
How To Attract New Customers, With Content Marketing


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Digital marketing can seem slow when it comes to customer acquisition. Customers are the ones who drive the conversation online with businesses, rather than traditional, more direct marketing. It is not uncommon for the process to be lengthy and requires trust.

We don’t like to hang out with people we don’t trust. The same applies to online businesses. You must create a need and convince users to purchase your product or service unless they have a strong desire to use it. This is not easy if you are too salesy. Sounds difficult? Maybe. It’s possible, but not impossible.

Content marketing should build trust

Content marketing’s main purpose is to build trust and rapport with your audience. Content marketing is not always about special offers or sales pitches. It’s about sharing valuable information with people. To make your leads and browsers more invested in your brand’s products, you must first provide them with interesting or informative information.

Recent statistics offer compelling insight into content-based trust building:

  • 58% of consumers trust editorial contents
  • 61% of customers feel more confident about companies that offer custom content.
  • People follow brands on social networks because they have interesting content.

Great content builds trust between you, and your followers, and will help you publish insightful content, establish yourself as an industry thought leader, and send out entertaining tweets.

Maintain a well-maintained website

A blog can be a boon for both B2B and B2C companies. Blogs are more useful than social media posts that are mainly meant to be read. They allow you to expand on pertinent topics and generate more detailed content unless we’re talking Tumblr.

It’s not enough just to cover the basics of blogging. You won’t get much readership if you just dump a lot of text onto the page and let your users sort it all out. Show that you care.

The blog design should be clean and easy to read. High-quality images are best, so make sure to update your page frequently and double-check your grammar and spelling. A poor copy can show people you are not thorough.

Do not be too assertive

Aggressive courtship is a problem in all aspects of life. This rule is even more relevant in marketing because you are not pursuing love but trying to sell something.

The process of reaching people starts with branding via social media or SEO. This can help users find your website. These initial steps should not be ignored. By engaging in social media and posting useful content, you must show that you are interested in building relationships.

If a customer shows behavior that indicates he is interested in learning more about your site, you can request an email address.

This is where customer acquisition becomes more meaningful.

Hook them with a drip email campaign

Once you have their email address, it is possible to start addressing them through a more personal source: the inbox.

Drip email campaigns are a result of the constant pace of digital marketing services in Miami. Emails can be extremely effective (44% of recipients in a study purchased based on an email campaign). Don’t be aggressive, just as with other aspects of reaching customers online. When you plan a sale, consider creating a quarterly campaign that includes entertaining or valuable messages and occasional promotional emails.

Emails should contain concise copy and use appealing images. Every email should include a call to action. Your messaging should be unique to make them trust you and click on your website to make a purchase.

A transition to a face–to–face or face–to-business relationship

Despite the increasing success of online marketing, it is still a great way to build relationships in person. Marketers can almost always benefit by meeting customers and leads in person, much like vinyl music fans who love its tactile feel and unique sound.

It is important to connect with people to make a difference. You can meet other members of a group that you are a member of online marketing groups by attending networking events. This will enhance your digital connections.

If you own both an online and brick-and-mortar store, encourage customers to visit you and your employees. Online coupons that can only be used in-store are a good idea. Online-only entrepreneurs may want to offer coupons that can only be used in-store. 

Marketers who can step outside of their online persona are more trustworthy.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.