
What Are Facebook Instant Experience Ads?


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Social media ads can help increase engagement. Facebook Instant Experience is an excellent way to increase engagement. Instant Experience ads are viewed by more than 50% of users, with an average viewing time of 31 seconds.

Instant Experience ads can also be used on mobile devices, so your audience is always connected, even during slow load times.

Do you want to advertise on Facebook organically or paid? Learn from our experts

You are curious to learn more about Facebook Instant Experience ads and how they can drive results. For more information, continue reading or visit our Facebook advertising site!

What is an Instant Experience Ad on Facebook? How do they work?

Facebook Instant Experience ads offer full-screen highlights of your brand, products, and services. You can use the ads with images, videos, and slideshows.

Here’s how Facebook Instant Experience works.

  • These ads appear in the user’s feed like regular photo ads
  • Clicking on an ad is just a click.
  • It opens a mobile landing page that automatically expands to full-screen

Facebook Instant Experience is quick and simple to use for many campaign goals.

  • App downloads
  • Video views
  • Landing pages visited
  • Continue reading

Facebook Instant Experience is simple to integrate into social media marketing campaigns. This makes it easy to test their effectiveness using A/B testing.

Facebook Instant Experience templates

Five templates have been specifically created for mobile. They make it easy to create engaging campaigns with Facebook Instant Experience that are media-rich and all-in-one. This template is ideal for fashion, retail, and ecommerce. This template is compatible with all business models. Instant Experience lets you create fullscreen experiences that you can add to any of Facebook’s many ad formats.

You can make custom ads that include:

  • Carousels
  • Single photos
  • Videos
  • Text blocks
  • CTA buttons
  • Plus!

Every Instant Experience comes with a Facebook Pixel. This feature allows you to easily target viewers with a remarketing campaign.

These will provide you with all the metrics and data you need to make your campaign successful.

Buy Now

Instant Storefront displays multiple products in one grid. It is magazine-style. You can interact with them all in one place. This template allows you to integrate your ecommerce catalog into your Facebook marketing campaign. This template will allow users to browse through your products online.

Instant Storytelling

Do you want to enhance your brand image? This is the format you need. Instant Storytelling lets you create engaging video ads about your brand.

Videos are a great way to share your personality and quirks with your audience. This type of advertisement is a great way for you to demonstrate how your products or services can solve problems for your target audience.

Instant Lookbook

Instant Storefront is another format that can be used for creating Instant Lookbooks. Instant Storefront images do not display as a grid. They are displayed full-screen. Customers can scroll through your product list, one at a time.

Instant Lookbook allows users to see your products in action. You can show your products to others and get more information about the product. This will help you make a decision. This is a great way of increasing sales.

Instant Customer Acquisition

Instant Customer Acquisition is one of the most innovative features in Facebook’s Canvas ads. Instant Customer Acquisition can be used by advertisers to create mobile-friendly landing pages. Users can download apps from their Facebook app and sign up for the email newsletter.

They load extremely quickly Instant Customer Acquisition reduces the loading time of mobile landing pages. They load in under 15 seconds.

Instant Form

Instant Forms is another great addition. Instant Forms allows users to submit their information directly from the ad. This is a great way to pair it with Instant Customer Acquisition. Instant Forms allows users to stay on the platform and not leave, which could lead to the abandonment of ad campaigns.

Facebook makes it easy to fill out forms. Instant Forms automatically gathers as much information as Facebook can. Users can convert easily because of this. You will see an increase in conversion rates.

Facebook Instant Experience and Kobe Digital deliver results!

Kobe Digital is a Meta Business Partner. We have the expertise to create instant experience ads that produce results.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.