
16 Top Mobile App Programming Languages


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Think about how many times an app is used in a given day. It’s not uncommon to use an app multiple times per day. There is likely an app for every human need in your app store. It is therefore not surprising that mobile apps have been in demand since the invention of the smartphone. This is also why you will find many mobile application development companies within your area.

Everyone is positive about the future of mobile app development and mobile programming languages. Businesses can’t ignore mobile users anymore! If your business hasn’t reached a certain milestone, it’s time to get mobile-ready.

You must choose the right technology, programming language, UX design tools and, most importantly, one of the best mobile app development companies to make a user-friendly, robust and innovative app for your business.

There are many mobile programming languages available. Before you decide which one to use, consider the pros and cons of each. After you have chosen the best mobile program language and created a business app, it is time to move on to the marketing stage. You will need a set of best Marketing apps in order for you to scale up your development efforts.

This article has curated a list of the top 16 mobile app programming languages that will help you quickly choose the right one and get you started on your mobile app.


William Ting once stated that JavaScript “will stay relevant as long as people use the internet.” JavaScript can be used to develop cross-platform apps, mobile apps for different platforms, and for web browsing. JavaScript can be compiled using a variety of programming languages and it runs smoothly in other environments. JavaScript is my choice for the best programming language.

JavaScript Features

  • A lightweight, platform-independent, and prototype-based language.
  • Supports object-oriented programming and dynamic typing
  • Validates client inputs and client-side calculations.
  • Built-in time and date functions

Javascript Pros

  • It is a versatile and flexible language that can be used through Node.js in many different ways
  • Client-side browsing is faster and doesn’t require compilation
  • It is simple to use and easy to manage.
  • There is no set standard, and there are many options for variations.

Javascript Con

  • It is vulnerable and could be used for malicious purposes in certain cases.
  • There may be issues with your browser support in certain cases.
  • Server-side scripts always produce the same output, while client-side output can be a little unpredictable.


Kotlin, which is the advanced Java version, is a statistically-typed programming language that can be used to develop modern Android apps. Kotlin can influence programming languages like JAVA to create robust and high-performing apps. Many popular apps that are built in Kotlin include Evernote, Coursera and Trello.

Kotlin features

  • An open-source programming language.
  • App startup time is reduced for Android apps
  • It has a simple and clean syntax.
  • Operator overloading is supported

Kotlin Professionals

  • Team efficiency is enhanced by clear, concise and perceptive syntax.
  • It is interoperable and flexible and can easily overcome the limitations of JAVA.
  • Includes full support from Google as well as IDE’s Android and SDK installation packages.
  • JAVA generates simpler, cleaner codes than JAVA.

Kotlin Cons

  • It is still a difficult language to learn in the market.
  • Sometimes it gets slower.
  • Learning is difficult because of the limited resources available.


C++ is a popular choice for developing mobile apps. C++ is an object-oriented, general-purpose language that provides generic and low-level memory manipulation capabilities. C++ is used to develop Android Apps and Native apps. It can also be used to create games, GUI-based apps, banking apps, and real-time mathematical simulations. C++ is a popular choice for Cloud computing apps because it adapts quickly to changing hardware and ecosystems.

C++ Features

  • Programming language that is portable, high-level and object-oriented.
  • It is simple and easy to comprehend.
  • Included libraries that provide different functions for programmers.
  • A compiler-based language which speeds up program execution.

C++ Pros

  • It is fast and stable, and it has many ready-to-use in-built compilers and libraries.
  • You can learn C++ quickly if you are familiar with C++.
  • There is no garbage collector running in the background.
  • The app is fully customizable and can be used on any platform.

C++ Cons 

  • Complex syntax and a small standard library
  • The most difficult programming language to learn.
  • It does not support dynamic memory allocation or garbage collection.
  • Object orientation is more important than other languages.


