
Six Shopify Website Design Tips For The Perfect Website


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Your website is the center of digital marketing efforts. It is therefore crucial to create a beautiful site that will help your company grow online. Shopify is a great platform to help you build an ecommerce website. How can you get the most out of your Shopify website?

Six Shopify design tips will help you get started on designing your website.

  1.  Select the Right Theme for Your Business
  2.  Apps to Build Your Website
  3.  Make sure your site loads quickly
  4.  Use Visuals On Your Site
  5.  Connect with Leads
  6.  Don’t Overdo It

Continue reading for more information!

1. Select the right theme to represent your business

You can design Shopify stores by starting with the theme you choose (for bonus points, select one of the most converting Shopify themes).

Your website’s theme is what makes your site stand out to your visitors. 94% of first impressions are related to web design. You want to ensure that you choose the right theme for your website to make a great impression. Shopify has many templates that you can choose from for your website.

You can choose from a range of premium and free templates, ranging in price from $100 up to $180.

How do you choose the best theme for your website’s site?

You should ask the following questions when designing your Shopify store:

  • What do I need to do to get my products on my website?
  • What features are necessary for my store?
  • What can I do to get users to buy on my site?
  • What kind of experience would you like to offer your audience?
  • What is the maximum amount I can spend on my design project?

These questions will help you decide which design is right for your ecommerce store.

P.S. Make sure that you select a mobile-friendly theme when you personalize your Shopify store. If you want your website to be mobile-friendly, the theme must be responsive. To verify that the theme is mobile-friendly, you can review the description.

2. Apps to build your website

Our next tip is to use Shopify apps to build your website. Shopify uses apps, just like WordPress’s plugins. These apps allow you to add features to your website that will enhance the user’s experience. Many apps can be used to build your website.

These app categories are:

  • Locating products
  • Sellable places
  • Store design
  • Marketing
  • Conversion and sales
  • Shipping and orders
  • Inventory management
  • Customer support
  • Security and Trust
  • Finances
  • Productivity
  • Reporting

You can use an app to improve your ecommerce site, whether you want to manage your inventory or optimize your sales process.

3. Make sure your site loads quickly

Shopify’s most important tip is to ensure your website loads quickly.

Users will not wait for slow-loading sites and will abandon them if they take too much time to load. Businesses lose $2.6 million each year due to slow-loading websites.

Shopify is a site builder that allows you to test your site’s load time so you can deliver the best user experience possible. To check the current load time of your site, you can use tools like Google PageSpeed Intelligences.

Increase the speed at which your site loads by:

  • Avoid third-party themes Shopify allows you to use third-party themes on your website. This comes with the risk that additional features can slow down your site. Shopify themes are the best, as you know exactly what you’re getting.
  • Reducing image file size: Although adding product photos to your website is an excellent way of providing a great user experience and can speed up your site, it can also cause slowdowns. To speed up your site’s loading speeds, you may need to reduce the file size of images.
  • Analyzing the widget and app usage You can add many widgets and apps to your website when you create it.

    Your site might be slow if you have too many widgets. To ensure that you are only using the most important apps and widgets on your site, you will need to go through all of them.

By investing in page speed services, you can reduce site load times. Because page speed is an important factor in search engine optimization (SEO), you might also consider Shopify themes for SEO. They can help you create an SEO-friendly website.

4. Make your website visual

Our next Shopify website design tip is to include visuals. Because people cannot see the product in real life, it is important to show them through visuals.

To showcase your products online, you can use both videos and photos. You want high-quality images that show every angle of your product when you upload them to your website.

5. Connect with leads by adding elements

Shopify is a platform that allows you to connect leads with your business. Shopify should be customized with elements that allow you to connect with prospects.

Social media buttons are an important element that you should include. These buttons allow your audience to follow you on any social media platform.

Prospects can connect with you through this channel.

An email sign-up bar is another element you could add. To capture leads for your company, you can use an email sign-up bar. This bar should be designed with a Call to Action (CTA) button. It will pop off the page to allow users to see and sign up for your email messages.

6. Don’t overdo it

This tip will help you design Shopify stores.

Over-designing and overloading a website is a common mistake made by companies. If you have a lot of information that you wish to share with your audience you will want all of it to be on your website.

This approach can lead to site overload.

Make sure you use whitespace everywhere you design your Shopify store. Whitespace allows you to keep your customers’ eyes on your text and photos as they scroll through your website.

Make sure you don’t overload your audience by adding design elements to your website. A/B Testing is a tool that allows you to test elements on your website to make sure they enrich the user’s experience.

Start designing your Shopify store today

These are some Shopify website design tips. Now it’s time for your Shopify store to be in top shape. A custom Shopify store can help you generate more revenue for your company.

Kobe Digital can help you if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Our Shopify web design services in Miami can help you create a website that suits your business and increases your revenue. We have won more than 50 design awards so you can be confident that we will create a winning site for your company. Do you want to increase your revenue?

Call us or email us to talk with a strategist today!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.