
12 Best Tips For Boosting Sales Using Sales Accelerators


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Every company wants to increase sales and revenue. There are many ways to do this. Every successful business shares one thing: a commitment to sales accelerators. This blog will cover 12 strategies to increase your sales. Some are tried and true, while others are more recent. However, they all work.

Many businesses desire to increase their revenue and make more profit. Selling more products is one of the best ways to achieve this, though it can be challenging to find the right way.

We’ll share 12 tips on how to increase sales using “sales accelerators”. These strategies have been used by many of the top-selling products in the world, such as Steve Jobs.

What are Sales Accelerators?

A sales accelerator can help you triple the productivity of your sales team. These tools are useful because most sales teams don’t have the funds to hire enough salespeople to meet their quotas.

There are two types of accelerators: opportunity-based and quota-based. To receive credit for a day/week/month, quota-based accelerators require that reps make a set number of calls per day/week/month.

They then receive commissions on any new business generated by those calls, including new customers, increased product revenue, and so forth, even if the initial sale was not made. They are eligible to receive a payout as long as they made the calls necessary to be eligible for commissions.

Opportunity-based accelerators are similar but they focus on speeding up deals and not increasing the number of calls.

Reps are credited for each new opportunity that they create and close within a specified period. They also receive commission regardless of who closes the deal. This accelerator is ideal for companies that have shorter sales cycles.

Sales accelerators offer many benefits:

  • They encourage reps to achieve their goals and close more business.
  • They can increase your sales team’s productivity.
  • You can hire fewer salespeople to help you manage your budget.
  • They encourage reps to focus on quality and not quantity.

There are some downsides to

  • These can be challenging to implement and manage.
  • If they are aware that they can make a lot of money without having to do much work, reps might become complacent.
  • For new or inexperienced salespeople, the payout structure can be confusing.
  • The accelerator must align with your company’s goals and values.

Are sales accelerators worth the investment?

Most of you will have heard of accelerators such as Gong.io and Clearbit. What about less well-known tools such as Outreach.io or Yesware or Mixpanel?

These tools can offer an incredible return on investment (ROI), in the majority of cases.

Let’s take a look at why accelerators are worth the investment:

1. They develop your reps’ skills-Leads can be the lifeblood of any sales organization. The more you distribute them effectively to your reps, they will be more successful.

They improve lead distribution by making reps’ jobs easier to find and qualify leads as well as helping them develop their skills with specific tools. This improves their productivity and effectiveness.

2. Sales accelerators improve lead distribution/efficiency- Not only do they help develop your rep’s skill set, but they also improve lead distribution/efficiency by making it easier for reps to find & qualify leads.

This is done by giving instant access to information about prospects, such as email addresses, social profiles, and company data (employees). This reduces the time sales reps spend researching and makes the sales process easier.

3. Sales accelerators improve overall sales performance-Like in reason #1, better lead distribution combined with an improved skill set development can make your reps more productive.

They are more productive and effective, which helps them close more deals. That’s great news for everyone!

4. Sales accelerators have a high return on investment It’s not hard to see why they offer such a high return on investment. The benefits of using sales accelerators outweigh their costs in most cases. Don’t believe me? Do your research.

5. Sales accelerators can be learned and used easily- They are usually very simple to use and understand, unlike traditional sales tools. These web-based apps often have clearly labeled menus and buttons, which makes them easy to use for all members of your team.

They are constantly up-to-date with the most recent features so you won’t have to worry about falling behind.

6. Sales accelerators keep their software up-to-date with the most recent features. Many of today’s best tools update their platforms regularly with new features. Many are often free! You can stay ahead of the game with the more advanced tools by paying a low monthly fee.

7. Sales-Accelerators Offer More Value than Traditional Sales Tools- Although this article is specifically about sales accelerators and how they help develop skill sets and improve lead distribution/efficiency, that’s just scratching the surface in terms of all the benefits they offer.

Sales accelerators can be a great investment. They have a high return on investment, are simple to use, and keep you up-to-date with the latest features. They offer more value than traditional tools for selling. What are you waiting to do? Get started now!

