
How To Make Profitable Bing PPC Ads


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The pay-per-click advertising available on Bing (PPC) is very different from Google AdWords. In 2010, Yahoo and Bing teamed up to create a new search engine. It is a large-scale combined search engine that was created to challenge Google’s market dominance. Yahoo-Bing PPC is usually cheaper than Google AdWords. How can you make Bing Ads work?

It’s simple. These simple strategies will help you to create ads that drive traffic to your website.

1. Use powerful headlines

The headline is the most important area of an ad. The headline is the largest area in an ad.

It can be difficult to find the right balance of relevance, clarity, and attention-grabbing headlines. Because the brain processes shorter words more efficiently and more actionable words are more likely to be clicked.

A headline is not enough for an ad.

2. Use appropriate keywords

Keywords refer to terms that users use to search for your ads. Yahoo and Bing may alter the typeface of keywords to make them more noticeable. 

Keywords can also be useful as it allows you to communicate with your audience using exactly the terms they used when researching your industry. They see your advertisement front-and-center with the exact words they used.

Your ad must contain another element if you want it to succeed.

3. Call for action

Calls to action tell customers what they need to do to get the information they want. You can make them as short as “Click Here!” or “Get it Now!” They shouldn’t be complicated.

The call to action should be clear and concise. It is hard to be concise when you have so many things to say about the product.

After you have created your call-to-actions, you can start creating your campaign

4. Target your niche

Despite it sounding obvious, you want to make sure your ads reach the right people. You won’t get clicks, your ad won’t be seen and your campaign results won’t be achieved

There are many ways to modify the appearance of your ad in search results.

  • Broad matching keywords: This option triggers an advertisement when someone searches for your keyword with additional words or in any order. The ad is very untargeted.
  • Broad Match Modifier: This allows you to control the variations of your keyword that will show up in qualified search results. 
  • Phrase match – When the keyword is searched exactly in the same order as the other words, this option will activate your ad. This is more precise than broad matches but still allows you to reach many people.
  • Exact match – This option activates your ad if someone enters exactly the keyword. 
  • Negative keywords refer to keywords that tell Bing not to show your ad. These keywords can help you refine your searches by using the broad or phrase match options.

These targeting tools ensure that your ads reach only those people who are most interested in them.

5. Try it!

Always test your PPC ads. Look at your statistics, such as click-through rates and bounce rates.

You can use different testing methods to optimize your ad and increase traffic. While it takes some time, the results will make your Yahoo!-Bing PPC campaign more lucrative.

Kobe Digital is an expert on PPC and Bing.

Kobe Digital is an Internet marketing company that specializes in Bing PPC. We are a full-service Internet agency that can help you get the results you want. When you work with Kobe Digital, we want to do the same for you.

Do you want to increase your Bing PPC advertising? Get to know today to get a custom strategy for your business!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.