
Email Subject Lines: Ultimate Master Guide


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Email marketing campaigns are only as successful as the subject lines they contain.

Subject lines let recipients know what to expect from an email. 

Your subject line should be compelling recipients to open your emails These best practices will help you improve your email subject lines and achieve consistent, strong results

1. Concision

KISS stands for Keep It Simple and Stupid. This is one of the most well-known business sayings. It applies to sales pitches, marketing strategies, boardroom meetings, and all aspects of the business.

Email marketing is available.

Short subject lines make email more appealing Because a subject line is limited in characters,

Your recipients will also read your messages via mobile phones due to increasing mobile email usage.

This leaves you with less room for your subject line. Be careful with what you choose.

A person should be able to convey an idea in three words. Use subject, verb, or direct object to describe the situation.

2. Human email addresses

This is a proven method to get more people to open your emails.

Human email addresses are not given generic names.

Recipients are more likely than noreply@Kobe Digital.com to open emails sent from the Tyler@Kobe Digital.com address addresses.


Customers call customer service numbers to find out if they want to talk to someone other than a machine. They want to talk to someone, not an automated voice.

Although it may sound odd, email marketing is almost always a unidirectional conversation.

But, this does not negate the importance of human interaction. 

tyler@Kobe Digital.com mails could look suspiciously similar to spam.

This allows recipients to communicate directly with your business. They won’t send an email address that’s not relevant.

Personal email marketing is essential.


3. Personalization

Personalization is the process of personalizing emails so that they appeal to specific audiences.

These data can include demographics (information about consumer groups) or firmographics (information about employers). Both are excellent starting points.

Create a subject line.

Based on information about other people, you can modify it.

You should approach clients in the healthcare sector differently than those working in heavy machinery when you send them an email about updates to your B2B Software.

Subject lines can differ by a few words

  1. How will our updates affect your healthcare office?
  2. How our updates affect your equipment dealership

They can also be completely different.

  1. 3 ways to improve private practice marketing
  2. The #1 upgrade for your dealership software

You can be either. By showing people how relevant your information is to their industry, you are attracting their attention.

Already have a winning email strategy?

4. Don’t sell, tell

Members of your email marketing list are interested in becoming customers.

This is a reminder that you don’t have to market your company or products as strongly as you did when your customers first saw your brand.

Tell them about your business instead.

Your subject line doesn’t have to contain all details about your equipment and future sales.

Let them know how they can benefit from your email 

You could instead list benefits in the subject line, say “New Product — Specifics Inside” and “Our Sales Calendar.” “

These phrases can be used in general but they are specific enough that someone will know what you mean by them. It won’t clog their inboxes, nor do they waste their time with sales text.

5. Talk about what’s inside

Tell your recipients what it means in your messages.

This is a similar sale but it goes one more step.

Subscribers need to be aware of the benefits of opening an email.

If you are an online retailer and have 1000 products, the subject “Sale!” You won’t have enough information.

Use a subject line like “Electronics Sale!” You could also use the subject line “Electronics Sale!” or “Back to school sale!” It would be a good idea.

Email marketing can be difficult. It is essential that your recipients can anticipate what you will do.

6. Timing

Timing is everything in email marketing. This includes not only when and how often you send emails.

This refers to how you phrase your subject lines for work, and the time it takes to send them.

For example, If they’ve viewed fine dining options for two, you could send them an email on Wednesday evening.

You can appeal to your target audience by giving them enough time (two to three weeks), showing them interesting places, and offering date suggestions.

Getting your emails timed perfectly will let recipients know that you care about their interests.

7. Strong verbs

Strong verbs are essential for all forms of marketing.

Strong verbs can be action words that convey a message clearly in as few words.

“Get” is the English strongest verb.

“Get” can be used to tell someone what’s coming. They will get it and it will be theirs.

It has three letters and is therefore one of the strongest short words in the world.

You may use strong verbs depending on your needs.

  • Amplify
  • Attract
  • Create
  • Explore
  • What can you expect
  • Maximize
  • Send
  • Start
  • Tailor
  • Try it!
  • Upgrade

These 11 strong verbs are the most popular in marketing.

These can be very helpful if they are included in your subject line.

8. Urgency

Marketing revolves around urgency. 

Most likely, your email recipients have a busy life. You need to ignite a fire in their hearts to get them moving.

Subject lines for emails can be used to promote promotions or move inventory.

Use tried-and-true phrases like “Act now” or “Start today” to push recipients in the right direction.

This time-sensitive language encourages recipients not to wait until they finish something else, but to complete their tasks quickly.

This will enable them to convert from their email and help you grow your business.

9. Appreciate recipients

Everyone desires to feel special. Everyone longs to feel valued.

You can achieve both by using phrases like “Just for You!” or words such as “Exclusive”. Use these words in your subject lines. 

While they might seem like minor additions to an email subject they can elicit emotion from your recipients. This is a powerful business tool as it creates a relationship between you and your recipients while encouraging them to buy

Show your connection to email recipients and earn customers 

10. Numerous lists

Email marketing today is based on numbers. These numbers provide recipients with an overview of the contents of the email so that they can follow along as they read.

This principle can be found in many articles and blog posts. A number list lets readers predict the time it will take to open an email.

This allows them to track their progress as they read.

This is important for sales and marketing because it sets realistic expectations. Your subscribers will open your emails more often.

11. Humor

Humor is a great way to get someone’s attention, but it must not be overdone.

Humor-based advertising is a popular type of traditional advertising, especially television commercials. Brands that promote casual, relaxed lifestyles such as beer or snack foods are best

Humor might not be the best fit for your brand’s brand. This could make the difference between clicking and clicking or deleting automatically.

Humor can be risky. Humor can either work well or fail spectacularly.

Humor is always a good way to lower the risk.

You can make this strategy work best if your expectations are subverted. 

For example, you can subvert someone’s expectations by using a headline like “We have an issue …”.

The “… can be used as the start of your email body. We don’t have enough stock so we are selling it at half price! “

It’s great fun. Email Marketing is serious.

It’s possible to surprise people and make them laugh. 

12. Preview text

This is an easy best practice.

Do not block preview text when you email a list.

Preview text informs recipients what to expect from your email. Your recipients can see the first few lines of your email, which indicates that they can trust it.

This allows you to draw your recipients using just the first line in your body text. 

13. A/B Testing

A/B Testing is the best way for optimizing email subject lines.

Keep track of all emails you send to software providers. Take note of any strategies and subject lines.

Next, look at the patterns in your most lucrative subject areas to see what is working.

These patterns can help you connect to your audience and other segments.

This is a key point to remember when designing your email marketing campaign. 

Kobe Digital, an email marketing agency of excellence

Kobe Digital can be a great way to get more people to open marketing emails.

We offer a full-service Web marketing agency with over a decade of experience in Internet marketing. 

Are You Ready for More Customers?

Contact us today to get an email marketing plan for your business

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.