12 Strategies to Increase Your Sales

1. Use Social Proof- One of the best ways you can increase your sales is to use social proof. This allows you to show customers that others have purchased your products and are satisfied with them.

This can be done by posting testimonials to your website or sharing photos and stories from people who have used your product. People will buy more from you if they see others having a positive experience.

2. Offer free shipping- Another way to increase sales is to offer free shipping. It is a great way for people to purchase more products since they don’t have to worry about shipping costs.

Customers will be happy that they don’t have to pay extra for shipping. Make sure the shipping cost is justified if you do this. It is not a good idea to give something “free” after waiting several days.

3. Making it quick and easy to shop on your websiteThis is one way you can increase your sales. This is done by creating an online checkout process that requires no or very few questions.

Clear payment options are essential to make it easy for customers to pay using credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal accounts. If someone prefers one of these options to cash, you might offer discounts.

4. Use urgency in your sales pitch- When you want to increase sales, it is a good idea to use urgency. You need to make people feel that they must buy it immediately or else they might miss out on a great deal.

This can be done by offering limited-time deals or saying that supplies are low. People will buy more from you if they feel pressured to act quickly.

5. Clear and concise sales message One of the best ways you can increase sales is to make sure your sales message is clear. It is essential to remove unnecessary information and only share the important.

Don’t overwhelm your customers by giving too much information. Only share relevant facts that will impact whether they decide to buy from you.

6. Make it Easy for Customers to Purchase- Many companies have found a way to increase their sales by making it easier for customers to purchase what they want when they need it. This includes offering different payment options and delivery methods that are most convenient for customers.

If someone needs something delivered within three days (which can lead to higher prices), then make sure that you offer this option!

People will shop elsewhere if they find it difficult to purchase on your website or in-store if they are confused.

7. Use scarcity in your sales pitch- Another way to increase sales is by using scarcity in the pitch. Tell customers there are only a handful of items left, or that the offer is ending soon.

People will buy more from you if they feel they may miss out on something special. This tactic can be used with physical or online products.

8. Stand out from Your Competition- One of the best ways you can increase sales is to stand out from your competitors. This means that you must have a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from the rest.

What can you offer that no other person offers? Why should customers choose you over someone else? These questions will help you convince your customers to buy from you.

9. Use social proof on Your Website-Using social proof on your website can help increase sales. You can show your customers what others have to say about your product or services.

This can be done by including testimonials or customer reviews on your website. You can also post information about any awards you have won, or media coverage you have received. People will buy more from people who have had positive experiences with you.

10. Make It Easy for Customers To Get in Touch with You- One of the best ways for increasing sales is to make it easy for customers. This includes a phone number and an email address for customer service.

Also, make sure your website includes a contact form for customers to send questions and concerns. Customers will be more inclined to purchase from you if they can reach you easily.

11. Offer Customer Loyalty Programmes.- Another way companies can increase their sales is to offer customer loyalty programs. Customers will be rewarded for purchasing from you in the future.

You can find many examples of loyalty programs, such as points systems, discounts, and free products or services. Customers who feel they are receiving something in return for doing business with you are more likely to return to your company in the future.

12. Use Eye-Catching Graphics in Your Website- Using eye-catching graphics on your website can help increase sales. This is done by adding images and videos to grab people’s attention.

To make your website stand out, you can use different fonts and colors. Attracting people to your website will make them more likely to visit it again and take a closer look at the contents.

Bonus Tip

Make It Easy for Customers To Navigate Your Website- Another way to increase sales is to make it easier for customers to navigate your site.

It means that your website is organized in a way that people don’t become lost while browsing through your products or services. Also, make sure everything is useful and relevant so that people don’t feel they are wasting time browsing.


Sales accelerators can be a great way for your sales team to motivate and reach their goals. These are worth the investment especially if your sales team is struggling to meet their quotas.

Make sure that the tool you select is in line with your company’s goals and values. Set the right KPIs to ensure that reps know what to do to succeed.

Treat them as people, and make sure they are happy with the product.

It’s not enough to sit back and wait for great ideas to come along. You have got to go out and search for them!

Henry Ford famously stated: “Coming together, is a start; keeping together, is progress; working together, is a success.”

Get out there and share your product/idea with the world. Make something happen!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.