
Everything You Should Know About Inventory Management


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The management of inventory is an essential part of any business. It can be hard to prioritize and identify what needs to be done. This guide will cover the basics.

What is Inventory Management Technique?

The most important element of the supply chain is inventory management. This involves the tracking of inventory from manufacturers to warehouses, and then to the point of sale. To be able to accurately assess the inventory to meet customer needs, it takes exceptional tact. An effective inventory management system reduces costs by minimizing losses and maximizing sales. Inventory Management Technique refers to inventory management that uses a solid strategy and streamlines the supply chain.

How is inventory managed?

Inventory management has the ultimate goal to ensure that all products are in the correct place at the right times so that final deliveries are fast and easy. This requires that the person responsible knows when what, and how many orders to place, as well as the stock locations. It can be broken down into five steps.

  1. Purchasing – Purchase raw materials or products for immediate sale without production.
  2. Production- The manufacturing of products using raw materials. This step does not apply to those who aren’t involved in the production, such as wholesalers.
  3. Stocking – Holding the inventory until it is needed. The raw materials are kept until they are needed for manufacturing. The finished products are kept until they are shipped to their next destination (the retailers).
  4. Sales- Customers are sold final products or their finished products for a profit.
  5. Reporting- This is the final stage of the reporting process. This includes taking into account the number of products that were sold and unsold, as well as the amount of money earned on each sale. It also includes noting any products that are no longer selling.

It is important to have knowledge and skills in inventory management

A business’s foundation is its talent. They must have the knowledge, skills, and abilities in their chosen field. Someone who manages inventory must have knowledge and skills in supply chain management. A public limited company should possess the knowledge and skills necessary to document and comply with Securities and Exchange Commission rules.

KSAs are key to inventory management. They ensure that stock is always in the right amount. The economic order quantity (EOQ), is the optimal order quantity that a company should buy to reduce its inventory costs. This includes holding costs and shortage costs. This reduces the chance of stockouts or inaccurate records. The right knowledge and skills in inventory management can help fulfill incoming orders or open orders and increase profits.

These are the most important KSAs one should be able to manage their inventory effectively.

  1. It is essential to be able to track inventory systems and record deliveries, shipments, stock levels, etc.
  2. Skill in evaluating deliveries, shipments, products, and inventory control.
  3. Ability to analyze the supply and demand for the day to ensure that the requirements are met in the future.
  4. To optimize operations, you can manage employees, deliveries, shipments, and other activities.
  5. Effective communication skills are essential to achieve business goals and resolving personnel problems.

The right KSAs for Inventory Management is a great help in-

  1. You can save money by knowing the stock trends and being able to identify the locations where the products are located (warehouse management). This ensures that old stock can be used to fill orders before the newer stock is ordered. It lowers inventory costs and reduces the risk of stock being lost.
  2. Improve Cash Flow – A well-managed inventory will ensure cash flow.
  3. Building a satisfied customer base – Fast deliveries are a result of efficient inventory management. This leads to happy customers over the long term.

Poor inventory management is costly

Inventory management’s most fundamental and recurring challenge is too many inventory items and not enough buyers. Sometimes it’s the reverse, too much inventory can make it difficult to fulfill orders. 

Poor inventory management can lead to business failure. Businesses that don’t keep track of inventory activity can be in serious trouble. Inefficient inventory management can also be caused by outdated spreadsheets and data entry. Bad inventory management can lead to: 

1. Sales lost due to understocking – A business can lose sales if an item ordered is not in stock. This can also mean that customers may search for the same product in different places, which could lead to your business losing customers. 

2. Tie up money in excess inventory Another reason for business failure is to have money tied up in inventory that isn’t circulating enough or not selling enough. Businesses often overestimate the demand and stockpile products that won’t sell quickly. It could result in huge losses if the money is spent on perishable or out-of-fashion items. It could have been used to buy inventory, pay wages, or expand the business. 

3. Avoiding unnecessary warehousing costs due to overstocking– Storing inventory can be costly. Renting warehouses is necessary to store excess inventory. Additionally, it requires labor costs to manage. It is important to balance demand and supply to minimize these costs.

How do you manage your inventory efficiently? :

  1. Stock details should be accurate. Implement inventory management software for real-time updates about what’s in stock and what has been sold. Stock details are crucial for determining when stock should be replenished.
  2. Cloud-based inventory management systems should be upgraded. Outdated processes or manual processes can slow down the process and lead to human errors. It could be beneficial to switch to the latest software.
  3. Monitor customer demand-Customers change their preferences all the time. It is crucial to monitor customer preferences and to upgrade to meet newer customer needs.

Low Inventory Management Techniques

Inventory management aims to improve visibility, while also having an organized inventory and streamlined pick-pack-ship features. These are all important aspects of inventory management that can help you grow your business and increase your customer base. Understanding your demand is the first step in any inventory control strategy. 