C-sharp is another object-oriented and general-purpose programming language that is widely used for mobile development. It is used primarily for cross-platform development as well as windows app development. C# can do everything that you could use other programming languages like Swift, Objective-C and JAVA. This language is ideal if you plan to create an interactive, high-performance gaming app.

C# Features

  • Modern, structured and scalable programming language.
  • It has a library of functions for programmers.
  • Secures a program using type safe code
  • It is interoperable with other systems and can be updated.

C# Pros

  • It is quick, simple, and easy to use.
  • Generic, strong typing; functional, imperative, declarative; component-oriented and object-oriented disciplines
  • A simple, modern and universal language
  • Programming language most preferred

C# Cons

  • For new learners, complex and intricate language
  • Even if the alphabets are slightly mismatched, case-sensitive language can cause confusion


Python is a widely used programming language. It can be used to develop web apps, desktop applications, media tools and machine learning. YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest are just a few examples of Python. Python has excellent library support, strong integration, and enhanced control abilities. Python is the ideal language for a start-up looking to build an app.

Python Features

  • Ensures rapid application development.
  • Can existing scripts be “glued” together?
  • It uses indentation to make code readable and clear.
  • You can create GUIs with one of the standard libraries.

Python Pros

  • It is fast, simple to use, quick to set up, easy to learn and easy to read.
  • High-level programming language for developing software and analyzing scientific and numerical data.
  • A language that allows you to create scalable apps. It also supports GUI applications.
  • Multiple platforms and systems supported
  • A large-set framework that allows programming flexibility.    

Python Cons

  • Slow execution time
  • Modern mobile app development is not that easy.
  • This is not a good choice for memory-intensive tasks.
  • Access to data has some limitations.


PHP is the preferred programming language for mobile apps that require database access. It is an open-source programming language that can be used to code applications, server-side scripting and command-line scripting. It is widely used to create eCommerce apps, content-heavy applications, dynamic web apps, and mobile applications. It’s a flexible language and can easily be embedded in HTML or HTML5. Some of the most popular PHP websites include Wikipedia, Facebook and Yahoo.

PHP Features

  • Open-source, interpretable, and loosely typed language.
  • Logs allow users to access the logs in real time.
  • Can produce error messages if there are pre-defined reporting constraints.
  • Compatible with almost all local servers and databases.

PHP Pros

  • Easy to learn, is platform-independent, and exceptionally compatible with smooth integration
  • It is great for content-heavy apps, and loads fast even with slow internet connections
  • Protect against complex security threats with built-in security features
  • A great language to help learners learn program development quickly.

PHP Cons

  • Open-source language features make it easy for anyone to find bugs and exploit them quickly.
  • Large applications not suitable
  • It is not modular and difficult to maintain
  • Better error handling is needed in the framework.


Swift, an open-source programming language, is a potential game-changer for mobile app development. It was specifically developed to work with iOS, OS X and tvOS platforms. Swift is flexible and scalable. It can adapt to any programming pattern that allows you to add new features to any app. Swift has the first industrial-quality systems and is expressive. Lyft and LinkedIn are just a few examples of Swift-developed apps.

Swift Features

  • Has a standalone IDE called Xcode.
  • It is type safe and detects minor errors during compilation.
  • Has native error handling functionality.
  • Has in-built memory management techniques like automatic reference counting (ARC).

Swift Pros

  • Can be executed on Cocoa Touch and Cocoa Touch platforms
  • It requires less maintenance and some of the bugs in Objective C.
  • Scaling projects is easier
  • Programming language that is intuitive, powerful, and easy to learn
  • Swift code can be interactive and fun. The syntax is concise, expressive, and yet simple.
  • Multiple features allow for seamless, safe design and lightning-fast software

Swift Cons

  • It is still in a very early stage, and cannot be considered mature enough to develop heavy apps.
  • It is considered an unstable language because it is new on the market and requires regular updates

Objective C

Extended version of C language, Objective C can be used for general purpose, object-oriented programming languages with additional features such as Smalltalk-style messaging. Objective C, a mature and well-updated programming language, is used primarily for iOS and macOS app development and operating system management.

