
How To Write Engaging Google Ads Copy


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Google Ads lets you run pay-per-click advertising campaigns that could lead to valuable leads or convert to sales. Visitors to PPC convert 50 percent more than visitors from organic sources. Google Ads can be used to attract more leads by engaging ad copy.

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Seven tips to help you create engaging ads copy

Let’s get started!

1. You can have multiple versions of your ad

Not all ads are the same. You need multiple versions of your ad to create the best PPC campaign.

Highlight your product or services in your ads. 

When you create an advertising campaign, you can try different ads. This will help you determine which type of ad your audience prefers.

  1. What’s In It For Me Ad: These ads are very user-focused. 
  2. Ad content solving a problem. Tell them how your product solves their problems. This will convince them to choose your business.
  3. Creativity ads: These ads let you use a different approach to advertising to reach your target audience 

Multiple versions of your ads can be created to ensure that you and your audience are happy with the results.

2. Check out your ads

PPC advertising without testing your ads is not complete 

There are two ways to test your ads. These will help you choose the most effective ad.

It’s also a good idea to test other elements in your ads pages. 

There are many elements that you can test on your website. The following elements can be used to test them:

  • Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Body Text
  • Imagery
  • Call here to make an action
  • Select from a range of colors

Each element should be tested individually before you attempt to test them all. Too many changes can make it difficult to identify which elements are having a positive or a negative effect on the performance of your ads.

3. Incorporate power words in your ad copy

When writing PPC ads, it isn’t enough to just write words. Use powerful words to make your copy more engaging for your audience.

These words attract people and keep them interested in what you have to say. 

When you use the word “you”, your audience should be the primary focus. It is better to say “We are experts at fixing leaky faucets.” “

This example speaks directly to your target audience. Your ad will be more effective if you focus on their needs and the benefits it brings. 

Power words can be used to create dynamic ads that are engaging for your audience.

4. Appeal to emotion

Emotions are what motivate people. Motivators like fear, anger, and disgust can drive people to click on your page.

These steps will make your audience more attractive:

  1. Who are you to your audience? By imagining their identities, you can target them.
  2. Think about your brand personality. Consider your brand personality. Are you looking for comedy or heroic routes?              
  3. Use emotion to write: After you have established your persona, you can use emotion to write. This will help create a more emotional copy.

Appealing emotionally will make people more likely to click on your ad.

5. Answer questions

Great marketers anticipate how their audience will react. You will need to anticipate the questions your audience will ask before you can answer them.

Consider the questions your audience might ask you when they see your ad. 

  • How much does your product/service cost?
  • What’s the price for this product?
  • Does the warranty cover the product?
  • Are you able to choose from a variety of colors?
  • How long does it take to receive the product?

These are the most frequent questions that your audience may ask you on your PPC page. You can answer them before they ask. This will enable you to give the information your audience requires.

6. Use keyword-rich display URLs

A keyword display URL will help your ad stand out. 

URLs can easily be customized to your audience. You can change the display URL to make your PPC campaign more efficient.

You can create a customized URL to include your top keywords. This will allow your PPC ad to appear in relevant search results and generate more leads.

7. Focus on the benefits

Highlight the benefits of your products or services in a PPC ad. You must show your audience why you are the best and what you will do to make it happen.

Highlight the benefits of your product/service. This will help your audience to see the value in your business. 

Benefits are also great selling points. 

Kobe Digital can help you write engaging copy for your Google Ads campaign

PPC ads are a great way to generate new leads for your company. Engaging copy can increase your audience’s willingness and desire to click on your ads. 

We’re a digital marketing agency that specializes in PPC campaigns. We can help set up a PPC campaign for you to increase your leads.

Kobe Digital delivers results. 

Start creating more successful advertising campaigns today

Get in touch to set up Google Ads campaigns that will generate new leads for your business.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.