
How Big Brands Are Using Instagram To Empower Their Audience


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Introducing Instagram brands who stand out and promote products creatively and entertainingly.

To empower online audiences, it is important to take advantage of the creative potential of many media and have a collaborative relationship between content creators and their audiences. Learning from successful brands in empowerment marketing is a great way to get inspired. This means that you should make your audience and their dreams a part of your brand stories and campaigns.

Instagram isn’t just for individuals.

  • Marketers use Instagram to promote and engage with their audience.
  • Instagram is a social network that inspires and connects people. The best brands are those that communicate shared values, more possibilities, and personal growth.

Engaging people and creating content that resonates emotionally with your audience is the best way to communicate your message via Instagram.

Let’s take a look at how some of the most creative brands inspire their followers on Instagram.


Oreo knows how to market a simple product in many creative ways. Their videos and photos are simple, playful, and beautiful and they inspire their customers.

Califia Farms

Califia Farms makes natural beverages. They are known for creating playful, fun videos and GIFs on Instagram. This brilliant idea is amazing:


Starbucks is a standout on Instagram thanks to its beautiful, simple photos and videos. Here are some examples.

Nike Women

Nike Women features powerful images of strong women. Each photo is eye-catching and engaging thanks to its bright colors and simple background.


GoPro’s Instagram feed is filled with exciting, joyful, and exhilarating images that were captured using the GoPro camera. Many of these photos were created by users and feature the “Photo of the Day” every day. This is a great way to reward and engage followers.

Lonely Planet

These iconic guidebooks will inspire you to plan your next vacation. They not only take stunning pictures of nature but also share travel tips, stories, and local recipes. They are informative, entertaining, and visually pleasing.

Under Armour

Under Armour is a brand that demonstrates strength in all disciplines, from boxing to ballet. The marketing campaign, “I Will What I Desire” (here’s the creative campaign video) is an inspiring movement that inspires followers to believe they can do anything.

If you want to know more about using Instagram for business, HubSpot prepared a great guide explaining every step from determining brand guidelines, to the anatomy of the perfect Instagram post. You can download it on the HubSpot website. 

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.