
How To Successfully Master Content Marketing


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Every successful business has a content marketing strategy. Content marketers have been publishing blog posts, ebooks, white papers, ebooks, and other valuable content for years to engage clients and attract new leads. This has resulted in significant returns on investment (ROI). Content remarketing is a new technique in content marketing that has been proven to increase conversions and generate leads.

What is Content Remarketing?

Simple techniques can be used with content remarketing. It is a simple idea: Business owners keep track of visitors to their sites but don’t convert them into leads. These users are then retargeted to send content in the hopes of generating interest. Because content marketing targets consumers based on their past actions online, marketers also call it behavioral remarketing.

Businesses have a second chance to impress consumers and be valued by them. Content remarketing offers clear benefits: It gives your company an effective method to regain users’ attention, and a second impression, if possible. Additional benefits include:

  • Marketing budget ROI. Remarketing increases the conversion funnel by targeting visitors most qualified to purchase. This extends the life of any budget that is spent to drive traffic to a website.
  • Brand awareness. Increased brand awareness. Displaying advertisements to prospects increases brand awareness and the likelihood they will share your content.
  • You can target your audience with customized targeting. Remarketing allows brands to target users based on their interests. This increases the likelihood of users returning to your website to complete what they started.

Most likely, you have been a victim of content remarketing. You may have seen the same boots advertised on another website or social media accounts that you searched for Doc Martens. This serves as a reminder to users who haven’t converted and can rekindle their interest in your site. Content remarketing’s ultimate goal is to get eluded leads back to your site, ideally to purchase.

Learn how content remarketing works

The concept of content remarketing blends the concepts to maximize your content’s reach while increasing user engagement. It reminds users to complete the action they have started, to find new content that will impact buyer decisions,s or to say hello to a company they expressed interest in. Don’t let leads slip by your fingers. Instead, gently push them in your direction while they browse the news, check their emails, or watch YouTube videos.

Consumers who shop in brick-and-mortar stores don’t always have the option to return a product that they purchased. When they return the item, it may have been discontinued or gone. Online shoppers have the option to easily return an item they’ve previously looked at, and purchase before it is too late. This allows businesses to recover sales that they might have missed otherwise.

This is how content remarketing works, in its most basic terms.

  • Prospects visit your website.
  • The prospect’s browser is set with a tracking cookie by your site.
  • Your prospect abandons your site without purchasing anything or following up on a call-to-action.
  • As the prospect browses the internet, the tracking cookie tracks him or her.
  • Your banner ads will entice prospects to return to your site to complete the purchase. This effectively turns the prospect into either a lead or a customer.

Remarketing your content through audience-specific banner ads gives your brand another chance to reach the prospect. Your advertisement can often be the final push that the prospect needs to purchase a product they regret not buying.

Content Remarketing: Use the Right Tools

Now that you know the why and what of content marketing, let’s get to the how. Google has several tools to make remarketing simple, including the Google Display Network. GDN allows business owners to display text, images, and video ads on websites relevant to their industry. You can also track your campaigns and consumers in real-time.

GDN hosts over 2 million sites, making it one of the largest networks on the internet. Mobile ad capabilities allow banner ads to be displayed while users are playing games or using apps. This allows you to reach a wide audience and offers a lot of ways to grab users’ attention. To tailor your advertisement campaign, sign up for GDN. Follow the steps.

First, determine the audience you want to remarket to. These could be people who have visited your blog, viewed your product pages, or read about pricing. You can tailor your message to specific users by identifying the areas on your website where certain users have disappeared. You can then create a new list using Google AdWords. This can be found under “Shared Library”, then click “Audience”. Simply specify the visitors you wish to include and Google will take care of the rest.

Google’s remarketing tools are easy to use and will get you started on the path toward content remarketing. Facebook is the only network that the GDN does not include.

Master Facebook Remarketing Techniques

You must use another remarketing channel than the Google Display Network if you wish to reach a Facebook audience. Although the Facebook Exchange Ads tool has been used by advertisers, this feature is no longer available. Facebook provides an alternative to this tool by directing owners of businesses to its remarket to website visitors page.

You can create custom ads to remarket to visitors to your website by using this tool. Marketers can also target people similar to the ones who visit your website with a tool called Lookalike audiences. This creates new prospects and customers. Remarketing on social media has many benefits. It allows you to engage with customers in a friendly manner and target a particular demographic who uses each platform.

YouTube Remarketing

Google Display Ads allows you to market to YouTube. YouTube has more than 1 billion users worldwide. YouTube is second only to Google in search engine popularity and offers marketers an opportunity to target all types of audiences. Remarketing on YouTube is essential if you have published video content. YouTube users can click on your videos and subscribe to your channel. They can also view in-stream ads.

YouTube remarketing targets viewers based on their engagement with your videos. This includes those who viewed your videos and left comments. Link your Google AdWords account and your YouTube account to create a YouTube remarketing strategy. In just a few simple steps, you can create a video marketing list and design a new ad campaign. You can also spread your ads across YouTube.

The takeaway: Remarketing can increase your conversions       

Your brand can use content remarketing to increase its reach, boost outreach and convert prospects into customers. Remarketing campaigns are proving to be a powerful tool for content marketers. They help rekindle interest in products and services, which can lead to tangible results. Get started today on your journey to a more profitable company with content remarketing.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.