
Why SEO Traffic Is Not Enough


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How popular are you looking for your products, business or brand to be? 

You might be already very popular online with lots of traffic to your site. Have you ever looked at your traffic sources? Many people depend on traffic from one source, whether it is SEO, paid media or social media.

What would you do if your main traffic source suddenly disappeared?

Why do different traffic sources exist?

You could lose many clients and readers if you rely on one traffic source. This is especially true if your traffic source algorithm changes overnight or your search engine ranking suddenly changes. If your company is reported as spam, your account may be banned.

This is especially true for Google. Google has become too important for many businesses, entrepreneurs, and others.

Although it is one of the most popular search engines for getting web traffic, it shouldn’t be your only option. You have control over many of the best options to gain traffic, including email, subscriber lists and owned media. This will allow you to connect with customers through great content and avoid any algorithmic issues that could affect your traffic flow.

How to Get More Traffic

These are some tips to increase traffic to your website and ensure consistent traffic.

1. Email Marketing

Good email marketing is one of the best ways for steady traffic. This will enable you to get more leads and convert more customers in just a few clicks. To build your email list, however, you will need to make sure your sign-up forms are easy to read, personal, optimized for different devices and frequent with clear calls to action. You can also test which email marketing strategy works best by doing A/B/B testing.

2. Make catchy content

It is a great way to attract people to your site by creating unique content. It is important to make sure your content is memorable, creative, and keeps people coming back for more. Social media and your blog are two great ways to achieve this. When writing headlines, you should add visuals, keywords, and other information.

3. Run Ad Campaigns

Paid advertising is another way to increase traffic. You can run campaigns on Google, Facebook and Instagram. Your brand will be more visible if you run ads across multiple mediums. You can also target different audiences by running more ads. Running ads can be costly so make sure you choose the right platforms.

4. Participate on Social Media

Being active on social media is one of the best ways to attract consistent visitors. Many people enjoy being entertained and engaged while on the move. Being active on social media can capture their attention quickly.

This can be achieved by:

  • Social media content creation: Infographics, videos and blogs.
  • Engage with your followers: Respond to your followers on social media by sharing their content, tagging, and responding to their comments.
  • Use hashtags: Stay up-to-date with the latest hashtags and include them in your post.
  • You can update your page details. Change your profile picture and cover photo when you have updated information about your company.

5. Use Influencers

The influencer market is enormous. It’s predicted to reach $4.14 trillion by 2022. Many teenagers and younger generations are choosing to trust influencers over celebrities on social media. It can be a great way to attract young visitors to your website. This is the best way to find influencers for you company:

  • In your social media posts, tag influencers
  • Ask influencers questions or do live interviews on your pages and their pages.
  • Sponsored posts by influencers can help you promote your products.

6. Write for guest blogs and websites

Referrals are a great way to get traffic that doesn’t come directly from Google. This allows people to visit your site through other websites. Backlinks are a great way to get referral traffic to your site. This will increase your search engine rankings and help you attract more visitors.

You should research your industry before you start writing backlinks or for other websites. Before you start writing for other websites, it is a good idea to look at their guidelines and domain authority.

7. Check Your Analytics

Analytics are an important part of any website. They can provide insight for traffic, regardless of whether you have Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics. These reports will allow you to see what content, posts and strategies are most effective for your business. These will help you identify areas that need improvement so you can make sure you have sustainable visits to your site.

8. Participate in Communities

Being active in online communities is another way to attract organic traffic. You can attract new visitors by simply posting in forums or social media groups.

Wrapping up

It is important to not rely on just one traffic source for your company, particularly Google. It can be hard to keep up with constantly changing algorithms and there are potential consequences such as account suspensions, bans and penalties.

Different marketing strategies are necessary to ensure steady traffic. You can control many of the best marketing methods, including email marketing, community engagement, reviewing your analytics and creating epic content.

The process of getting diverse traffic is a combination of trial and error with different methods. It’s a process of trial and error using different methods to get a range of traffic.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.