
How Small Businesses Should Correctly Use CRM


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CRM software was originally designed for large businesses with hundreds of employees. As time passed, companies realized that CRM software was not limited to how many people could be reached or the type of messages they could receive. CRM software can be a powerful tool to grow small businesses and keep up with customers.

What’s CRM Design?

CRM design refers to the process of creating a software program that meets your company’s needs and goals. This involves mapping everything, from sales processes to customer service policies and phoenix marketing agency strategies.

This is not about creating an application that fits into the business flow but also about helping you to measure key metrics like lead generation rates or manual tasks such as voicemails.

This is important for small businesses, and those with limited resources, as it can offer advantages over larger companies that have established CRM systems.

Although CRM design and software development are two different things, small businesses often combine them.

How can I get started with CRM design?

It is important to take into account all aspects of your business when designing a software program.

As they will have input into the design of your processes, sales and marketing should be involved from the beginning. They will know which numbers you are trying to reach and what messages convert best.

An application’s success rate will increase if it can provide statistics such as conversion rates and lead generation rates. Buyers should be involved as well to let you know what capabilities and features are most important to them. This is a great idea for both users and employees. You should have someone who knows how the system works.

It is best to break down each department into separate functional areas. This will allow you to determine which processes will be involved in multiple departments. Also, this will help you identify who will report back in real-time with data and who will perform manual tasks within these processes. This is how small businesses can get CRM design.

  • How many departments are there and what do they do?
  • It is important to see how different teams interact in real-time, especially since many small businesses are started by recent college graduates.
  • What data will you collect, what tools will you use to do it, and where will it be stored?

Users, even those not in business like your family or friends, should also be informed about the design process to ensure there are no surprises when launching new products or services. When you break down processes into smaller areas, ensure that all tasks are listed in order.

CRM design process: Main Steps

Although there are many ways to design a CRM system you can use, the following is the most popular. This approach has proven to be a great starting point for many companies.

1. You can set up small groups of test users with different needs. You should test as much functionality (database setup, user registration, and all main menu options).

2. Once you have determined what works best, write “user stories”. These are short paragraphs that explain how users interact with your CRM system. This will help you to know where to focus during design. You should now have a clear understanding of your user’s interactions with the system, and be familiar with the tasks they will need to complete.

3. Based on the information you have about these user stories, you can create user personas (a profile of each customer or client). These personas describe their needs and behaviors so that you can determine which features are most useful.

4. These personas help guide design decisions as it is easier to determine which functionalities are most important when creating intuitively designed products or services.

5. This step will help you understand potential customers’ behaviors. This allows you to segment your designs into personas. It helps you identify the value that each persona requires from a CRM system, and how to design it to suit them.

6. Now, you should focus on creating a prototype/mock-up using user stories. This will allow you to see how your application will look when it is finished. It also helps clients and other parties. People tend to design their products as if they were building an app. However, many factors go into creating such a product, including licensing regulations and integration with other systems. It’s important to know these things when you start designing your product.

7. Once your prototype is complete and it looks great on paper, or at least in your mind, decide how you will build it. This will be based on the feedback and testing sessions that users have provided. Then add functionality until they are satisfied with it.

We’ve seen that simple prototypes can be difficult to make. However, if done correctly they help you decide on design elements earlier rather than later. This will allow you to avoid significant problems down the line.

These personas have proven to be very useful for many people, even those who have never used them before.

Improve the UX in CRM Design to get a better ROI

The user is the most important thing when building apps and websites. You’re trying your best to please the user with a product that they like and will use, not some manager using it as an example of what their company should look like or something else.

But if you think of online CRMs this way, things begin to look different.

The key to CRM systems’ ROI (Return on Investment) is making sure customers can quickly find the information they need. If that happens, how many people will return each year to use the system?

Additionally, an online CRM system can be used to sell products or services. This puts extra pressure on its usability. People need to be able to access the information quickly for their clients and themselves (or both!) When they are trying to decide what a service/product will look like in terms of design and functionality, not only from a technical standpoint but also how these elements will integrate with any other software that your company may be using.

If you ask these questions more than once per year, it is time to upgrade the UX in your CRM system.

This is an area that must be addressed immediately!

However, I have found that while improving the usability of an online CRM system can be difficult, especially if you don’t have much time in recent years to do it, there are many ways to go about it.

The Benefits of Custom CRM Design Solutions

There are many things you can do to make your CRM more usable.

1. It makes the system easier to use. This helps users get up and running faster, and it makes it easier for them to find information. It also helps with just getting in contact with other users if they need any assistance…especially when doing so can have a positive impact on their bottom line!

2. Expand what aspects of the interface these new features/applications should interact with (or indeed extend how much functionality is available in general) – I’ll often find myself asking ‘ why can you only send an email to someone using just their mobile number? Is there anything stopping me from sending it to them on their other devices?

3. You can add features to allow users to refine their information about a contact and make those changes available across all their systems. Why should they need separate records for different things like phone numbers, home addresses, etc.?

Instead of having many ‘interaction points’ scattered throughout your CRM system, why not allow you to add one or more record types at once?

Why do all attempts to create a simple design fail

This topic is one that I have written extensively about on my blog. You can find more information at:

1. Microsoft Exchange Server is the most widely used CRM system today, based on its high adoption rates. It has been around since the late 1990s and currently holds over 70% of the corporate CRM market.

Although it’s easy to use, it doesn’t work very well. You don’t need to worry if your company already uses off-the-shelf products. But if you are planning on building a new product, I recommend you reconsider your approach.

2. Salesforce.com and SugarCRM are the next most popular CRM systems (in terms of their high adoption rates) currently. They are both made by San Francisco-based Oracle Corporation. These products are great as long as you don’t need to change from the standard functionality. But again, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

3. Today’s final type of CRM system I’d like to discuss is the ‘pure customized’ products. These generally fall into one of two categories. They can either be completely redesigned (like one company that had to redesign their product and functionality 4 times before it was right) or they can use an existing off-the-shelf solution that has been modified slightly to make them work together.

Both cases are different, but I would not recommend this route unless your experience in CRM is extensive and you’re well-versed in the limitations and bugs found in many off-the-shelf products.

Small Business CRM Design Solutions

Okay, we’ve covered the major CRM options. But what about small businesses that want to quickly and easily get started with a solution?

1. First, I recommend that you contact your local IT Services firm or Software Development Company.

These guys will have extensive experience in building custom software solutions that they can tailor to your specific needs, while also respecting the limitations of off-the-shelf products. They’ll also be able to give expert advice on how to proceed.

If required, they can also provide multiple quotes to help you choose between the options I just mentioned.

2. If you are familiar with SQL and databases, your next step should involve speaking with an IT company that specializes in this field.

These guys can provide software solutions quotes and assistance after they are received (e.g. extended support via email, rather than live chat).

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.