
Leverage OpenAI’s chatGPT To Craft Flawless Cold-emails


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Welcome to the world of AI writing assistants.

You know how difficult it is to write effective cold outreach emails if you work in marketing, sales, fundraising, or any other job that involves email. It can be hard to write and even more difficult to do so in a manner that will capture your lead’s interest.

OpenAI ChatGPT is the answer.

OpenAI: What is it?

OpenAI is an institute of research that develops artificial intelligence that is both safe and beneficial to humanity. ChatGPT is their AI writing assistant. It uses a form of AI known as natural language processing (NLP), to create text that sounds human-like.

What is ChatGPT?

What exactly can you expect from ChatGPT?

OpenAI claims that Chat GPT is “conversational”. ChatGPT can use the dialogue format to admit mistakes, reject inappropriate requests, and challenge incorrect premises.

ChatGPT can generate complete sentences and emails with a simple prompt. ChatGPT will even suggest a subject for your email and can make suggestions on calls to action.

What are the advantages and limitations of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a great tool for writing cold emails.

It can save you tons of time. ChatGPT can do all the work for you. ChatGPT has been trained to read a large amount of human-written text, so it can create creative and engaging email messages that you may not have come up with on your own.

ChatGPT is not without its limitations and risks.

Remember that while ChatGPT is capable of generating text that sounds like it was written by a human, the machine is still a machine. It’s your job as a human to check the generated emails and ensure they are appropriate and make sense.

Remember that ChatGPT will only be as good as your prompts, so make sure you are specific and clear.

A text generator that uses AI can help you create the perfect email.

Let’s look at how you can use ChatGPT to create the perfect cold email now that you understand the basics.

You can write a prompt

Begin by asking ChatGPT for a cold, outbound email.

Describe what you sell and who your target customers are. You could, for example, say, “I’m selling a new kind of CRM software, and my ideal clients are small business owners.”

Similar customer personas

ChatGPT can generate similar personas for customers and industries. You will be able to create a variety of different potential customers that you can target in your cold email outreach.

Personalize your placeholders

ChatGPT will include placeholders that can be personalized per recipient. You can easily customize your emails to each recipient.

Add CTAs

ChatGPT can add calls to action such as inviting the receiver to schedule a demo or a call using Streak’s Mail Merge tool.

Focus on your tone and voice

You can specify the tone of the email.

You can choose between a friendly and informal tone or a more sales-oriented one. ChatGPT will generate text with a range of tones. Be sure to tell it what you want.

Optimize your email for conversion

ChatGPT will optimize your email to convert. It will then use language to convince the recipient to perform the desired action.

Create a compelling subject line for your emails

ChatGPT can generate a subject for your email. It is important to do this because a subject line can be the difference between an email being read or not.

Emails can be made shorter or longer

ChatGPT will lengthen or reduce the email according to your preferences.

ChatGPT will generate a longer, more detailed email that is persuasive and includes all the details you need. ChatGPT will also generate a more concise, shorter email if that is what you want.

Create variations for different customer segments

Ask ChatGPT for alternative emails to send out to the various target customers that it has identified. You will be given a variety of options from which to choose so that you can select the most suitable one for each recipient.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT can help you increase your cold email outreach.

ChatGPT can help you write cold emails to improve your outreach and save time. ChatGPT can be programmed to write cold emails for you. By giving clear and specific instructions, you can focus on parts of the email only humans can handle, such as personalizing the message and making the final edits.

Why not give ChatGPT an attempt? You may be surprised at how it helps you create the perfect cold email. With email merge, you can customize your emails and send them to multiple recipients with just a few mouse clicks.

Happy emailing!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.