
The Average Website Conversion Rates


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Want to find out what is considered a good conversion rate for websites and how it compares to yours?

Conversions can be described as a combination of percentages and averages that measure KPI metrics.

  • Completed orders
  • Click through rates
  • Sign up rates
  • Subscription upgrades

It is important to fully understand what website conversions tell you about your customers. These are the people you want to engage and convert.

This article will guide you to have a positive mindset, evaluate your website conversion rates, and make sure your customers have better experiences.

These are the topics that we will be covering:

Table of Contents

  • Micro Conversions
  • Macro Converters 

Average Website Conversion Ratio By Industry

 Calculating Website Conversion Rate

 Why do you need to measure website conversions

  • 1. Learn more about UX
  • 2. Understanding Your Customers


What’s website conversion?

Website conversion is when visitors complete a desired action, such as filling in a form or purchasing.

We’ll be talking about high conversion rate percentages. However, you must know that website conversion can be broken down into two parts:

Micro Conversions

A micro-conversion helps you get closer to your goal. 

Macro Conversions

Macro conversion refers to when an end goal is achieved, such as a sale or the obtaining of a new subscription.

What’s a good conversion rate for websites?

Do you wonder “What is the best conversion rate for websites?” Let’s find the answer.

Please be aware that conversion rates may vary depending on:

  • Industry: Information, finance, and legal technology.
  • Conversion goal (email signups, checkouts, ad clicks, etc. )
  • Audience demographic (occupation, income, age, etc. )

Industry Average website conversion rates 

What’s the average website conversion rate?

The conversion rates of websites vary depending on the industry. Certain industries, such as finance, can achieve better results.

Bottom    Middle    Top
Ecommerce    1.84%3.71%6.25%
Finance5.01%11.19%    24.48%    

This table shows that ecommerce websites have lower conversion rates than top-tier finance websites. These conversion rates are especially high when compared with the top tier.

Take into consideration your industry when determining your company’s conversion rates. 

Website conversion rates for Ecommerce websites

E-commerce conversion rates range from 2 to 4 percent. Retailers’ conversion rates may vary depending on market competition, customer demand, and their retail sector.

Below is a breakdown of conversion rates for e-commerce websites by industry:

IndustryAverage Conversion Rate
Pet Care3%
Cars & Motorcycling1.59%
Kitchen & Home Appliances2.86%
Sport & Recreation1.54%
Food & Drink2.06%
Fashion Clothing and Accessories1.63%
Health & Wellbeing3.04%
Arts & Crafts3.06%
Home Accessories & Giftware1.06%
Commercial & Electrical Equipment0.78%
Baby & Child0.39%

This table illustrates how conversion rates for ecommerce websites can vary depending on the products they sell. 

It is helpful to compare the industry averages, but it is more useful to get a better understanding of the users who visit your site. This will allow you to make informed decisions about how to improve user experience and increase conversions.

Website Conversion rates based on Device Type

A report from Statista based on the device shows that conversion rates are high.

Global shoppers convert at 3.411% higher rates on tablets than on smartphones which have a conversion rate of only 1.86%.

Calculating the Website Conversion Rate

Divide the number of conversions on your website by the number of visitors to calculate the conversion rate. This number should be multiplied by 100.

The formula for website conversion rates:

Conversion Rate = Total number of visitors X Number of conversions

A free tool to improve your conversion rate.

How do you measure website conversions?

Conversions rates are more than numbers and percentages. These conversion rates can tell a lot about you and your product.

There are two reasons you should measure website conversions.

1. Learn more about UX

Understanding how your visitors interact with your site is key to identifying the most effective optimizations and changes.

Website conversion rate is an indicator of user experience.

  • Low conversion rates can indicate poor user experience. You should identify and test any issues or blockers that users have and then optimize them. 
  • High conversion rates indicate that your website is doing something right. You need to identify the most profitable parts of your customer journey and apply them elsewhere on your website.

2. Understanding Your Customers

Conversion rates can be used to determine what customers like and dislike about your website. 

  • Low conversion rates for product pages and pricing pages could mean that your pricing or features may not be clear enough.


A more attractive design or convincing CTA can increase your website conversion rates. 

  1. Learn what draws customers to your website
  2. Learn what might stop potential customers from using
  3. Learn what motivates them to do the desired action

Understanding the factors that influence and hinder your conversions will allow you to create a CRO strategy for the future.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.