
Top 11 Tips To Make Your Woocommerce A Top Selling Store


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Your product pages on an eCommerce website are also sales pages.

People visit product pages to decide whether they want to buy immediately, later, or never again.

Poorly designed product pages can cost you money. As a business owner, it should be a priority to learn the basics of a good product page.

These are 11 ways you can improve the product pages.

1. Make motivational headlines

Your headline should combine the essential information your customers require with motivating words to motivate them to purchase your product.

The product name and any important descriptors, such as model numbers, colors, and branding, should be included. When someone searches for a product online, model numbers are crucial. Your product page will be more likely to appear in search results if they have the model number. Your highest-value traffic is those who are searching for specific items. They’re motivated shoppers.

Add your one-sentence pitch. Choose the most important feature of your product and communicate it clearly to your audience. Uber’s six-word pitch sums up the entire service.

2. High-quality photos of your products are a must

Image is everything on the internet. Images that are unclear, poorly lit, or hard to read won’t showcase your products. Your website is your virtual showroom. Make sure you show products in the best light possible. Hiring a professional is worth it if you have the money. You can also take high-quality photos yourself, provided you adhere to the core principles of eCommerce photography.

3. Make sure to use eye-catching “Add to Cart” buttons

If they don’t know where to click, how can people purchase? Even for those who aren’t internet-savvy, the Add to Cart button shouldn’t be difficult to find.

Call-to-action buttons need to be large with a big font, and in a bold color. They should be easy to locate so that visitors don’t have to scroll down.

4. Encourage customers to leave reviews

Although it can be difficult to gather testimonials and reviews, they are worth the effort. It creates credibility and trust when potential customers read 45 product reviews, and the majority are positive.

WooCommerce has an extension called Products Reviews Pro which allows customers to leave Amazon-like reviews on product pages. Customers can leave text, photos, and videos, as well as star ratings.

5. Feature detailed product specs

Many people are looking for comparisons and not everyone is ready to purchase from your product page. It’s difficult to compare products without knowing all the details, regardless of whether they are comparing them to other products on your site or ones on another site.

Your site will be more successful if it has less information than your competitor’s. This holds even more as products get more technical or precise, such as tools and appliances. But it also applies to clothing, outdoor gear, and home decor. Do you want to see the ingredients and descriptions of your breakfast bars?

It is important not to overcrowd your page with a copy. A study found that 20% of consumers decided not to buy a product because it didn’t have the right information.

To display additional information such as product specifications, instructions manuals, setup videos, and sample book pages, use an extension such as Product documents.

6. Include videos

Video on your product page can humanize your company, give visual context and speak directly to your most important leads. 

The Product Video Extension for WooCommerce is great for adding video to your product pages. 

7. Answer customer questions

Your product descriptions should address the most frequently asked questions. The FAQ page should not be the only place where shoppers can find answers to their most pressing queries. Make sure they have all the information they need on the product page.

It’s also important to have an FAQ page that answers general questions. The Product FAQs extension presents frequently asked questions in accordion format. This organizes the answers and saves screen space.

8. Clarity in text optimization

Use simple fonts that are easy to read. To keep copy accessible and easy to read, use black text on white backgrounds or very light backgrounds.

9. Make sure to write thoughtful product descriptions

These are some suggestions for creating product descriptions that sell.

  • Don’t make vague claims such as “fastest turnaround”; back them up with data. “The average turnaround time last year was 23 minutes.”
  • Highlight the benefits of your products. Show how they solve problems for your target market. “Lean your dishes in half the amount of time!”
  • Describe how they will feel about your product. “Feel proud of wearing something that represents your favorite team.
  • Be clear about your doubts and address them before they occur. You can be confident that our product will perform for you every day, thanks to its above-average lifespan and 600 5-star reviews.

10. Photos of all product options are welcome

Include images for every option if your products are available in different sizes and colors.

You should have images for each color if you are selling coffee mugs in 12 different colors. This is especially important if you use creative names such as “Essence Of The Tropics” because that’s not an easy color to identify.

Product Variations Table For WooCommerce lets you show variations such as size, color, or style. This is especially useful for clothing shops, but it can also be used by food businesses to show different flavor variations of the same product.

11. A countdown timer creates urgency

The Countdown Timer extension adds urgency to your product pages. This is a proven sales strategy. Countdown until your special offer expires, new product release, or contest drawing. You can also count down to a specific number of products being sold.

Create effective product pages

You have the best chance to influence your customers’ purchasing decisions by creating product pages. You’ll see more sales and happier customers if you take the time to make your product pages as effective as possible.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.