
Grow Your Brand With Niche Social Media Influencers


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Marketing is all about the person. This decade has been more important than ever. People trust products and companies, but they only want to do this if they have a good relationship with the people who market to them. This makes niche social media influencers more important than ever.

This is not a new concept. Word of mouth has been the best-known marketing strategy for decades. It is important to know who trusted sources are and how they interact with consumers.

Social media influencer is a growing way to market to skeptical consumers. Social media posts from celebrities and fans have been a backdoor way to warm customers and promote brands and products.

How can a niche company take advantage of social media influencers for brand promotion? It’s easier than ever to make use of this marketing trend, thanks to the abundance of influencers across all product niches and sizes on the internet. 

Here’s a quick guide on how to create an influencer marketing strategy and find the right niche person for your product.

Create a plan to market to niche influencers

It is not a good idea to send messages to random influencers in the hope that they will promote your product. A detailed plan is essential for any marketing strategy. Social media influencers, like content distributors and marketing agencies in Miami, should have a detailed plan.

Before you approach anyone, determine the purpose of your campaign. Do you want to increase your user base in a particular region? Do you want to promote a particular product? Both you and your influencer will be able to tailor your approach by setting achievable goals.

Once you have decided on a goal, you need to learn as much about the niche that you are marketing to. Although this should be obvious, your product development and marketing efforts may have already included research into the niche you are targeting. However, it is so vital that it deserves to be repeated.

Knowing your niche will help you determine the type of influencers that they are looking for.

Another important aspect to consider at this stage is the budget. Determine how much and how long you’re willing to pay influencers. This is a key factor in deciding which category of influencers you will approach.

Social media influencers

Before you hire a social media influencer to help you, you must know what you want from their collaboration. This is related to the goal you discussed earlier. 

Do you want to increase awareness of your brand among a new audience? Or convincing niche consumers about the quality of your product. These questions will help you decide which level of influencer to approach.

The number of followers an influencer has will determine which category they fall under, but each one has its uses. The Mega-influencers with over 1 million followers are at the top of the list. These celebrities and stars are often well-known in their own right, not just on social media.

On the other side, macro-influencers have fewer followers, between 100,000 and 1,000,000, and often gain their following via social media. They often endorse a product or area of interest to them.

Micro-influencers are those with fewer than 100,000 followers, but who are very engaged in their field. Although they may not reach as many people, the ones that they reach are more likely than others to share their recommendations.

Nano-influencers are the smallest and last group. These are social media users who have less than 5000 followers but have high user engagement, similar to Micro-influencers. These users often share relatable, down-to-earth content.

You will look at different levels depending on the market.

Mega-influencers are often chosen for big-ticket items that have a strong brand presence. This makes their products more desirable and aspirational. If you are looking for niche items that you can use for hobbies or small business, Micro and Nano-influencers might be a better option.

How do you find influencers?

After you have a plan for your marketing and a list of potential influencers, you are ready to go out and find them. Many services can help you find the right person.

Awario offers unparalleled insight into social media trends across different platforms and is a great way to find influential people in particular niches. This tool connects you with the influencers and allows you to build a business relationship with them in a neutral, business-like setting than on the platforms.

Traackr.com is another similar option. This is what Bellim Jellis (an influencer at Last Minute Writing) recommends to anyone interested in influencer marketing. Traackr is my favorite social network for influencers. It’s easy to use, friendly, and a great way for you to connect with a wide range of companies.

You have other options if you are looking for them: The world of influencers databases is flourishing right now. Sites such as Klear or Heepsy boast millions of influencers in tens to thousands of subject areas.

A service like Google BuzzSumo may be more appropriate if you are having content management problems. This allows you to keep track of different content creators and conduct content research across blogs and social media.


This article barely scratches the surface of social media influencers. Once you have found one, it is up to you to keep that relationship going.

Successful influencer campaigns depend on long-term cooperation and mutual respect. This is something you and your influencers must work out together.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.