context to your page.

Imagine looking at this product page:


Users and search engines will have a hard time identifying the products you are searching for from the URL.

You can instead opt for a clean and structured URL such as this:


This URL provides search engines and users with context about the location of your site.

7. Add schema markup

Schema markup is vital if you want your SEO to be optimized for ecommerce websites. Schema Markup allows you to create a listing that provides more information to your customers about your product. 

Multiple types of schema markup can be added to your listing:

  • Localization
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Review
  • Star rating
  • Cost
  • In stock indicator

Schema can make your listing stand out from the rest and get your audience’s attention. 

8. Repair technical problems on your website

Technical issues must be addressed if you wish to implement an effective ecommerce strategy. Search results can affect your site’s performance and rank.

Slow-loading pages can contribute to technical SEO problems. There are some other areas you should be aware of:

  • Search engines cannot determine which page ranks in search results.
  • Fix crawl problems: Google won’t index or crawl your pages if they don’t find them. Google Search Console is available to help you identify crawl errors and fix them. 
  • Protect your website. Customers need to feel confident that their information is secure and private. Secure websites are more likely to rank higher in Google’s search results.
9. Make content

Our last recommendation for ecommerce SEO is to create content. Without content, search results won’t suffice.

You can add many content types to your website, including

  • Blogs 
  • Videos
  • Infographics 
  • Ebooks 
  • Guides 

Different content types are needed to appeal to different audiences. Some people may like infographics or videos, while others might prefer reading guides and blogs.

Write content Be informative and complete 

Your search intent will help you decide the information you should provide. You will see many search results that include lists containing the trends.

This search will provide you with an idea about the structure of your article.

Create content frequently This will help you open up new doors for potential customers to find your ecommerce business. 

The Content Marketing Calendar helps you stay on track with all the content creation, editing, and publishing.

At least 50 testimonials are a sign of a good agency.

More than 100 testimonials are available for the best agencies.

Need help building your ecommerce SEO strategy?   

SEO is an important strategy to increase your business’s visibility and attract qualified traffic. 

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.