
How Much It Costs To Advertise on National TV


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Many business owners are asking the same question when considering online advertising options. “How does digital advertising compare to traditional advertising?”

You want to get the most out of your advertising investment, regardless of industry, business model, or target audience.

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How much does advertising on national television cost?

An average national TV advertisement can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $8,000,000. Prices may vary depending on the type and other factors. 

Below, we’ll be comparing the cost of online advertising with national TV advertising. Also, we will discuss some key differences between these two channels.

Setup cost & process

Advertising setup fees are the initial cost.

Advertising on national TV

The setup of national TV advertisements requires two main stages: design and production.

Design refers to the creation of an advertisement. Most likely, you will need to hire an outside agency that specializes in the video.

Production refers to actual creation. After you have chosen the style and design, it’s time to begin filming. Production covers everything from initial shooting through editing.

Television advertising setups can cost anywhere from $63,000 to $8 million. It can be time-consuming, depending on the complexity and length of the ad.

Online advertising

It’s relatively simple to set up online advertising in the country. All you need is a website and basic ad designs.

Many online advertising networks don’t allow you to design or format your ads. Choose an image and create a headline.

Online advertising needs a website component. Because users must be directed to your website once they click on your ad, it can be costly but possible with greater investment.

Online advertising can be set up for free if you already have a website. It could cost you more or less depending on the circumstances of your business.

Media costs

Now, think about the cost of getting your ads in front of your target audience.

Advertising on national TV

Media costs to air TV commercials on national television are measured in dollars per second. Also known as air time,

National TV’s average advertising rate is $342,000 per 30 seconds.

Online advertising

Media costs for online advertising are the amount you pay per qualified visitor. 

This cost can vary depending on your industry and other factors. It is typically between $5 and $3 per qualified visitor to your website.


You will need to continue to use your campaign even after it is launched.

Advertising on national TV

You must consider the cost of continuing a TV advertising campaign at a national level. This includes the rates you pay to your video production company.

You will pay $342,000 per additional ad, even if you don’t choose to partner up with a production company.

Online advertising

A continuing online advertising strategy costs $5 – $3 per qualified visit as you have been paying.

While you might need to create ads from time to time, it isn’t difficult.

Demographic services

It is important to consider both the cost and your target audience when advertising.

Advertising on national TV

This is where national TV advertising can become confusing. You can still reduce your audience by changing the channels on which your ads are shown, but this is not always accurate.

The truth is that you won’t know the demographics of which ads your ads are seen. This applies most to national television.

Online advertising

Online advertising allows you to control who sees your ads. Here are some common demographic targeting options:

  • Based upon search queries by users
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Physical location
  • Past behavior web
  • Interest-based

You can create an online advertising campaign that targets your desired demographic.

Definitively tracking your ROI?

Once you’ve launched your new advertising campaign, you need to calculate your return on investment

Advertising on national TV

It’s difficult to measure the effectiveness of TV ads.

Many companies will not ask customers about their experiences with them. This requires continuous self-reporting and can make it difficult to get accurate data.

Online advertising

Online advertising revolves around ROI. You can track everything.

Data analysis is the heart of online PPC advertising.

Are You Ready to Reach More Customers Through Online Channels?

National television advertising has proven to be a success for many businesses over the years. It will continue to prove successful for others.

But, national TV advertising is not as effective as online channels.

If you’re interested in national online advertising, we’d love for you to get in touch with us.

Kobe Digital’s experienced team of Internet marketers has years of experience in structuring and managing lucrative online advertising campaigns. Many businesses have seen their bottom lines improve with smart online advertising.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.