
How To Target Gen Z With TikTok


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TikTok is the most used social media platform. It has more than 2 billion active users and 850 million monthly users. It’s home to passionate followers who love trending and content creation.

This platform is unique and allows brands to connect with customers in an organic and fun way. 73% of respondents said they spend between 1 and 5 hours a day on the platform.

TikTok’s emphasis is on short-form videos. This speaks to a generation many brands want to reach: Generation Z. Almost a quarter of TikTok users are aged between 18-24, with more than half being younger than 34 or part of the millennial generation.

These generations make up a large part of the global consumer population. In the US, Gen Z is expected to account for more than 40% of all consumers within the next decade.

What is the problem? How can we reach these people? It means speaking at their level, using their language. This isn’t a commercial or mass-produced ad.

They want genuine, organic, and raw marketing strategies. 

A similar study revealed that almost 88 percent believed that TikTok’s advertising campaigns were successful and that almost 54 percent increased their budgets for influencer campaigns.

Are you convinced? These creative and insightful tips will allow you to create a TikTok campaign for Gen Z.

TikTok is the right tool for your business.

TikTok is a great tool for marketers but not for all businesses. 

  • Are you looking to reach younger millennials and Gen Z?    
  • Are your products visually appealing and eye-catching
  • Are you a casual, fun, or cool person?
  • Are you a content creator, artist, or musician?
  • Can you use your smartphone camera to take engaging content daily?

Because of its popularity and ease of use, it is a great tool to market to Gen Z or millennials.


TikTok isn’t widely used by businesses yet. This gives you an edge over other businesses. You must experiment with TikTok to find the best content for your audience.

Not sure where to start? TikTok users tend to be more interested in watching comedy, dance, and tutorials than any other content. 

Show off your human side

You may be familiar with the rejection of traditional advertising by Gen Z and millennials. They are looking for products that reflect their values and ideals.

TikTok content must be quick and easy to use. This can prove challenging for some brands. 

Before you launch your campaign, prepare for both the worst and the best. Remember to show the human side of your brand before you launch your campaign.

Discuss your goals with the influencer 

Use the Metrics

While TikTok metrics may not be as visible on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, they can still be tracked. These can help you evaluate the success of your content.

TikTok allows users to link to their profiles. This allows you to link to your website, driving traffic to it.

Accept Hashtag Challenges

TikTok makes searching for content easy. The hashtag challenges allow you to push the idea further. This is an opportunity to create a trend, or “throw down a curtain,” as they say.

Many users will participate in the #TikTok hashtag challenge. These challenges often involve photo or video challenges, such as comparing photos from years past or showing a skill they have learned.

Use a hashtag relevant to your brand to make your content more viral. This will help increase visibility and make your brand more visible. This could result in loyal followers.

Create a Duet

What are some of the benefits of duets? Most people do this:

  • Sing a duet together
  • Get together to dance
  • Link actions like high fiving
  • Complete sentences
  • Answering questions

This can be challenging because you need to coordinate actions within one clip with another. It is possible to be creative and take inspiration from well-known content.

TikTok duels can be a powerful marketing tool for makeup artists. Each person will respond to a tutorial video about makeup and offer their opinions.

Hire an Influencer

TikTok is popular among established influencers. This platform helped Gen Z influencers gain popularity.

Influencers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube can make brand deals. TikTok works the same way: influencers can promote products and other services to their followers the same as any other platform.

It’s great to collaborate with influencers. If you want timeless elegance, you might not want an influencer who is controversial or edgy.

Look for influencers that target the same audience and use similar content. Let influencers get creative with how they promote your brand.

A high-teen influencer could be a great fit for your service, which provides resources for student drivers in preparation for their permits or driving test.

Use scarcity to your advantage

Marketing uses scarcity for many decades. Flash sales, limited-edition items, and Flash sales are just two examples of scarcity.

What is social media scarcity? How can you motivate your followers to interact more with you? You can set a time limit or give a promotion to people who take on the first challenge.

These strategies can increase the popularity and engagement of your marketing campaigns. This will increase your reach.

Encourage user-generated content

TikTok customers want immersive content. TikTok customers want more than sharing photos and videos.

TikTok is unique in that it provides content and encourages users to create content. 

Extend beyond TikTok

TikTok is a social media platform that offers endless opportunities for marketers. However, major platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and YouTube won’t disappear. 

Posting TikTok videos on other platforms can help increase engagement and reach new audiences. 

TikTok’s #1 Success Driver

These tips will help to gain more traction on TikTok and reach Gen Z users. However, there’s one rule that is more important than any others. It is this:

Generation Z is composed of digital natives. Even those who were able to use the first internet that was user-friendly with AOL instant messaging, AOL Instant Messaging, and AOL Instant Messaging as teens or adults, did not have access to social media.

GenZ values authenticity and self-expression above all else. 

Be creative and let your followers add their spins to the conversation. You will attract Gen Z audiences to you if your content is funny, relevant, relatable, and authentic.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.