Objective C Features

  • Both static and dynamic typing supported
  • Smalltalk makes message syntax look just like natural language.
  • A garbage collector that is automatic.
  • It is easy to inspect objects.


  • It is easy to learn and can be used by the majority of developers
  • Many legacy codes are available to support nest coding.


  • Swift does not support the latest features.
  • Extended coding is required, which can be time-consuming.


Java is the official Android development language. It is an object-oriented programming language. JAVA offers easy-to-use functionality, excellent documentation, and great community support. JAVA offers a wide range of features that allow you to create cross-platform apps, Android apps and games, as well as server apps, embedded space, websites and other apps.

Java Features

  • A server-side programming language that is robust.
  • It is compiled and interpreted.
  • It is independent of platforms or environments, which means it is architecturally neutral.
  • With access modifiers, virtual machine sandbox and virtual machine sandbox, you can ensure program security.

Java Pros

  • Popular for code portability and code reuse
  • JAVA code can be used in many environments, browsers, virtual machines and other platforms.
  • Developers are protected against memory leaks and other issues that can arise from native code.
  • Programming language that is flexible, portable, adaptable, and platform-independent
  • Simplified, explicit interface and machine-independent language

Java Cons

  • Some bugs can occur when running JAVA on a virtual machine – JVM
  • In some cases, poorly written class libraries or complex syntax
  • Poor garbage collection can lead to complicated implementations


Do you plan to create web-fronted apps? Or location-based apps that can be used on mobile devices? You might be interested in the fifth edition of HyperText Markup Language HTML 5. This is not a programming language, but a markup language that uses tags to organize and present content on the web page. HTML 5’s latest update highlights outstanding features such as media elements, multi-platform functionality across different programs and rapid market deployment. Google Docs, Google Drive and other examples of HTML 5 are two examples.

HTML5 Features

  • Supports vector graphics which enhance Adobe Flash’s use when creating websites.
  • Predefined tags that display header and footer information as well as photos and captions.
  • The “type” attribute has been removed from scripts and links.
  • Multiple tags and media elements are supported to display content.

HTML5 Pros

  • Compatible with all browsers, new features, and standards that are already emerging
  • Rich media formats such as audio and video can be supported by the in-built capabilities
  • Local storage or cache makes it easier to load data faster
  • Has CANVAS elements for embedding applications based upon geolocations, dynamic graphs, offline/online games, and animations

HTML5 Cons

  • Each platform requires a lot of code
  • It does not support older versions or systems, causing backward compatibility issues
  • Because each platform has its own coding, it takes longer to create a mobile app.
  • HTML5 allows you to customize or add features. The official SDK is not available for Android and iOS.


Ruby is an object-oriented back-end scripting language that can be used to develop web applications, servers, standard libraries, and system utilities. Ruby has developed over the years into a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, interpretable programming language. It is a functional programming language that executes instructions directly, rather than compiling it in machine language. Twitter, Shopify, Bloomberg and Airbnb are just a few of the most well-known Ruby websites.

Ruby Features

  • Supports dynamic and duck typing
  • It has a flexible, compact syntax.
  • It features a large library of functions and modules.
  • Operator overloading and exception handling are implemented.

Ruby Pros

  • Dynamic typing allows you to make changes at any time without affecting your overall result
  • Duck typing allows you to focus on operations and not class objects
  • Smooth performance, easy to maintain, intuitive code quality, garbage collection, and concise
  • For beginners, it is easy to learn and do the work.

Ruby Cons

  • It is considered a slow language and not very popular for developing web apps or mobile applications.
  • It is difficult to be flexible and takes a long time for the framework to start.
  • Low performance and slow runtime speed
  • Bug fixes and development are slow.


For four consecutive years, Rust has been Stack Overflow’s most beloved language. Rust, a system programming language with syntax very similar to C++, is sponsored by Mozilla. Rust has strong compile-time accuracy, speed-performance, intuitiveness and safe memory. It is ideal for developing applications in different fields and can be used to help with time-constrained situations. Yelp and Dropbox are two examples of Rust.

