
10 Reasons You Need To Repurpose Evergreen Content


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You should treat your digital content like a water bottle.

Why waste time on something you will only post once?

This is not about republishing the same content, but modifying it to keep it relevant, fresh, and engaging. You can reach new markets for your business and yourself.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that can be easily modified to remain fresh forever. It can drive traffic to your site and help you build and keep a loyal following.

You don’t have to copy and paste it again. Instead, you can add subtle tweaks or additional information to keep the content relevant. For example, you might have a blog about mental health that you could revisit and update in light of the current mental health crisis.

Why is it called “evergreen”? The evergreen tree is a symbol of ongoing life. It keeps its leaves moist, month in, and year after year. Evergreen content is sustainable and lasts.

We get what you are thinking: “All content is evergreen because, once its online, it stays there forever.” This statement is true, (just ask anyone who has been ridiculed for tweets they wrote 5 years ago). But, when we talk about evergreen content, it refers to content that retains its relevance and continues drawing traffic and engagement long after it was published.

Salma Jafri’s quote is a favorite of ours. We are sure you will, too.

It’s the “work smarter, not harder” philosophy. Create less content but make it more accessible and engaging. Your original content might not have made an impact on all audiences. By adapting the format for a different platform, you can engage with people again and again… Reaching new audiences where they are.

You can also build your reputation by repeating yourself. Therefore, publishing content that is focused on one topic will give you more authority and exposure, which will help you position yourself as an expert in the field.

Need more persuasion?

Buyers must hear your message seven times before they will take action or close a deal.

Where can I find content that deserves repurposing?

Instead of creating evergreen content immediately, you can start by looking through your back catalog. You’ll be amazed at how many you have that can be rediscovered.

First, look through your blogs to see which topics are timeless and rich in relevant information that will add value for your customers and followers.

You can do the same thing with LinkedIn articles that you have published. Next, go through your Instagram posts – if you look under ‘insights”, you can see which posts received the most engagement.

To see which posts performed well in the last month and year, check your site analytics. Keep an eye on your monthly report for any top content published before the start date. For example, a January post that topped the charts of March content.

After you’ve highlighted the content you feel fits the bill, think about whether you have anything more to say. Have your opinions changed, have you done the research, have you been informed by new developments, and did you receive feedback or comments that could be used to add to the article to make it even more interesting?

The world is always changing and moving fast. Now is the time to review your posts and breathe new life into them.

Everybody absorbs information differently

Consider this: When you go shopping for clothes, how do you shop for clothes?

Do you walk around the store touching every item, or do you just stand there and look at everything before you decide on a product? Do you walk down the aisles looking for what you are looking for or do you just go straight to the one you want?

Everyone sees the world differently. The same goes for online.

Some people are more responsive to blog posts than others. Others prefer short snippets of information, while others like to video or animation. But just because you love Instagram and Snapchat doesn’t necessarily mean your ideal clients will. You can repurpose your content on other platforms to reach more people and make more sales.

Do I get penalized for duplicating content?

Repurposing content is not the same as copying it. The purpose of repurposing it is to give it a fresh perspective or new opinion on an ongoing topic. For repurposing existing content, you can use content marketing tools.

It is believed that 29% of internet content is duplicated or repetitive. This includes blog posts, white papers, social media shares, and blog posts. Neil Patel discusses these issues in his blog ‘3 Myths about Duplicate Content’.

Google and other search engines have the right to penalize websites. However, this is only if there are large amounts of plagiarized content that is being used in an ‘automatic manner’. You are not breaking any guidelines by repurposing content. It is about increasing awareness for your brand.

Top 10 Tips to Repurpose Evergreen Content

Planning is the first step in repurposing content.

Look through your archives and think of other topics you could use as a starting point. Highlight any important takeaways from each article. Facts, findings, quotes, and other attention-grabbing information are all great options.

Once you have all your plans set up, create a content calendar to get started!

Are you still stuck? Here are some top tips to get you started.


LinkedIn SlideShare allows you to share your infographics or blogs that are packed full of facts. You can take the key information and create slides that highlight your findings or facts to reach a new audience. SlideShare is used by around 70 million people every month. Many of these users stumble upon them accidentally through organic search. This will give you an SEO boost.


Take some time to look through your Instagram feed and see if you can repurpose your content. Do you have any images or posts that stand out? Are you able to run a series of top tips and theme posts? Let them shine, and make them stand out on Pinterest boards. If they are not time-dependent, curate the collections and share them at the right times.


Turn comments or poll results into visuals. You can create a testimonial or quote from a client to post on your Instagram account or use in a story. To increase engagement, tag the person who commented and ask them to repost (if possible).


You can make an ebook or pdf and give away tips you have been sharing. It’s important to offer support and advice to your followers or clients. This is a great way to build trust with your audience and establish yourself as an expert. If you have provided valuable support in the past, people are more inclined to purchase from you.


Throwbacks don’t have to be for Thursdays. Reminisce about past work, see before-and-after images, or share your journey. Who doesn’t recall Jeff Bezos at his first office using a pasting desk as a desk?


Re-visit old blogs when they are relevant again. Did you write an article on recruitment in your industry one year ago? You can update your blog with current thoughts, advice, or predictions of COVID-19.


Blogs – Take the headlines and make posts on your social media channels around them. The key to repurposing content and turning it into a long read is to repost it freshly and differently from your original post. This can be done by using visuals, presentation, or choice of words.


Are there blog posts or guides you’ve published that have received a lot of attention? You might consider turning those written pieces into a podcast. If you already have a podcast, then create attention-grabbing posts on your social media platforms. Not just promotion of the episode, but actual quotes. Your guest could even write a blog post for your site!


You can turn your podcast into a YouTube channel if it is only on Spotify. Get a good camera and zoom to record interviews if you have an interview style. It’s much easier to do solo podcasts because you don’t have to worry about Zoom. Empower video. Edit compelling snippets of your longer videos that you can share on other platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.


Video is crucial for increasing brand engagement. It shouldn’t be overlooked. Look through your content to see what worked in the past. Use that information as a starting point to create short videos and Reels for Instagram Stories.

You might consider hosting a series of Insta Live sessions, where people can drop by to ask questions, or simply watch for inspiration.

Repurposing content can be a simple way to generate more content for your brand and make it more visible to the world

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.