It is a wise decision to invest both time and money to create advanced inventory forecasting models and to be aware of reorder points. This will allow you to forecast demand accurately — it will take into account product life cycles, identify trends and stock levels, as well as identify seasonal demands. 

A smart inventory management strategy, coupled with efficient inventory management software, can make your small business run smoothly. These are just a few of the ways you can grow your business. 

1. ABC Analysis 

Certain products are more popular than others. ABC analysis allows you to prioritize the most important products in your inventory by placing them into categories according to their importance. A is the most valuable, and C is the least. This technique analyses the annual consumption, inventory value, as well as its price significance. Each category can be separately analyzed to optimize your business needs. 

2. Stocking Just-In-Time 

This technique could be a great option for small businesses. You can avoid overstocking costs by using just-in-time stocking. You can order what you need immediately with this strategy. This technique allows you to order only what you need in immediate demand. This technique has one problem: it doesn’t allow for increased demand. 

3. Dropshipping 

This allows businesses to sell products directly to customers, without having to store and ship the product. The vendor acts as a mediator between the customer’s and supplier’s needs. This is a great technique for growing entrepreneurs who want to try different business models. This gives business owners access to many products and allows them to try different business ideas without fear. It allows you to learn about the market and what customers want and helps you grow your business.

Middle-of-the-Range Inventory Management Techniques

If your business is still growing and has a small capital investment, you will want to use techniques that save money while also generating good returns. These are just a few of the Inventory Management methods you can use. 

1. Two-Bin Method 

Two-bin inventory control systems determine when items need to be replenished. This technique allows items to be stored in two areas, or bins, depending upon how large they are. New products can be moved into an empty bin. It is time to order more supplies when the inventory in the second bin has been used. This method reduces inventory risk and ensures companies have enough stock to meet their customers’ needs. It creates a balance between supply and demand for mid-sized businesses. 

2. Fixed Order Quantity 

This inventory technique allows for predetermined maximum and minimum inventory levels. The company can order a set number of new items when the stock has reached a minimum. This helps to avoid over-ordering and reduces the chance of running out of stock. This is a great way to manage Restaurant Inventory. You can usually predict the demand for each day or week. 

3. Cycle Counting 

A cycle count is a method of recording adjustments to specific products throughout the year. Each product is checked on a rotational basis, whether it be weekly, monthly, or quarterly. It is possible to determine which items should be counted at what time by using different methods. Because it is less disruptive, cycle counting is important. The business can continue to operate with its existing inventory as normal because only a small portion of the inventory is being counted at any one time. An effective cycle counting system, combined with smart Inventory Management software can lower expenses, increase profits, improve customer services, and increase warehouse efficiency.

Six Sigma is used to reduce obsolete and excess inventory. Lean Six Sigma, a method of supply chain management that maximizes funds circulation and minimizes inventory costs, is one of the most effective. This method considers both the raw material and finished goods of an inventory. It is a proven way to prevent arbitrary year-end decreases in inventory investment. 

Developed in 1986 by Bill Smith, an engineer at Motorola, the Six Sigma methodology is based on a five-step process, DMAIC Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control. Six Sigma has been implemented by some of the most recognizable companies in the world. Six Sigma was recently combined with tools and concepts of lean manufacturing to create the Lean Six Sigma (LSS), an approach to organizational improvement.

Techniques for High Inventory Management

A high level of inventory turnover can lead to a large pile of unutilized stock. You may find it difficult to manage your inventory because you have excess inventory. 

Implementing inventory solutions or techniques that consider the stock important to ensure you are ready for a demand surge is crucial. It is best to stop using manual Excel Inventory management methods and instead opt for Best Stock software solutions. Here are some inventory management techniques to help you optimize your business. 

1. First-In, First-Out (FIFO) 

FIFO is a useful technique for controlling excess inventory. This technique places priority on the oldest stock (that has been first entered into the system) and ensures that it is sold first (first out), rather than the new stock. This technique is very useful for businesses that deal with perishable products. This reduces the chance of stockpiling unsalable dead stock. 

2. Bulk shipping 

This is based on the idea that shipping and bulk buying are more affordable than small quantities. Bulk shipping is a popular option for businesses that have high customer demand. Because there are fewer shipments, this technique can bring in higher profits. This technique is great for products that have a predictable demand and a long shelf life.


You need to pay close attention to the factors that cause inefficient inventory management. This will allow you to take control of your inventory, and stop losing money. The best inventory management strategies for your business will help you to: 

1. Create and maintain an efficient system that saves money and time. 

2. This reduces the chance of stock being lost to resale. 

3. This software helps you manage stock, funds allocation, and human resources. This will allow you to optimize your business needs. 

4. You can learn a lot from market trends and customer needs with an effective strategy and scales your business accordingly.  

5. You can streamline your process with pick, pack, and ship features.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.