
How Long a Blog Post Article Should Be


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A blog allows you to share your thoughts with the world. Backlinks can increase website traffic, social media shares, and backlinks.

Articles should be written in a way that maximizes the benefits.

How long should a blog post be?

Our Kobe Digital Blog results have been analyzed and extensive industry research has been done. A blog post should be between 1,500 to 2,500 words. We found a sweet spot of 2,450 words.

These numbers are a good start, but there is no one-size fits all solution. Different topics require different content levels. This can be done by looking at the reasons why you started your blog and the content you want to share.

This refers to the relationship between the number and type of blog posts.

  • Blog posts of less than 300 words should not be used. These are good for SEO and sharing on social media.
  • In the past, a blog post averaged between 300-600 words. You won’t have enough space to research a topic.        
  • 600-800 words are the most commonly used range in professional journalism. These articles can help you get backlinks, and shares and even share them.
  • 1,300 to 1,700 words. You’ll often find “What …” Blog Posts.” This word length will lead to a lot more social media shares and educational content that gets backlinks.
  • 1,700 to 2100 words: This is the ideal length blog post for “How to …” Articles”. There are also good opportunities to convert leads or get organic traffic via search engines.
  • Listicles are a popular format for blog posts. They provide a complete picture and have a greater chance of being found on search engines.

This post is 2,476 words. 

  • 4,000 Words: These articles are the most popular and well-researched.

How do you determine the length of your blog post?

We have already mentioned that you must decide how long each post should be. 

What’s your blog topic?

Content can be categorized into different levels depending on the topic you are writing about. A blog post explaining why vegans should become vegan might have a shorter length than one of the top hostels in the world.

For whom are you writing?

It is important to understand your audience to create the right article length. Focusing on your audience is a great way to write the perfect article length.

It is crucial to know if your audience has a lot of background knowledge before you dive in. You will also know how deep to go into a topic, and how many words are necessary.

What is your goal?

Blog posts have a variety of goals, including gaining search rankings, sharing content on social media, and driving sales. Refer to the blog length chart to find the most appropriate match for your word count.

How long is the current ranking blog post?

It doesn’t take much to figure out how to do it. Type in the keyword most closely to your topic into a search engine.

Next, calculate the average length of each article’s blog posts. This will help you determine how long articles search engines consider appropriate to your topic.

These 3 benefits of blogging long-form posts

It has been determined that longer articles perform better. Are people getting tired of reading too many words? It can result in a loss of relevancy.

1. Longer blog posts will lead to more page time

40% spend more time reading long-form pages. Search engines see this and can use it to send positive signals to search engines about the quality and relevance of your post. This could lead to your article being ranked in the top positions.

You also have the option to monetize a blog with affiliate links and serving ads. This will increase your chances of promoting your products and increase your profit.

Long-form content that is between 1000 and 2000 words has 77% more backlinks than short content. This is a great way to build your authority as an author.

This could be explained by people being more likely to share useful content with others or to link to it.

3. The SEO is greatly enhanced by long-form content

Search engines’ mission is to collect information from all corners of the world and make it available to everyone.

Searching popular keywords can increase traffic which can lead to more business opportunities and conversions 

How do you create long-form blog articles?

We don’t want you to go without learning how to write long-form blog articles. These steps are followed in every blog post we write.

  1. Do your homework before you start
  2. Use strategic keywords in your article
  3.  A brief and detailed outline
  4.  Clearly label headings and sections
  5.  Break down paragraphs
  6.  Variable sentence construction
  7.  Use bullet points and numbers
  8.  Create readable content using active voice
  9.  Use transition words to keep paragraphs short
  10.  Share Your Original Perspective

1. Do all your research before you start.

Research is a great idea before you begin writing. This will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by writing long pieces.

We’ve already said that you should look at the top 10 websites in search results. These questions can give you some ideas about what you could cover in your post. 

2. Choose strategic keywords to include in the article

Keywords or phrases are key to solving any topic or problem. Keywords are what people type into search engines to locate articles, blog posts, or websites for businesses.

Keyword Research: How can you use Keyword Planning Tools? To search for high-volume keywords related to your post, you can use keyword research tools.

It’s a good idea to include the keyword in the title and introduction. This will help search engines identify whether your article is related to the search term and improve your chances of ranking it.

3. Create a concise and detailed outline

This will help you to prepare your outline. This will allow you to organize your article. You can also list other blogs that you might like to link to. The last thing you should do is think about where the keywords should go. This will make it easier for you to write your piece.

4. Headings and sections clearly

As we all know, we love skimming. You can also break down sub-ideas with H2 and H3 headings. This will allow readers to quickly jump to the most important parts of the article.

Your readers will be more likely to return to your site if you have a good heading. Your readers will be able to easily navigate your blog post and find the information they need, which will make them more likely to return time and again.

5. Break down paragraphs with images

There are two main benefits to using images in your blog posts.

6. Varied sentence structure      

Reading written material is like listening to harmony music. Alternating between longer and shorter sentences can help you engage your readers and make better writing.

7. Use bullet points and numbered lists

Let’s start with:

  • Readers
  • Love
  • Bullet points
  • Lists

Longer articles need to be well-organized and logical. You should use both bullet points and numbered lists to get your point across.

Bullet points numbered lists, and numbered lists can be useful when you need to explain steps in a guide. 

8. In active voice, write readable text

The readability score measures how easy it is for people to understand literature. This score can be anywhere from 0 to 100. It indicates how easy it is to comprehend the content.

Artificial intelligence-powered robots can crawl your website and blog posts to determine what your content is. Search engines can rank your article higher if it can be read.

9. Keep paragraphs brief and use transition words

Keep your paragraphs to under 100 words. Focus on one topic per paragraph.

These sections must contain transition words that will help you navigate between points not as closely related. The goal is not to lose your readers but to let them know where to go next.

Remember that more than 60% of searches are made via mobile devices.

10. Your original perspective is important

Even though the key points are covered, it is important to add your input to them.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.