
Mailchimp vs GetResponse, Which Is Best For Emails


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We all have to occasionally send emails to colleagues, business associates, or potential clients. Which email marketing platform is best for your business?

GetResponse and Mailchimp: Introduction

GetResponse, a relatively new platform for email marketing, has seen significant popularity over the past few years. Although it is similar to major players like MailChimp or Constant Contact, some key differences set it apart from the rest.

Let’s get started because you’re here to compare GetResponse and Mailchimp. Mailchimp is an established email marketing software provider, and it is the most widely used platform in its field. Mailchimp has a large user base and many businesses use it to send thousands of emails every day.

Getresponse has a simple interface that allows you to quickly create campaigns within their dashboard. There are no complex settings or options to use, like Mailchimp where any change could have disastrous consequences for your campaign performance.

Getresponse makes it easy to add images to your website or set up an email address for another campaign. It does all the work and manages any email sent.

Getresponse, which is used by more than 1,000,000 businesses worldwide to send email marketing campaigns, is second in popularity after MailChimp. Let’s take a look at the differences between these platforms and how they can help your company.

GetResponse and Mailchimp: Comparison

The GetResponse platform is simple and provides all the tools that you need to manage a campaign. You can track statistics, analyze your campaigns and create HTML templates that can be used on multiple platforms.

Mailchimp is a more complex platform in terms of features. Their advanced analytics are especially useful if your company wants to know how many people have opened each email that was sent by MailChimp.

This data can be used to track your campaign results and compare you to others in the same niche.

GetResponse may be less well-known than Mailchimp. However, you can still learn from other email marketers what they have achieved.

You will see significant success with more users and more campaigns sent through GetResponse each day. If you can get into the top companies that send hundreds to thousands of emails per month, you will be able to break into the top 100.

GetResponse offers you the best advantages:

1. GetResponse makes it easy to track the success of your campaigns. This will allow you to see which campaigns have received less than 1% of their open rates. This is useful information for email marketers who need it to improve their marketing efforts.

Let’s take, for example, the case where some emails received more than 5%. This means that one in 20 recipients opened the email without clicking within two weeks.

2. You decided it wasn’t worth the investment due to the low volume of recipients. So you modified other elements like subject lines and images to improve your open rates for future campaigns.

After analyzing the results for a while, 3 of 20 emails received less than 10% open rates. Then one week later, all five emails received more than 30%. This means that they now generate over 1% return investment since there are only 2 weeks left before the deadline.

3. To improve your ROI on future campaigns, you will be able to monitor your total clicks, opens, and unsubscribes.

4. GetResponse also offers the ability to see how much money each campaign has earned over time. This gives you an insight into which campaigns are producing more revenue and whether it is worth sending out emails.

It is also shown on reports when companies send out hundreds/thousands of emails per month from their accounts (which often results in higher income).

These are the benefits of Mailchimp:

1. Mailchimp allows you to export your subscriber lists.

2. The list can be accessed via drag-and-drop functionality. It’s much easier to communicate with subscribers once they’re in your program (e.g. if you use the Track-Click feature).

It is possible to find customers who appear on the top statistics related to this data. This can be a great thing when you compare it with other email marketing software providers or social media platforms.

3. You can also use dashboard widgets to create HTML emails and integrate your CRM so you can send them newsletters or set up autoresponders.

4. All this data can be accessed even if you don’t have an email address. This is useful information when trying different marketing strategies. For example, someone who signs up on your site will be able immediately to create their list.

It is possible to see how many emails were sent each day (which is good news), how many clicks/opens you had (also good), and, most importantly, how much money these lists made each month.


1. This service doesn’t provide social proof, which is often used to increase click-through rates. You will have more restrictions on templates and emails with this paid service than you would with AWeber or Mailchimp.

2. There are some requirements to use GetResponse. Most of these can be met by using Google Apps, which many companies love. This is the only way to gain full access to the features and advantages mentioned.

3. A second disadvantage is the limit of one email address per domain. This means that if you have multiple domains, each domain will have its list. This is fine in and of itself. However, most people want to be able to use it on multiple websites.

4. This is important for everyone who uses the free plan. Many other services offer more emails than 10 per month and GetResponse does not allow you to have one email account. However, you should know that you can create additional Domains/Emails when using Google Apps accounts and shared hosting providers.

Overall, I give GetResponse 4/5. It’s still one of the most effective email marketing tools available. However, some features can be improved and others are completely missing. It’s very popular with small and medium-sized businesses. It has more subscribers than Mailchimp (which may also use).

If your target audience is small, it might be worth looking into this option first, before you look at any other services, or start using Google Apps, which offers all the features listed here for free!

GetResponse vs Mailchimp: Pricing Comparison

Both of these services are quite affordable when compared to other email marketing niches. However, if you have a tight budget, it may be worth considering other options. GetResponse isn’t as expensive as its competitors in price.

They offer a variety of subscriptions and payment plans. The best method for you will depend on the type of campaign setup that you choose. Keep in mind, however, that not all companies offer the same free plan. Therefore, your email marketing needs may vary depending on your goals.

GetResponse Mailchimp Automation Workflows

Both services offer automated workflows to send emails to customers. However, GetResponse offers more advanced features and a stronger one.

Mailchimp does not allow you to send campaigns that are based on other criteria. For example, you can send campaigns based on the last time you interacted with your customers or their location.

Mailchimp can automate email messages based on previous interactions. GetResponse lets you create trigger events that automatically create new contacts when triggered. This allows multiple members/products to be added simultaneously without the need to manually add them all each time.

GetResponse or Mailchimp: What Campaigns Can You Create?

Both services can be used to create various types of email marketing campaigns. GetResponse, however, is more flexible and can create custom templates that can be used for any campaign setup or modified.

It is possible to use these instead if you have many or all types of pre-set delivery emails. Mailchimp doesn’t have this feature yet, but they plan to implement it soon.

Flows will be added soon to their main platform.

GetResponse comes with a variety of pre-made templates, but you can also create your custom templates.

Mailchimp currently has very few

Another difference is the ease with which both services can create custom templates. However, Mailchimp has fewer options.

You can have different emails sent to both services depending on who placed an Order or if they are a New Customer (which is great for marketing).

You can do this by using GetResponse’s filters. This allows you to target people based on more than just first name/last initial.

Getresponse offers many great features that will help you track your results and manage your campaigns, including the ability to segment on a range of variables.

This is a great way to determine where to spend your money on branding, targeting, or customer acquisition. They even have ” Opportunity budgets” which indicate how much to spend on each campaign.

GetResponse allows you to create multiple versions of the same version for different customers/segments, with completely customized messages. Mailchimp currently does not allow this feature. However, Mailchimp offers bulk emailing which can be sent from one account to several lists.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.