
Ecommerce Digital Advertising Ultimate Master Guide


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A digital advertising strategy is a way to increase conversions and sales on your ecommerce site. What is ecommerce advertising and how does it work?

More Information About Ecommerce Digital Advertising

This page will cover the basics of ecommerce digital marketing. We’ll also answer common questions like:

  •  What’s ecommerce digital marketing?
  •  What types of ecommerce digital advertisements?
  •  How important is digital advertising in ecommerce websites?
  •  How do you create a digital advertising strategy for ecommerce that generates revenue for your company?

What are ecommerce and digital advertising?

Ecommerce digital advertising is the promotion of your website and products via paid online platforms and using digital technology. You can use ecommerce digital advertising to create data-driven campaigns that increase your reach and encourage customers to become paying customers.

What are the types of ecommerce digital advertisements?

There are many types of ads that you can choose from when you invest in digital advertising for ecommerce websites. These ads will depend on the online channels and consumers that you wish to target.

These are the four types of eCommerce-related digital advertisements.

Search engines can help you increase leads and sales with over 70% of consumers searching companies online before making a purchase. You can promote your ecommerce website using search advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

You can place paid search ads for specific keywords or phrases that your target audience searches online. Your ad will appear at the top search results every time a user searches those keywords or phrases.

This will result in more sales and web traffic for your ecommerce site.

2. Display

display advertisements are a great choice for your ecommerce site if you need your ads to be more visually appealing.

Advertisement visuals include:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Banners
  • Buttons

Display ads can be displayed on websites, apps, or social media. Display advertising can help drive more sales when 90% of users say videos help them make purchasing decisions.

3. Social

Are you looking to reach more than five trillion active users with your ecommerce site? Social media advertising might be the answer you are looking for.

Social media ads allow you to promote your ecommerce site and products on multiple social networking platforms such as:

  •  Facebook
  •  LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

You can create social media ads that include text, images, and videos to promote your brand to more people. You can also use social media ads targeting features.

This means that you can create ads that display in users’ news feeds based on their browsing history, buying history, demographics, and other factors.

4. Influencer

Your brand awareness can be increased by advertising your ecommerce website to influencers. This will allow you to expand your reach and increase your brand awareness. This is because 92% of consumers trust recommendations from influential people over brand promotions.

Social media users with a large following are called influencers. Use influencers to promote your website.

You can reach more people by choosing an influencer in your niche. This will increase conversions as well as sales for your company.

If your website sells beauty products you might consider partnering up with an influencer to show your products.

What is ecommerce digital advertisement?

Traditional advertising can be used to promote your ecommerce site to a wide audience who might or may not be interested. Traditional advertising cannot collect data and provide insights into your campaigns’ performance.

However, digital advertising for ecommerce works differently. Digital advertising allows you to target consumers most likely to buy your products. This can increase your sales and revenue.

You can, for example, create ads targeting consumers based on:

  • Interests
  • Demographics
  • Hobbies
  • History of purchasing

Much data is also available for digital advertising on ecommerce websites. This allows you to easily measure the success of your campaigns, and use data for improving and forming new strategies. As a result, your business will see a remarkable return on investment (ROI).

What is the significance of digital advertising on ecommerce websites

We’ll now dive into the details of ecommerce digital marketing and how it can help your business.

These are the three benefits of digital advertising on ecommerce websites.

1. Brand awareness has increased

Digital ads are a great way to increase brand awareness on your ecommerce website.

Digital advertising allows you to reach more customers through online channels. This puts your brand in front of thousands of users on search engines and social media.

You can make it easier for consumers to find your business online with the right digital marketing strategy. Create ads that appear at the top of search results as well as on users’ social media news feeds.

2. You will get a better ROI

One of the greatest benefits of ecommerce is the ability to generate a high ROI on your marketing efforts. You can see which digital ads are delivering the most results for your company, unlike traditional advertising.

You can also view vital data such as your audience and conversion rates. You can then create data-driven strategies to drive sales and revenue for your website’s ecommerce site.

3. Attract higher-quality leads

To increase sales and conversions, you must attract the most qualified consumers to your products or services. Ecommerce digital advertising is a great way to attract quality leads.

Digital ads, as we have already discussed, allow you to target specific customers based on their demographics and interests. 

This means that personal marketing messages can be created to resonate with your target audience and attract more sales for your ecommerce site.

How to make your ecommerce digital advertising strategy work for you.

Do you want to know how to make your ecommerce website more profitable? We’ve got you covered.

These are the three steps to help you create an ecommerce digital marketing strategy that will increase sales and revenue. 

1. Highlight the benefits of your products and brand

You need to highlight the advantages of choosing your brand or products over those of your competitors if you want to get more people to click on your ads.

Take into account the problems that your target audience is experiencing and use your ads to demonstrate how your products can solve them.

You can make your ad more engaging and increase sales by mentioning the benefits of your brand and products.

2. Write stellar ad copy

Your ad copy is one of the most important elements of your digital advertising. This allows you to communicate effectively with your target audience, and give them more information about your products and business.

These are some tips to help you create stellar ad copy.

  • Create informative titles that grab the attention 
  • To guide the reader through your copy, use headings, and subheadings 
  • To break up large sections, use visual elements like images or videos.
  • Directly address your audience using the word “you”.
  • Appeal to the needs and interests of your audience

You can grab people’s attention by writing compelling ad copy and keeping them on your site longer.

3. Calls to Action (CTA’s)

CTAs are essential if you want your consumers to take action on digital ads. CTAs guide consumers to the next step after they have seen your ad. This could be browsing your products, signing up for your email, or making a purchase.

Your CTA should catch the attention of your viewers so they click on it. You can use bright colors to stand out while still matching the color scheme of your website.

It is important to use phrases that convey exactly what you want users to do. These are some phrases that you could use to create your CTA.

  • Browse our products
  • Download our free guide
  • Sign up to receive our emails
  • “Buy now”

CTAs can be used in ecommerce digital advertising campaigns to encourage consumers to take the next steps, increasing leads and conversions.

Kobe Digital offers ecommerce digital advertising services that will take your business to the next level.

Are you ready for more revenue and sales on your ecommerce website through digital advertising? Kobe Digital is here to help you!

Kobe Digital is a partner of your business. You’ll have access to a winning team of digital advertising and marketing professionals. We have helped our clients generate revenue through custom digital advertising strategies. We can also do it for you.

Call us or Contact Us Online today to speak with one of our strategists and learn how our digital advertising services are industry leaders that can help boost sales and revenue in your business.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.