
How To Target New Parents With Facebook Ads


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Which audience size is best for Facebook ads?

The best audience size for Facebook ads is generally between 1 and 2 million people. The size of your audience can vary from 230 million to as low as one thousand depending on how narrow or specific you are. If you don’t define your targeting and send your ads to everyone and anyone, you will end up spending a lot of money on people that don’t matter to you. They won’t spend your money on your business. According to what we’ve seen and tested, Facebook algorithms work best when there is a small audience of 1 to 2 million people. This is a guideline.

Your campaign’s purpose can affect the size of your audience. You can have a larger audience if you are doing a reach campaign. However, if your goal is to convert sales, you may want to limit the audience to those who are most interested in purchasing.

Facebook ads: How to target parents

Although you don’t need to specify by gender or age, it is possible to do so. If you only want to target young mothers, you can narrow it down to women between 18 and 30 years of age. For more targeted targeting, consider the following:

Parents are being targeted

Demographics> Parents> All

  • Parents with children of certain ages are targeted:
  • Demographics> All Parents> (pick an age)
  • Targeting parents based on topics, interests, and/or brands
  • General parenting topics (ex. Preschool, diapers and baby formula, pre-school, strollers, strollers, etc 

You can also target specific interests ….. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Click “Narrow by”.
  2. Fill the second box with brands that are more closely related to your target audience (ex. Nordstrom, Buy Buy Baby, Athletica, Ergobaby, Babybjorn, etc….)

A Venn diagram effect will occur when you narrow your audience by adding a second category of interests. Facebook will target people who have met the requirements for the first box and then the second box. If your audience is too large, this is a great way to reduce it. You can also have more boxes if needed to be very specific.

Run Facebook ads for baby products

Let’s suppose you sell infant cribs. You want to target pregnant mothers on Facebook. First, you could specify the target demographic (Parents (Newborns),) and then choose based on brands or interests. If you want to target women who are interested in books, birthing magazines, and Lamaze classes, then you can do so on Facebook. Targeting women interested in maternity clothing or brands could be another option. You should also consider first-time mothers as a target audience since cribs can be reused for future children. This can be done by eliminating other demographics such as parents with children older than a baby or looking for items that only first-time mothers use.

Be like a parent

You need to understand the thoughts and motivations of parents to target them with the right brands and topics. What motivates a parent to purchase this product or this brand? It is important to understand what your parents value and identify the topics that Facebook targets.

What is your ideal customer’s favorite thing? Is it because Target is convenient? What other brands or baby products are more convenient? Are they shopping at The Natural Baby Company because they are concerned about the environment and its impact on their baby’s health? What other household brands might they consider buying to reduce their carbon footprint? Are they shopping at Old Navy simply because of its prices? What other brands offer such competitive prices? Are they shopping at the latest boutique for the most fashionable baby clothes? It is important to understand who your ideal customer is. This means learning about their lifestyle, buying habits, and why. This will help you to identify the perfect combination of interests for your Facebook targeting.

Kobe Digital has extensive experience in Miami digital marketing for baby brands through paid social, SEO, and paid search. Let’s talk if you need help in the baby market. We are happy to help you analyze the competition and create a marketing plan.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.