
How to Create Facebook Messenger Ads That Generate Leads and Sales


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Did you know that more than 1.3 billion use Facebook Messenger? As more customers turn to chatbots to help them with their customer service, it’s more important than ever that they reach people through these messaging platforms. These shoppers can message you directly through ads.

Facebook Messenger ads are a great way to get more people to message and encourage them to contact your company through their inboxes. This post will answer all of your questions:

  1. What’s Facebook Messenger advertising?
  2. What type of Facebook Messenger ads are you using?
  3. Messenger should use ads.
  4. How do I create a Messenger Ad?

What are Facebook Messenger Ads and how do they work?

Facebook Messenger ads enable you to reach your targeted audience via the Messenger app. Businesses can use these ads to encourage customers to reach out to them to have a conversation, answer their questions, and convert.

Different types of Facebook Messenger ads

There are four types of Facebook Messenger ads you can run:

1. Messenger ads in-feed: These ads appear in the newsfeeds of targeted users just like any other ads. Instead of a Call to Action (CTA), these ads have a Call to Action. These ads do not have a Call to Action (CTA) like “Shop Now” or “Learn More”.

2. Stories ads: Facebook Messenger ads are available through Facebook Stories. This allows users to interact with them while they browse stories. These ads can only be seen on mobile devices and are not available to individual users. These ads include CTAs for “Send messages”

3. Advertisements in the Home section: These ads can be found in the dashboard of the messaging app. These ads appear in the Home section, between previous conversations a user has had using the app. These ads indicate that paid content has been purchased by the sponsor brand and include an image as well as the word “ad”

4. Sponsored messages: These ads allow you to send a personalized message to each user’s email. You can only use this advertisement option if the person has already contacted you. This is a great way for retargeting leads and converting them.

Why Facebook Messenger ads over other advertising methods?

Messenger advertising on Facebook has many benefits for your company. These are the three main reasons Messenger ads on Facebook should not be ignored.

1. People are already contacting your business

Facebook Messenger ads are a great way to reach people. Over 65 percent of Facebook Messenger users use it for customer service. But how do they find it? Your messages

If they already message you, it makes sense to direct them to your messages. 69% of respondents say messaging their company boosts confidence in their business.

Facebook Messenger ads encourage users to contact your company to request more information. Messenger is an excellent way to answer customer questions and increase trust in your brand.

2. Messenger ads enable you to have conversations that can lead to sales

Did you know that 47% of Messenger users use it every day? Facebook users use Messenger to communicate with friends and family. Your business should use this app, too. Facebook Messenger advertising can be a great way for people to connect with you and start these conversations.

Messenger ads enable users to invite other people to message them. This can encourage them to contact you. These ads will show your audience that you are responsive to messages on Facebook. This will encourage them to contact you confidently and receive an immediate response.

3. Customers who have previously interacted with your company may be re-marketed

People will openly interact with you to change their minds, get closer to conversion, or just be more open to your suggestions. Some people aren’t ready to purchase, forget their order, get distracted, or don’t want to buy. Facebook Messenger Ads can help you re-engage them, get them to reconsider your business, and whatever the reason.

To encourage someone to buy again, you could send them a follow-up message if they have contacted you before. This is a great way to reengage leads and convert them to customers.

7 steps to set up Facebook Messenger ads

Are you ready for Messenger ads? These are the seven steps you need to take to launch your Messenger ads campaign.

1. Go to Facebook Business Manager to launch your campaign

Log in to your Facebook Business Manager account to create your ad. To create a Facebook account, visit Facebook For Businesses.

2. Select your campaign goal

After you have decided to launch your campaign, you need to determine the campaign objective. Facebook advertising objectives can be divided into three categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. Conversion is also possible. For Facebook Messenger ads, you can choose between Messages or Traffic.

3. Choose the type of advertisement

Messenger ads can only be launched if the ad type you choose is correct. You should choose “Messenger” as your ad type. This will ensure Messenger ads are delivered to your company’s inbox, not a landing site.

4. Set your target audience

Next, determine your target audience. Your target audience will help your ads appear in front of the right people. These are the characteristics you will want to set:

  1. Localization
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Language
  5. Interests

If you are unsure who your target audience is, take a look at the customer and take note of their information. This will help you reach the right people through Facebook.

5. Placement of ads

This will enable Facebook to automatically choose placements for you. At this point, you only have one choice: to not select locations or devices. You can’t add more locations.

To avoid appearing in specific areas, you can change the location of your Messenger ads.

6. You have set your budget and your schedule

Once you’ve chosen the location for your ad, you can set your budget and how often it will be displayed. You will need to set a maximum budget for your campaign. To ensure that you don’t spend your entire budget in a single day, you can also input your maximum daily spending budget.

Kobe Digital will help you decide the budget that is right for your business. Facebook will ask you how many days you want to keep your ad active. Make sure you specify the time and date for your ad campaign.

You can run your ads daily or just once. Messenger ads require you to only post ads when your audience is available to answer their questions. It’s not a good idea for them to wait hours before they receive a response.

To optimize your advertising campaigns, partner with the Facebook Marketing Partners of Kobe Digital.

7. Get your Messenger Offer set up

Now you can have fun with your ad. You can now create your ad content. You will need to select the ad image and text, and then send your message to people to get them to click on your ad.

Personalize the message that users get when they click on your ads. To get people to click, you can give them a coupon code or other information. So that users know what happens when they click your CTA button, make sure it also states “Send me information”

Once you’ve set up your Facebook ad copy, you can start Messenger ads!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.