
The Successful Way To Launch Your Startup Using Facebook


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Startups are always looking for new ways of growing, but the foundation of any budding startup should be keeping costs low.

They must be able to distinguish between a desire to have and a need to have. Social media is a great tool for growing your business. It’s often free or very low-cost. Startups have many ways to grow immediately.

Facebook Groups

There has been a drastic drop in organic reach for posts published on Facebook Pages since 2014. According to Brian Boland the VP of Advertising Technology at Facebook, there were two main reasons for this drop.

First, because of the ease with which mobile phones are used, more content is created every day.

The second reason is the News Feed’s algorithm. Posts from friends will appear higher on the News Feed, so you don’t miss important posts.

This will undoubtedly cause a decline in organic reach for Pages since users are more likely to be interested in posts from pages they care about than those from pages they follow. 

Lars Backstrom, Engineering Director at Facebook, wrote about the latest News Feed update in 2016. “Overall we anticipate that this upgrade may cause reach and referral traffic to decline for certain Pages.”

Pages whose reach is highly dependent on Page’s posts will see the greatest decline. However, Pages that are shared by others will not experience the same impact.

To achieve your organic reach goals, you can use Facebook Groups to get the message to the maximum number of people. 

These are some key points to help you get started with Facebook Groups correctly:

1. Join relevant groups for your business.

If you have a company that sells all-natural body care products, you might search for groups that focus on organic products. You can search Facebook for organic lifestyles to find many groups that promote and discuss All Natural & Organic Lifestyles.

2. Be sure to follow the rules

Facebook Groups almost always have an “About” section that outlines the rules and guidelines for posting to their group. You can avoid being banned and reach large numbers of people by following these guidelines. Advertisements for your business might be allowed on certain groups. Please read this section before posting.

3. Contribute to the group

You can’t get the results you want by posting to the group only to promote your product or service. But, contributing to the community will help you position your company as an expert. Answering questions in your area of expertise is a great way to achieve this.

You can search the group for topics that relate to your business. Search for “body wash” and look for a post you can respond to. Participating in this conversation increases your engagement, and may lead to new opportunities.

Create Unique Content

If the content isn’t there, sharing your posts will not drive traffic to your social media channels.

Your content should inform potential customers about your company and show your expertise.

Analytics will show that the content is not adding value to the audience.

It is essential to curate your content for any business launch as it is the first impression to a new customer.

Unique and original content is the best. It is very unlikely that a person will return to your business after their first encounter. 

Diversify Content Types

Diversifying your content types is one of the best ways you can curate content that has value. You should include all content types, not just status updates and pictures (which are also great!). Include it in your post schedule to keep your audience engaged.

You can release your podcast, create a video series, or blog, or answer questions live on your website.

Infographics are a great tool for diversifying your content. Buffer.com says that Infographics make posts 25% easier to understand, which makes your content more valuable and engaging for the viewer.

Infographics can be very useful, but they can also seem overwhelming to business owners who don’t have a design background. Canva is a great tool for non-designers.

Canva is an online infographic creator that allows you to easily create your infographics.

Network and Collaborate

The key to making dreams come true is teamwork. This is a common saying, but it’s very true. However, your team does not include those in the office. Our teams can include influential Social Media users in the age of Social Media.

Influencers are essential to your success in acquiring new business, expanding your reach, and increasing your followers. 

Anyone active on social media with relevant content for your brand can be considered an influencer. How do you choose which influencers?

Buzzsumo.com allows you to search for any topic. You can find the most recent articles about that topic. It also shows how many times it has been shared, how many engagements and which topics are hot right now.

Buzzsumo makes it easy to discover influential people on Social Media. It is up to the business owner to contact them for possible collaborations.

Collaboration is a great opportunity. You could reap the rewards quickly.

It can seem daunting to launch a startup. There is hope! These simple tips will help your startup win the battle for the free market.

Get involved in these Facebook groups and make your voice heard. You will see people flock to your page if you keep creating engaging and valuable content.

Creating unique and diverse content will eventually lead to opportunities for networking and collaboration.

You will have the greatest success in launching your startup if you can work with influencers in the digital world.

To be successful in digital marketing in Las Vegas takes time and effort. These Miami digital marketing agency tips will help you get as much attention as possible for your startup.

Many of these tips are low-cost (or even free!) High reward with low cost – this is, as every business knows, the key to success.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.