
Why Your Business Needs A Blog


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Are you running a blog on your website? If yes, great! Keep reading to find out how you can optimize your blog. If you answered no, I recommend starting one and reading more about how optimizing blogs can benefit your business.

As a marketer at Kobe Digital, I have learned one thing over the years: blogging is essential and is used regularly in successful business marketing strategies.

This is even though many prospects still ask me why my business needs a blog.

Blogs can boost your SEO. According to SEM Rush, 67% more leads are generated by B2B marketers who create blogs.

What does blogging do for your company?

1. Driving Traffic

Blogging can be a great way to increase traffic to your site and improve your SEO. Search engines index and crawl more quality content if you use the most relevant keywords for your industry. Search engines such as Google will recognize your website as a valuable resource for information.

You can also use your blog for content your audience might like to share with their friends on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Blogging is a great way to drive organic traffic to your site.

2. Credibility

Do you want to be trusted online? You can start producing valuable, informative content. Write about topics your target audience is interested in. This will demonstrate that you are not just a business selling products or services. You show that you care about helping others by creating informative or interesting content. Frase is my favorite tool for finding the right blog posts. It allows you to find the most popular topics and answers that people are asking on social media platforms such as Reddit and Quora.

3. Conversions to increase

BRB marketers who produce blogs receive 67+ leads per month, as mentioned previously. This is a significant increase in leads which can lead to more conversions depending on your sales cycle.

Blogs are a great way to engage with your audience. Use social media features such as the comments section and share to increase engagement. Asking direct questions to your audience can show that you care about them and humanize your company. Engaging with your audience is key to generating as much engagement as possible. The best way to achieve this is to have a lot of fun and be open to conversation.

4. Social Media

Your social media channels and blogs can drive more traffic to your website. Users can find out more about your brand, and what services and products you offer. As I mentioned, each blog post can be shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

If the content is great and attracts clicks, viewers are more likely to read the entire blog post. And if they enjoy what they read, they will most likely visit your website again. This is great news for you as it helps build brand awareness.

5. Email Marketing

The best thing about blogging? You can share every new post with your email subscribers. If written well, your blog can provide additional content that can be interesting to readers. This can help you build interest among your target audience.

We recommend that you include a subscribe button on every blog you own if your goal is to build your email list. You can then capture emails to use in your email marketing efforts.

6. Register for Free

A blog is a great way to advertise without paying anything. You can advertise your brand by writing a blog that is high quality and linking it to your product or service. If you’re writing about beauty trends, why don’t you link to your favorite lipstick in the article? Let’s link a free 15-minute phone call to your post if you’re writing about the best practices of your law firm. This is a great way to promote your brand without spending any money.


Kobe Digital’s team of SEO writers and SEO experts can help you create a solid blogging strategy for your business to increase your SEO and digital presence. Contact our team to learn how you can take your content marketing skills to the next level. 

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.