
Best Practices for Ecommerce Google PPC To Increase Your ROI


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Ecommerce shops are plentiful. In the United States and Canada, there are around 1.3 million ecommerce companies. This is a significant number. It’s important to develop marketing strategies that produce a high return on investment for your company.

Advertising (PPC) is a great marketing strategy for ecommerce shops. It can provide a high return on investment.

This page will explain the ROI that PPC Campaigns can deliver, PPC best practices and why Kobe Digital is a great partner in implementing high-quality PPC campaigns.

For more information about PPC, please give us a phone

How can PPC increase ecommerce ROI?

PPC can be a great way to increase ROI for any type of business. You can decide how much each ad costs.

PPC campaigns use a bidding system that allows you to control the amount you bid on each keyword. 

Your ads cost less but still charge the same price due to the low CPC. You will see a positive return on investment.

You can earn $2.50 for every $100 you spend on PPC ads. 

Ecommerce keywords have such low CPCs that this positive ROI can quickly add up.

These numbers allow you to easily see how PPC can increase your ecommerce store’s ROI.

Top practices for PPC to increase ROI

If you like the idea of PPC helping you achieve positive ROI then you can get started. Let us discuss five ways PPC can help your company increase its ROI.

1. Tracking for your ecommerce store

Advertising and marketing without analytics are ineffective, as you’ve probably heard. Analytics can help to see which campaigns are performing well and where there is room for improvement.

Analyzing all of your campaigns’ results will help you to avoid spending money on ineffective campaigns.

You will need to enable Ecommerce Tracking in a View. 

You can then set up your tracking code with Google Tag Manager. Follow the link to see each step.

With your ecommerce analytics, you can view key metrics like which products are most in demand, where sales are coming from, and so on. 

2. Do not turn your back on your competitors

Keep your eyes peeled for changes in the PPC landscape 

It’s possible that your top seller isn’t selling as often as it used to. You might notice that your top-seller isn’t selling as well as it used to.

Customers will naturally gravitate to lower prices when your competitors offer lower products and services.

3. Create effective, action-inducing landing pages

Users will be redirected to the landing page after clicking on your ad. The page contains information that can help potential customers make a purchase and also gives them a way of contacting you for further information.

Landing pages should be action-oriented. Landing pages must have the best copy and design.

You must clearly describe what your ad promotes on your landing page. Provide information such as A, B, and C to ensure leads are generated from landing pages.

Product content should be appealing and show value. The goal of a landing page is to convince users to buy the product.

Warm cabin socks are a great way of expressing your value. Share your “rip-proof guarantee” for a dog toy.

The landing page copy should reflect the product’s value. It should highlight its best features.

The landing page content must be concise and clear. Clear and concise landing page content should be displayed.

4. Optimize your ads

Optimizing marketing campaigns is the best way to get results. How does this affect PPC? Maximize clicks and maximize your ROI.

These are just a few ways to ensure that your ads get clicked and increase ROI.

  • Two types of ecommerce ads should be optimized. You can optimize two types of ecommerce ads.
  • How can you optimize them? Text-based ads should include your product name in the title tag. You want your product to be noticed by potential customers.
  • Include ad extensions. Don’t forget to include ad extensions.

Another option is to use call extensions. Call extensions are another option.

You can also use review extensions to encourage users to click on your ads.

  • Different campaign structures can be A/B tested. This will allow you to determine which campaign structure works best. Then, you can decide which version to use to continue.
5. Advertise on Amazon

Amazon was the third-largest online advertising platform during the third quarter of 2018. This ranking follows the giant’s Facebook, Google, and Google.

If your ecommerce store does not advertise on Google, this could indicate that you might be missing out on high-quality advertising space. 

Amazon is saturated and it’s crucial to place ads there.

What ROI is possible for a PPC campaign?

The ROI of a PPC campaign is difficult to quantify. We can look at industry averages to help us establish baseline numbers.

Ecommerce has an average CPC rate of $0.88 per click. This rate is second only for the dating industry.

This is great news for ecommerce because it means you will spend less money on PPC ads than other industries. If your CPC is high, your ROI will increase.

Before you calculate your return on ad spend (ROAS), you will need to first determine your ROI.

Calculate your ROI. This includes factors such as the salaries your employees receive, customer service costs, and so on.

This simple formula will allow you to calculate ROAS

PPC REVENUE MINIMUM COST PPC COST, DIVISION ABOUT PPC COST. This will give you a percentage. This is how much money was earned for every dollar spent on advertising.

Your ROAS would be 1328% if you made a $10,000 profit and spent $700 advertising. This is a positive ROI, meaning you received more than what you invested.

Are you looking to build a high-quality, profitable ecommerce PPC campaign?

Kobe Digital can help you if you are interested in a PPC campaign for your ecommerce website.

We have the expertise to create custom PPC campaigns that will work for you. 

These are just a few of the PPC campaigns that we offer:

  • Custom monthly ads
  • Campaigns can contain 400-10,000 keywords
  • Google PPC network
  • Google Display Network
  • Match Google audience and customers
  • Gmail Competitor Ads
  • Advanced keyword research and keyword selection
  • Industry analysis
  • Copywriting for advertising campaigns
  • Ad Copy Performance Testing

There are many more things.

These products are only a few of the many we offer with every PPC Campaign. Our custom campaigns are as individual as the businesses they serve.

Our internet marketers are industry experts who keep up to date with industry news and changes to ensure that your campaign uses the most recent strategies and tactics.

PPC is no exception. We will get to know your company and products to help you create a campaign that meets your goals.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our PPC campaigns that can transform your ecommerce company.

Get in touch.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.