
Landing Page Statistics That You Need To Know


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Prospects see landing pages immediately after clicking on an ad.

According to research, 43% of people believe that a dedicated landing page can increase your conversion rates.

A landing webpage on your website offers visitors something in return for their personal information.

It must be immediately useful to the prospect and motivate them to act.

This article will give statistics about landing pages that can improve conversions and help grow your business.

It can be hard to create landing pages. We have compiled the most relevant statistics to help improve conversions and achieve your business goals.

The conversion rate for landing pages

A landing page is a page that visitors view after clicking on an ad.

This is your first impression to potential customers about you, your product, or your service.

Any content can be promoted on your website by using landing pages.

How does the landing page conversion rate work?

E-commerce conversion rates between 2 & 5% are good.

All industries have an average landing page conversion rate of 2.35%. ( stat#1).

More leads, more landing pages

Many businesses consider landing pages a top priority.

They can convert more leads into customers.

Do marketers often forget one crucial factor: How many landing pages do you use?

While most websites only have one landing page for their website, it’s not uncommon for larger sites to have several landing pages.

Each purpose is important and helps to drive user interest.

A landing webpage might be a good idea to use for every ad campaign.

The goal of a landing page is to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to take action.

Marketing professionals also discovered that landing pages can increase lead generation by 55% if the number of them is increased from 10 and 15 ( Stat#2).

Keep your copy short

Keep your landing page copy between 250-300 words if you sell software.

It was affected by the length of the copy. It increased by 11.8%. (Stat#3)

It’s important that your target audience can understand the content on your landing page.

Sentimental Landing Page Converts (In General)

A study online found that customers adding words that evoke joy or anticipation to their copy resulted in more conversions.

This applies to most industries. To get a better understanding of the situation, refer to the chart below.

SaaS landing pages may not have as much sentiment as other landing pages but that doesn’t make them bad landing pages.

SaaS companies might find lower levels of sentiment to be more beneficial as conversions are directly tied to the page’s purpose.

An analysis of landing pages for ecommerce revealed that they are more emotional than other industries.

Ecommerce landing pages have higher levels than the average of almost every emotion, even positive words like “love” and “enjoy” as well as negative words like “fear” and “anger”.

You should never use negative language to describe the benefits and needs of your product. This will help your customers feel good about it.

Fewer form fields = better leads

By reducing the number of fields, you can increase conversions.

More fields mean that users are less likely to complete the submission process.

Forms with more than three questions are unlikely to be completed by most people

One company saw an increase of 120% in conversions after reducing them from 11 to 4 in the number fields. ( stat#5).

Less personal information in the form fields will result in better leads

The field numbers for forms are identical, but more personal and geographical information is needed to convert better. 

A/B testing is a great way to determine the best design for your landing pages.

Hubspot discovered that pages that did not mention age had a 40% greater conversion rate than other pages ( Stat#6). 

People feel more at ease entering their information in forms they aren’t exposed to.

Please don’t fill out any personal information in the form questions.

Convert more with Personalized CTAs

The call to action is a crucial part of any digital campaign.

Without a clear call to action, your audience won’t know what to do.

CTA buttons make landing pages more attractive and can be a selling point.

This can be achieved by using personalized calls-to-action (CTA).

CTAs must be customized for each person. Dynamic CTAs are also available.

These personalized, smart CTAs are built on visitor attributes such as location, browser, device, and location.

Research shows that personalized CTAs perform 202% more than the default version ( stat#7 ).

Personal touches are a great idea to add to an ecommerce website or lead generation site that you want visitors to take a look at a specific offer.

You may also use content marketing on your landing pages, websites, or marketing campaigns.

Dynamic content provides more relevant and personal recommendations for users and better user experiences.

Mobile friendliness is very important 

Mobile is as important as desktop. Mobile is more important than ever.

Mobile-friendly websites are becoming more important in recent years.

Websites that look great on smartphones will be a big draw for visitors.

Mobile devices account for up to 70% of all web visitors ( Stat#8). This figure is expected to rise rapidly as more people ditch traditional desktop computers and opt for smartphones.

86% of top landing pages are mobile-friendly ( Stat#9). 

These statistics should be a warning: If your landing pages are not optimized for mobile, you should consider abandoning them.

Faster landing page, greater conversions

A landing page is an integral part of any online marketing strategy. However, it can also be one of your biggest mistakes.

A low conversion rate could mean that landing pages aren’t performing as well or not at all.

There may be an issue with your landing pages’ design.

Google considers 2-3 seconds to load a page quickly. Stat#10

Your landing pages must load quickly.

A slow page load time can mean the difference between your visitors staying on your website and leaving to go to a competitor’s site.

Testimonials can be crucial for landing pages

You need to understand what happens when you click on a landing webpage.

Once a lead visits your website, they must act. Here’s where testimonials are useful.

A testimonial should be included on a landing page. A testimonial is more trustworthy than any third-party credibility, according to research.

Recent research found that 36% of the top-converting landing pages had testimonials from customers or clients. ( stat#11).

A study showed that people trust online reviews written by strangers about a company’s website as much as personal recommendations from their friends.

88% of consumers trust online reviews more than personal recommendations ( Stat#12 ).

This article contains the top landing page statistics.

With this information, you can make informed decisions on how to improve your landing page.

These statistics will help you reach your conversion goals.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.