
Google Ads PPC Pricing For Ecommerce


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Pay-per-click advertising is a way for Ecommerce stores to increase their sales and customers.

How much does ecommerce PPC cost?

Ecommerce PPC costs include a setup fee, management expenses, and ad spending. Management costs range from $400 to $5000 per month or 10%-20% on average monthly ad spending.

Understanding the cost of an ecommerce PPC campaign is crucial, especially when you compare agencies that specialize in ecommerce pay per Click pricing. 

Continue reading for more information about the e-commerce costs of PPC.

Kobe Digital, an industry-respected company offering ecommerce services and PPC campaigns, is available to answer your questions.

Ecommerce PPC ExpenseCost
Setup Fee for One-Time$500-$2000
AdvertiseMonthly Rents Up to $1500
Management$400-$5000/month, or 10%-20% of your monthly ad spending

What’s the cost of an ecommerce PPC?

Several factors can affect the cost of ecommerce PPC management.

  • Advertise
  • The PPC pricing model 
  • Work for an agency
  • The services deliverables your plan includes

Let’s take a closer look at each one of these factors.


Agencies often use a percentage pricing system. The pricing model can be used across multiple plans, depending on how it is used.

This example will give an idea of the pricing model.

Your company spends $5000 per month on advertising. Your agency will charge you 10% to manage your advertising campaigns. You can also spend $5000 on advertising networks like Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising.

Agency fees may be either flat-rate, percentage-based, or a percentage of your monthly advertising spend. 

If your company spent $5500 per month on ad networks, instead of $5000, then your agency would require 10% of your total advertising spend. The flat rate of $500 would pay $550.

This pricing model helps your agency cover its operating costs and gives you the best service.

These pricing models will help you understand the agency’s ecommerce PPC rates. You can also use them to get an estimate of the cost of their services.

The pricing model for PPC

There are many pricing models available for PPC pricing.

  • Flat rate: This is a monthly, fixed management fee.
  • A percentage of your advertising spending. You pay a monthly management fee based on how much you spend.   
  • Performance-based Charge: This charge is based on agency results and you pay a monthly administration fee

The pricing models of agencies can impact your ecommerce PPC costs.

A flat-rate pricing model will allow you to pay the same amount each month, even if your agency uses performance-based pricing. 

Before you sign with an agency, make sure to thoroughly research each pricing model.

The research will help you determine which pricing model works best for your company. However, unexpected costs could arise if the agency’s actual performance is lower than initially estimated.

Choose a pricing structure with a predictable monthly cost.


The greatest influence on ecommerce PPC pricing is that of agencies. They decide the price they will charge. Agency pricing is affected by many factors.

These are examples of agency-specific features which can impact PPC prices for eCommerce:

  1. Experience
  2. Talent
  3. Size of agency
  4. Reputation
  5. Specializations
  6. Technology

While many of these factors may increase agency rates, they can also be good indicators of service quality. Better service experiences not only mean better customer service but also higher sales in your ecommerce store.

Even if you don’t have the budget for the best PPC agency, these pricing factors are still important. Look at their past, talent, and history to determine if they offer a competitive advantage.

Service deliverables

Your service deliverables can affect E-commerce’s pay-per-click costs. This can lead to a cost difference.

Some service deliverables are not part of PPC plans.

  • Call tracking
  • Tracking leads
  • Fraudulent click monitoring
  • Landing page design
  • Testing landing pages
  • Shopping cart abandonment emails

Prices can change depending on what deliverables you choose. Custom landing pages will often result in higher click monitoring fees than fraudulent click monitoring.

You can compare these deliverables before you contact an agency to help make a decision. Once you have made your decision you can compare prices and deliverables from agencies to get a better understanding of the cost.


Create a custom strategy that includes Google and Bing Shopping Feed Management to generate leads and sales for your online store.


Social media advertising strategies on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can help you gain new followers, leads, and sales.


YouTube ads are a great way to get traction for your products. Reach new customers or remarket to existing customers with

Our ecommerce services are priced flat. The Basic Plan has a flat price. The Aggressive Plan and Market Leader Plans use a percentage of advertising spending pricing.

Kobe Digital can be used to manage your ecommerce PPC.

Kobe Digital can be trusted as an Ecommerce partner.

  • We care deeply about your success. Our digital marketing has helped clients earn more than $3B in revenue over the past five years.
  • We are your partners in creating revenue-driving campaign campaigns. With our decades of experience, we can optimize your advertising spending, improve your targeting, and increase your competitive edge in paid search.
  • Transparency: All of our plans, strategies, and services are transparent to you and your employees. Also, you can ensure that your company has an account with Google Ads. We also offer monthly performance reports.
  • Technology: Digital advertising is all about technology.

Kobe Digital will be your trusted partner. They value you, your team, and your goals.

Advertise your ecommerce store

Do you want to advertise now that your company is aware of the costs of ecommerce PPC advertising?

Kobe Digital has the right solution. Kobe Digital provides ecommerce search engine optimization services.

Call us or Email us to get started.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.