
The Ultimate Redesign Checklist


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Your website can showcase the best features of your business to potential customers. Your website should be as up-to-date as the services you provide.

After you click the “publish” button, designing a website is all about everything. You will need to update, modify, and promote your website through various channels.

What’s involved in website design?

Website design is an important part of website maintenance. Site redesigns should focus on the content, user experience, and SEO practices.

This complete website redesign checklist will help guide you through every step of your project, no matter if you’re working by yourself or with the help of a professional web design firm.

  1. Think about whether it’s time to redesign your website.
  2. Conduct research and analyze your website.
  3. Make a plan and establish your goals
  4. Visual language:
  5. Create a sitemap
  6. Employ best design practices
  7. Update the content on your website
  8. SEO
  9. Mobile version optimized
  10. Share and Review

1. Think about whether it’s time to redesign your website.

Website redesigns can be a tedious project that requires strategy and planning. Before you begin, it’s best to be prepared.

  • Do I need to update my website’s design?
  • Have there been any drops in sales or conversions?
  • Do you have any complaints about navigation or design?
  • I have recently rebranded my company.

Website redesigns can be great for your business. If you answered “yes” to any of the following questions, a website redesign could prove to be a huge benefit.

2. Analyze your market and websites.

First, evaluate your website’s performance and compare it to other websites.

Analyze all pages of your website. Review all pages of your website.

Google Analytics allows you to view the data of your website. You can also see which CTAs are being clicked.

Be objective when analyzing site problems.

Examine the competition. Examine the competition.

Market research can be a powerful way to understand your market. It is worthwhile to revisit your market and the audience before you redesign your website. They change over time.

Gaining a deeper understanding of your customers will help you tailor your website to their needs. 

3 Make a plan and determine your goals

You can make a list of all the things you would like to see on your website.

This will allow you to create a plan to redesign your website.

If you’re working in a team, assign roles to people. If you are working with a group, assign roles to individuals.

4. Your visual language

Before getting into the details, it’s important to determine the design of your website. Your visual language must be consistent with your brand identity and reflect your core values.

To get started, we recommend searching for inspiration and the latest web design trends. It is important to identify what fits your brand best and how it might improve your site’s functionality.

Gather all necessary design assets for your site at this point.

5. Make a sitemap

Sitemaps list all pages on your website and show how they are connected. 

Create a map of all pages on your website and show users how they can navigate between them. Visitors should be able to access every page of your site in just a few clicks.

Include the essentials: an About page and a contact section. Think about what additional pages you could add to your websites such as an online store or designated landing pages.

Wireframes: This will help you identify the structure of each webpage. This tool will display the layout of each page and the locations of various elements such as menus or buttons.

6. Employ best design practices

This is the design part of a website remodel. Remember your brand and the main principles of design. 

  • Hierarchy: Site visitors will rank each element on your website in order of importance. Site visitors will look at every element on your site in order of priority. Bolder titles or larger font sizes are possible. You can also arrange elements (e.g. Place a CTA button at the top of the screen ).
  • Contrast: This is where we highlight the differences between elements of a design.
  • Balance: Your website should have equal parts on both sides. This is a great way to see balance.
  • Imagery: Make sure you use high-quality media to communicate your message. Images, icons, and vector artwork can be used to show off your product. You might, for example, include food on a restaurant website. You could also include your accommodation on a hotel website.
  • Typography refers to the art of organizing text according to different factors such as font size and weight. There are some rules you can follow to help you choose the right fonts for your website.

7. Update the content on your website

Changing text on your website is an important part of web design services in Miami.

Keep your text short and to the point. In an age of diminishing attention spans, skimming, and a decrease in speed, concise sentences are more efficient.

Tone and voice: This is the most important aspect of your brand voice. Are you looking for something friendly and casual or professional and authoritative?

Microcopy: A microcopy section is an important part of your website’s content. It covers everything from your CTA buttons (CTAs) and your online forms. It should sound more like people are behind it than code. For example, a signup button can be more than just an “OK”. It can also say anything, from “Sign me up!” Let’s go. “

8. Take good care of your SEO      

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the process of improving your website’s visibility in Google search results. This will improve your website’s organic traffic. This can increase its visibility and discoverability.

There are many ways to make your business visible on Google. Consider the following:

Keyword research: Select two to three keywords that best describe your business. Keyword research: Choose two to three keywords that best describe your business.

Alt-text: While your alt-text won’t be visible to the public, it will help Google bots and assistive technologies. 

Page meta tags. Search engine bots can better understand the content of your page and display it correctly in search results. 

Domain name

9. Mobile version

A mobile website can make your website as simple to use as possible. Design features such as animated welcome screens and branding can be used.

Mobile-friendly websites can enhance your user experience and provide SEO benefits. It is an integral part of Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative.

10. Review and share

Review your design thoroughly, including proofreading it and making sure that it flows well. Ask a few of your colleagues or friends to do a similar inspection.

Once your website is redesigned, it’s time to give it a marketing boost. Share your new design on social media and in your newsletter to drive traffic.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.