Rust Features

  • Is memory-safe, manages resources using RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization).
  • You can extend Rust using procedural macros.
  • To call Rust code to C, and vice versa, it uses a foreign function interface (FFI).
  • To improve program flow, pattern matching is implemented.

Rust Pros

  • During compilation of the code, errors are detected
  • Developers are encouraged and encouraged to write high-performance, optimized code
  • Supports imperative and functional procedural paradigms   
  • Concurrent, safe, and pragmatic language
  • For embedded systems, low-level language is best

Rust Cons

  • Windows installation is difficult
  • Language does not have built-in libraries, as opposed to other languages
  • For beginners, it is difficult to learn and execute
  • It is a steep learning curve
  • Slow to compile


Lua is a lightweight, mobile-first enterprise communication system. It’s a multi-paradigm, cross-platform programming language. It powers in-built messaging systems for businesses. It is fast, secure, and holds developers accountable. It’s popular for secure real-time messaging, analytics dashboard, file sharing, two-touch conference calling, and easy file sharing. Lua is the perfect tool for embedding applications if you want to increase speed, extensibility and portability of your apps.

Lua Features

  • A flexible and adaptable programming language.
  • It is lightweight and cross-platform.
  • It compiles interpreted bytecode and ensures rapid execution of programs
  • Includes dynamic data types as well as freeform syntax.

Lua Pros

  • It is one of the fastest languages that uses the most runtime memory
  • Bundling requires the smallest memory footprint and can be used to help with error handling
  • Lua C API is well-documented and easily integrates with C
  • Lower API and learning curve

Lua Cons

  • Although the documentation is better, it’s still sketchy.
  • Not enough documentation with very few code comments   
  • It is not easy for beginners to learn and implement.
  • Insufficient garbage collection capacity

Action Script

ActionScript is a well-known programming language for Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR runtime environments, and is a tool within the tech stack – languages category. It is an object-oriented programming language derived from HyperTalk, the scripting language used by HyperCard. Are you looking to add Adobe Flash Player to your website? Lua is great for creating motions and animations on websites, as well as developing video games.

ActionScript Features

  • A language that is event-based, where events trigger actions.
  • Developers can create on screen environments.
  • Protect code with obfuscators, which transform code in a way that is difficult to understand for humans.
  • Open-source compiler and open-source virtual machines.   

Pros Action Script Pros 

  • ActionScript Versions 1.0 and 2.0 are compatible with each other
  • Supports custom classes, such as external text files that are structured in a specific way
  • It is very popular with developers who use Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Air.
  • ActionScript is best suited for basic robotics and data-based applications.

Action Script Cons

  • You must use the latest ActionScript – Flash Player nine version to program
  • It is important to keep things simple, as it would be difficult for complex content to be displayed.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used to assess, communicate, and manipulate the standard database for most applications. SQL was developed to conform to specific standards (ANSI and ISO). There is extensive support at both the enterprise and community levels for both. Strength – Data query, data manipulation and data access control. SQL is widely used in business intelligence tools platforms because of its well-defined standards.

SQL Features

  • It is rich in data manipulation commands (DDL/DML).
  • Vertical scalability for databases
  • To ensure security and authentication, encryption is used to protect data.
  • It is vendor-independent, which makes it simple to move from one vendor to the next.

SQL Pros

  • One of the most used query languages
  • Optimized to support large numbers of table rows.
  • Can process a large amount of transactions with one query
  • Quick data retrieval, querying and search of multiple tables
  • Data consistency and high availability

SQL Cons

  • Complex to add a few lines code between, difficult interfacing
  • Predefined, flexible data models
  • It can be challenging to convert data from objects into databases tables
  • Vertically scalable It can only be run on one server. If you need to increase speed, you will need to upgrade your hardware.
  • Inadequacy of partition tolerance


DART is a client-optimized, open-source programming language that focuses on UI, productivity and speed. It supports asynchronous programming and can be used on Flutter to create cross-platform apps. Dart is popular for Native app development. Dart was created by Google to speed up app development across all platforms.

