
Everything You Must Know Before Starting Your Digital Transformation


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The emergence of technologies like big data, artificial Intelligence, cloud, and mobile make it seem that a digital transformation is no longer an option. It seems more like a compulsion.

If not, there is a real danger that enterprises will fall behind their competitors.

Digital Transformation

It is a change that occurs by integrating digital technology into various areas of the business. This is the change regarding:

  • What is the business’s operation?
  • What does it do for customers?
  • Changes in the business culture/environment

There has been a consistent question over the years that is in every keynote, panel discussion, or article; it is how businesses can stay competitive and relevant for the long term.

Digital transformation simply means that you are rethinking old operating models to be more flexible and responsive to customers.

While it is impossible to create a single solution for digital transformation, this is one way to think about the concept.

It’s also about cultural change. Organizations must constantly challenge the status quo and be open to experimentation. And, of course, they have to learn from failure. You must let go of long-standing business practices and concentrate on newer ones.

Digital Transformation is of vital importance

Digital transformation: Why should you care? There are three reasons I can think of, but the most compelling is the survival of the fittest scenario. It’s more like “Digitalize or Goes Home”.


The customer’s purchasing behavior has changed with the advancement of technology. Customers expect the same experience with technology as they have in their personal lives. It can be a daunting task for small businesses. It is not. Businesses need more flexible hybrid IT services and agile networking capabilities to ensure a great user experience.

Increased effectiveness

These days, effective workforce engagement is in high demand. Employers are now looking to improve their productivity in areas such as finance and human resources. Automation has replaced manual processes, which were once important. Leaders can now focus on more business opportunities by automating critical areas such as payroll.


IT professionals and non-ITs face the same problem: how to place more data at the edge, while still keeping it safe and secure.

It has become complicated and requires strict enforcement of access, data compliance, and protection from attacks. It is sad to say that even the most rigorous security measures can’t stop these unwelcome attacks.

How to Make a Digitally Mature Business

Let’s first understand what a digital transformation framework looks like before we move on to the implementation. Although it will vary depending on the organization’s particular challenges and requirements, there are some common themes and constants among published case studies that businesses should consider.

  • Customer experience
  • Operational agility
  • Leadership and culture
  • Workforce enablement
  • Integration of digital technology
  • It’s time to get active

Welcome Opportunities

This is why it is important to evaluate the environment where transformation may occur. Certain industrial verticals, such as financial and healthcare, are more likely than others to change their processes. It is important to be open to change and willing to sell transformation as a business benefit.

While performing the transformation one must trust his or her vendor partner. Sometimes, roles can be threatening if the role of transformation is not clearly defined. However, this is very rare and rarely happens if you have teams dedicated to digital transformation.

Agile Digital

You can take small steps or big steps, but don’t try to do everything at once. Keep defining the issues and generating relevant feedback one at a. For digital transformation to be successful, you can adopt an Agile approach. Focus on achievable results within realistic time frames, and not on making grand promises that can’t be kept.

Analyze the Core Skillets

It’s time to get started if you haven’t already! Businesses need additional capabilities to use Agile methods internally and externally. This misconception is that no matter how much you try, you will never master all the skills required to achieve your goals.

Get Help from the Metrics

It can make a huge difference in your long-term and short-term business goals to keep an eye on metrics. If you’re more interested in robotics, then you should see tangible gains in automation. You must also take into account fraud detection and other projects that have measurable impacts. This helps to reduce the risk of digital transformation.

Last Thoughts

Let me conclude with a mention of Starbucks, which is one of the most successful examples. Starbucks has already created a complete consumer platform that is based on loyalty, while others were busy building mobile apps. The idea was to allow you to order using your smartphone and use the paid app.

The company is very focused on convenience, line avoidance, and discount. This app, when combined with a loyalty program, gives Starbucks the ideal platform to market and up-sell to consumers without investing too much.

The app also contains a lot of user data, which is funneled back to the company via it. This allows them to better understand the needs and behavior of their customers.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.