
Creating Mobile Popups Master Guide


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How often have you clicked on a website and been redirected by popups? 

Google made an important announcement about intrusive interstitials in 2017.

Google has decided to remove websites that violate its popup policy from the top search results. This was done to make website content easier to find and to improve the user experience.

Is it a good idea for marketers to ignore mobile popups completely? You’ll agree that this article is false.

Statistics indicate that it will have 33% more mobile payments by 2021, which is an estimated $3.38b.

Would you rather lose all your potential income? Let us show you how mobile popups could help you convert massively.

Mobile popups – Why they are so vital

Mobile traffic is huge

Mobile devices account for 53% of global online traffic. If your website and pop-ups don’t work well on mobile devices, you may be losing a lot more traffic to your site.

Marketing is a growing field. Mobile traffic accounts for half of all web traffic.

You can turn this mobile traffic into an advantage by using mobile-friendly pop-ups that convert without affecting your user experience.

How to succeed in mobile commerce

  • Increase mobile traffic by creating a mobile-friendly web
  • Use popups that comply with Google’s interstitial guidelines to improve user experience and increase mobile conversions.

There is no second chance

Mobile traffic can be huge, but customers are likely to leave your site if you don’t provide a great user experience.

52% of mobile shoppers will shop elsewhere after a bad experience.

Popups shouldn’t be used to incentivize customers to take desired actions.

There won’t be any second chances. It is important to collect subscribers and promote your products using popups.

Why responsive popups won’t solve the problem

Can you abandon your responsive popups if you decide that mobile popups are necessary?

This is not a good choice. Responsive popups can be scaled to various sizes by default.

1. You should not use unreliable responsive popups to undermine your website’s SEO.

Google could penalize your website if your popups are too intrusive. This could impact your SEO performance.

2. This is not just for annoying popups, but also the whole mobile user experience.

Google may penalize you if you cause a poor user experience with large advertisements or hero photos

Mobile traffic should be tapped with non-intrusive popups and better UX.

How about making users happy? Let’s look.

These are some ways to make popups mobile-friendly 

1. Mobile Popups are different than desktop pop-ups

These rules are only applicable to mobile search results. You can create popups that are based on the device.

Mobile popups are not as effective on smartphones and tablets because of screen size differences. 

Carbon38’s desktop popping-up covers the entire page as shown in the image. 

This is the way the popup was optimized to work on mobile devices. 

2. It’s all about better UX

The average mobile conversion rate is still low at 1.82%

You need to improve the user experience of popups to increase website traffic and compete for mobile commerce. This is not an easy task.

  • A popup should not obscure your website’s content. Responsive Popups in this case will lower your UX and block your content.
  • Make your popups easy to use. Popups that are too small for the screen will not convert as well.

3. Allowable screen space

Google doesn’t entirely ban mobile popups.

Google has provided sufficient screen space for interstitials considering the importance of conversion rate optimization and the email market for e-commerce businesses.

Users can be converted using popups if you follow Google’s guidelines.

They also said that two other types of interstitials will not be affected by the signal if it is used responsibly. 

  • Cookie consent popups
  • Popups to verify user’s age and protect them from inappropriate content

Kobe Digital’s Cookie Consent Pop-Ups are a way to get users’ consent. This will allow you to build trust and improve the user experience.

4. Attention to the format and whereabouts

We’ve stressed that mobile popups should meet Google’s requirements to be effective. You have many options for how you can present your mobile popups.

  • Method 1: Use CTA triggers

You can place a reasonable-sized call to action on each page that triggers popups when clicked.

Similar to the previous example, Skecher’s “Join Now for Free” call-to-action leads to the subscription.

  • Method 2 – Insert a popup on the second page

Google’s mobile popup guidelines only apply to landing pages. No. 

Your popups can be displayed at a reasonable size on the second page. This is useful for customers who are leaving using exit intent technology.

Kobe Digital analyzes the cursor behavior and displays segments of popups with exit-intent technology.

  • Method 3: Use smaller bottom popups

You have the option to choose smaller pop-ups that don’t hide content. This will prevent you from being penalized by Google for using interstitials.

5. Grab a great deal and trigger

Mobile pop-ups should be rewarded similarly to desktop pop-ups. Why should customers signup for your mailing list, visit the website, or purchase promoted products?

Offer discounts and sales to get people to take action. 

6. It must be visually appealing

Popup design is just as important as the message or incentive they convey. 

Choose a contrasting background

A popup that stands out against a background of different colors will make it stand out.

Visuals may not be the best option.

Mobile popups are smaller than desktop pop-ups. Google might limit the size of mobile popups.

Attractive calls for action

Bright colors can make calls-to-actions more prominent and more eye-catching. You may use contrast colors for the background and CTA buttons.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.