Dart Features

  • Iterative changes are supported and hot reload is available to keep track of results while on the move.
  • It is type-safe and allows dynamic and static typing.
  • This library is rich in features and simplifies core programming tasks.
  • Compiles just-in time (JOT), and ahead-of time (AOT).

Dart Pros

  • App development is made easier on multiple platforms.
  • High-quality, productive development is encouraged.
  • There are separate compilers available for web and native app development.
  • It is easy to understand and uses a familiar syntax (of C).
  • This document provides a detailed description of the features and offers support from a friendly group.
  • Programs are fast and stable.

Dart Cons

  • The backend is not given much importance.
  • Inadequacy of domain and generic packages
  • It is not yet possible to use native Dart support on browsers.

Why is it important to understand the basics of mobile app development languages

Without a solid understanding of programming language basics, learning programming languages can be a difficult task.

Each programming language has its foundation blocks that help novice programmers to learn it.

App development languages are no exception. Although they are advanced languages, the key to understanding them is the same: you must first learn the basics.

Many mobile app development languages are based on C++ and C++ languages, which you may have been familiar with for some time. Learning app development languages is easy and fun when you are familiar with these languages.

What is the best programming language to create mobile apps?

There are many programming languages that can be used for various tasks. It is not the same thing as choosing the right language to use for your mobile app. You can choose a language that is concise, easy-to-code, easy and scalable, as well as easy to fix and debug.

Many people will tell you that you have no choice, that all languages are created to serve a specific purpose and that there is no other way. It can be confusing if you’re new to mobile development and don’t have any information about programming languages.

If you’re in a muddle, these factors will help you to choose the right language for you:

  1. The targeted platform
  2. Elasticity of language
  3. It’s time to produce.
  4. Performance, support and community.
  5. This is the purpose of building the app.
  6. Programmer’s efficiency.

Before you decide to use a particular programming language, it is important to think about the following: Expressiveness, performance and reliability. Some languages may be better suited for certain projects. For example, if your goal is to create a video game, an object-oriented programming language might be more appropriate.

Types of mobile apps

You can also choose a language to use for app development depending on the type and purpose of your app.

I refer to both native and hybrid apps when I say type of app.

  • Native apps can be built for one platform by using its particular language. Native apps are those that are specifically designed for iOS or Android. These apps can only be coded in the supported language. Java, for example, is the most popular language for Android app development. Swift, however, is popular for iOS app coding.
  • Hybrid apps combine features from both native and Web apps. Your app can be written in one language but run on multiple platforms. For example, Instagram is a hybrid app which can run on different browsers and operating systems such as Android, iOS, or Windows. JavaScript, a programming language that can be used to create mobile apps for Android and iOS as well as Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), is the best.

The set of questions below can help you make an informed decision.

  • Is the language supported by an ecosystem? Is it able to survive the long-term?
  • The environment in which the project will be run.
  • Are there any special infrastructure or deployment considerations, such as a new hardware requirement?
  • Can a developer program in this language Is he able to maintain and deploy the code on time and within budget
  • Is the language scalable?
  • Are you looking for third-party integration software?
  • Are there legacy or security codebase considerations?

Are there other performance benchmarks or constraints?

In conclusion

Programming languages are constantly evolving. JavaScript and JAVA are two of the most beloved languages, while JavaScript and JavaScript remain a constant part of the list. Other languages, such as R and Kotlin, have risen at an impressive pace to make it to the top-ranked programming languages.

We are confident that you will be able to make an informed decision about which language to use. Choosing the right mobile programming language can help you create mobile apps that are flexible enough to adapt to future business requirements.

What are you waiting to do? To reach a larger audience, dive into the details of programming languages and choose the best.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.